Postal Bulletin 22213 >
Information Desk > Marketing > Approved eVS Mailers
The parcel mailers listed in the table at the end of this article are currently the only ones authorized to manifest parcel mail using the Electronic Verification System (eVS) to pay for parcel mailings that are prepared under Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 705.2.9 and that meet the technical specifications in Publication 205, Electronic Verification System Business and Technical Guide.
Limited Brands Direct Fulfillment (LBD Fulfillment) — based in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, in the Columbus District — began mailing under eVS on August 6, 2007, with distribution to the following bulk mail centers:
FedEx SmartPost, which is testing eVS, is also permitted to place the “eVS” endorsement in the permit imprint indicia printed on its mailing labels. However, FedEx SmartPost is not using eVS for postage payment during this test.
eVS mailers are not required to use PS Form 8125, Plant-Verified Drop Shipment (PVDS) Verification and Clearance, with these exceptions:
Mailers interested in eVS can obtain information about the program from the following sources:
- Publication 205, Electronic Verification System Business and Technical Guide. This publication contains business and technical information about eVS, with coding and file format updates for the implementation of new rates effective May 14, 2007. The publication is available online at
- PostalOne! Help Desk. The Help Desk can provide general business and technical information about the program, provide required forms, and assist mailers in completing the eVS application. Mailers can contact the Help Desk either by e-mail at or by telephone at 800–522–9085.
Note: International Bridge, Inc., is also doing business as
— Business Mailer Support, Customer Service, 8-16-07