The Postal Automated Redirection System (PARS) Separator Cards are now available for ordering online. To place an order, use Siemen’s Online Help Desk Web site You don’t need a login to place an order. Orders are sent directly to Siemens After Market Sales (AMS) department for processing.
The online order form is similar to the current fax form. To complete an order, you must provide your site information, ZIP Code™ to be printed, shipping information, shipping method, payment method, as well as the type and quantity of cards.
When you place your order, you will receive a confirmation with a ticket number and a note stating that you will be contacted to confirm the order. (See example of confirmation below.)
Note: Siemens AMS will not process orders without verbal confirmation of the order and, if paying by credit card, the credit card number will be taken during the telephone call by a Siemens AMS sales person.
All separator card shipments are wrapped with a red shrink-wrap for easy identification. The cost of the separator cards are as follows:
Cards are shipped by Express Mail® or Priority Mail®. Allow 2 weeks for delivery after you place your order.
You may also continue to order separator cards by contacting Paula Hunter or Pat Lewis at Siemens AMS at 800-528-4069 or 800-938-7378.

— Capital Equipment Material Management, Supply Management, 8-2-07