Felix Quintero of St. Lucia, FL, is the first missing child to be recovered since the new 4-color ADVO ShopWise ad for missing children went into circulation earlier this year.
Felix had been missing since he was two months old. He was recovered safely in Brooklyn, NY, after the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) received an anonymous tip. The one-year-old child was found with his non-custodial mother.
In May of this year, USPS, NCMEC and ADVO began featuring larger, color photos of America’s missing children on page four of ShopWise mail circular. Until then, smaller, black and white photos had been placed on a detached address label. Felix Quintero is the 145th child to be safely recovered as a direct result of the program and the very first since the reformatted ad campaign on the ShopWise back page began.