Supply Management

Mobile Mail Screening Station

United States Postal Inspection Service: Mobile Mail Screening Station (MMSS).

The United States Postal Inspection Service® deployed its new self-sufficient mobile mail screening sta­tion (MMSS) during the week of June 11 at the Global Ini­tiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism Conference held in Miami, FL.

The MMSS can detect chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive threats. This state-of-the-art, 53–foot custom tractor-trailer contains eight functional areas specifically designed to incorporate new and existing technology. Depending on the anticipated mail volume at a given event, the MMSS will require five to eight people to staff and operate.

Future assignments will likely include all future National Security special events (NSSEs). Two of the largest NSSEs will be the 2008 Democratic National Convention and the Republican National Convention — serious jobs for a no-nonsense piece of technology.

The Postal Inspection Service developed MMSS to enable comprehensive mail screening at special events. The Technical Services Division of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service developed the initial designs, wrote the specifications, and identified the needed technologies. The Postal Inspection Service collaborated with Postal Service™ contracting experts to turn this concept into a reality.

The supply management professionals at the Eastern Services Category Management Center (CMC) assisted in sourcing a best-in-class custom trailer manufacturer. Working together, the cross-functional purchase team completed the work on schedule and under budget.

The MMSS is an important step toward improving homeland security and should make all Postal Service and Postal Inspection Service employees proud, while making all of the American families we serve safer and more secure.