The Expedited Packaging supplies recently received a makeover, as shown in the images that are included with this article, and now Publication 22, Expedited Packaging Supplies: Standard Operating Procedures, has received one as well. The updated version of Publication 22 is available on the Package Services Web site at; under “Customized/Co–Branded Packaging *** newly revised ***,” click on the PDF link for Publication 22.
Publication 22 is an internal document that outlines standard operating procedures for qualifying Express Mail®, Priority Mail®, international, co-branded, customized, specialized, or standardized packaging supplies. These supplies have also been awarded “Cradle-to-Cradle” Certification for an innovative vision of ecological and intelligent design that helps reduce waste. The objectives of the packaging program are to increase revenue and customer retention and to improve efficiency and on-time delivery.
The specialized and customized programs discussed in Publication 22 use the following forms:
These forms are automated and are available on the Postal Service™ PolicyNet Web site:
(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is
Other updates to Publication 22 include the following:
Publication 22 also includes frequently asked questions (FAQs) and copies of all necessary forms for the business cases and re-orders.
If employees have any questions regarding the publication, they should contact their operations integration specialist, small business specialist, or business development team representative.

— Package Services,
Product Development, 8-16-07