Postal Bulletin 22208 >
The Postal Service is testing an additional application of the Seamless Verification System using Friend-to-Friend Mail postcards.
The postcards will be bound into five magazines between May and December. Some of the magazines' readers will detach the Friend-to-Friend Mail postcard, write a short message, address the card to a friend, and drop it in the mail.
The Seamless Verification System takes advantage of the latest advances in postal technology, using an Intelligent Mail barcode in combination with ID tags applied during mail processing to generate unique scan data that will allow the Postal Service to count Friend-to-Friend Mail postcards in the mailstream during the test. Postage is charged by linking the scan data to a Centralized Account Payment System account created for the test.
Mail processing and delivery employees who see these postcards should be aware that Friend-to-Friend postcards are First-Class Mail and should be delivered as addressed.
Who knows — maybe a friend will send one to you!