Extraordinary courage

Oakland, CA, Letter Carriers Gilbert Rangel, left, Alan Girard, Karen Hill, and Tanya Joseph with Baywood Apartments Property Manager Kathy Walsh. Letter Carrier Rick Quinonez also helped rescue residents of the apartment complex during a fire.

Oakland, CA, Letter Carrier Alan Girard was finishing his rounds when he saw smoke pouring from the Bay­wood Apartments.

A window shattered as Girard approached the 112-resident senior citizens complex. Flames spread quickly to the third floor.

Girard activated the fire alarm and pounded on doors. He helped several resi­dents to a stairwell, where he was joined by letter carrier Rick Quinonez. The two helped customers — including a wheelchair-bound resident Quinonez had to carry — down a flight of stairs to safety.

Outside, Letter Carrier Gilbert Rangel joined Quinonez and Girard. The three returned to the building to assist more residents, some with walkers, to safety. Meanwhile, Letter Carriers Tanya Joseph and Karen Hill rushed to the top three floors of the six-story complex and rescued more residents.

The letter carriers had rescued 100 residents by the time firefighters arrived to extinguish the three-alarm fire. In a letter to Postmaster General Jack Potter, Baywood Prop­erty Manager Kathy Walsh wrote that the quintet of letter carriers displayed “extraordinary courage.” She added, “It’s not often that you find people of such character and willingness who go above and beyond the call of duty, and for this we are thankful.”