Effective September 15, 2007, Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement, is revised to add sections for the new Initial Road Test (Examination 804).
Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement
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5 Suitability
51 Employment Eligibility and Suitability
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517 Qualifying Tests
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[Add the following:]
517.6 Initial Road Test
The Initial Road Test (Examination 804) provides a practical, systematic way to measure an individual’s skills and ability to drive safely while performing carrier duties.
517.61 Purpose
The Initial Road Test assesses the basic driving skills that applicants are expected to have before entering rural and city carrier positions. The test reflects the typical, normal driving conditions encountered by carriers. An eligible rating on this examination indicates that the applicant has demonstrated the minimum, basic driving skills expected of a new rural or city carrier.
517.62 Jobs That Require the Initial Road Test
Applicants for city carrier (career and noncareer), career rural carrier (when filled externally), rural carrier associate, and temporary relief carrier are required to achieve an eligible rating on the Initial Road Test. The test is not administered to applicants for motor vehicle operator, tractor-trailer operator, and other jobs that require driving.
517.63 When the Initial Road Test Is Not Required
Examination 804 is not administered when the applicant:
a. Has earned an eligible rating on the Initial Road Test within the past 2 years. (An eligible rating is valid for a period of 2 years from the date of the examination.)
b. Is a former career or non-career employee, held a position before separation that requires the Initial Road Test, and has been separated for less than 1 year.
c. Is an employee applying for a position that requires the Initial Road Test, who currently holds a position that requires the test.
517.64 Screening Before Administering an Initial Road Test
Form 2480 and the appropriate state driving abstracts (see 516.2 and 516.3) must be reviewed and compared to the Table of Disqualifications (Exhibit 516.4) for applicants who potentially will be considered for the carrier jobs listed in 517.62. A determination that an applicant’s driving history meets the eligibility requirements for safe driving must be made before the applicant takes the Initial Road Test. Applicants who are found ineligible (i.e., do not meet the requirements for safe driving) must not be administered the Initial Road Test.
These requirements apply to all applicants for carrier jobs, including external applicants and noncarrier career employees applying for reassignment, change to lower level, or promotion. External applicants applying for jobs that require the Initial Road Test must be administered the test only if they:
a. Have been determined to be suitable and eligible for employment;
b. Meet other test requirements; and
c. Have a driving history that meets the requirements for safe driving.
Applicants for reassignment, change to lower level, or promotion who are not currently in carrier positions but are applying for carrier positions (see 517.62) do not receive screening of driving history for meeting safe driving requirements until they are within range of consideration for reassignment, change to lower level, or promotion.
517.65 Administering the Initial Road Test
The Initial Road Test can be given only by a certified permanent or ad hoc driving safety instructor (DSI) or a certified ad hoc road test examiner (RTE). When scheduling the Initial Road Test, the Test Orientation Guide is provided to the applicants so that they will know how to prepare for and what to bring to the test. The DSI or RTE gives the test on a prepared test route using the Directions for Conducting the Initial Road Test.
517.66 When Applicants for Carrier Positions Can Be Selected
If a job requires the Initial Road Test, then only an applicant who has an eligible rating on the test may be selected for that job (see 517.62). Applicants are not administered the Initial Road Test unless a determination has been made that they meet safe driving requirements (see 517.64).
If they currently do not hold a carrier position, applicants for reassignment, change to lower level, or promotion to a carrier position (see 517.62) must qualify on the Initial Road Test before being considered for the requested action. These applicants are not administered the Initial Road Test unless a determination has been made that they meet safe driving requirements (see 517.64). If an employee fails the Initial Road Test, that employee is not eligible for consideration for the vacancy and must wait for the next open position to retake the examination.
517.67 Scoring Procedures
Procedures for scoring the Initial Road Test are contained in the Directions for Scoring Road Tests. Test results are stored by the National Test Administration Center.
517.68 Processing Applicants on Registers
When an applicant from a register obtains an eligible rating on the Initial Road Test, that applicant may be selected for employment and given a job offer. If an applicant receives an ineligible rating, status code DRU is entered on the hiring worksheet to inactivate that applicant for the vacancy. (See Exhibit 523 for processing instructions.) An applicant who receives an ineligible rating can be given another chance to take the Initial Road Test only if his or her name is reached for employment consideration for a different office. An applicant who receives an ineligible rating on a conventional register does not get a second opportunity unless that applicant’s name is reached for potential consideration on a different register.
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52 Determining Eligibility and Suitability
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523 Negative Eligibility or Suitability Decision
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Exhibit 523
Disqualification Processing
[After “English Competence,” add “Initial Road Test” as follows:]
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We will incorporate these revisions into the next online edition of Handbook EL-312, available on the Postal Service™ PolicyNet Web site:
(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.)
It is also available on the Postal Service Internet:
- Go to www.usps.com.
- Click on About USPS & News, then Forms & Publications, then Postal Periodicals and Publications, and then Handbooks.
— Selection, Evaluation, and Recognition,
Employee Resource Management, 9-13-07