Requests for Filming and Still Photography on Postal Service Premises

Many Post Office™ facilities receive requests from individuals and non-news organizations to film or take pho­tographs on Postal Service™ premises. Non-news organizations may include but are not limited to the following:

Administrative Support Manual (ASM) subchapter 66 was recently revised through the article titled “ASM Revi­sion: Responsibility for Licensing and Rights and Permis­sions Moves to Product Development” in Postal Bulletin 22214 (8-30-07, pages 5–8) to specify that all such requests (aside from news reporting) should be directed to the Office of Rights and Permissions. (Note: These ASM requirements do not apply to Postal Service employees who take photographs and film for official Postal Service business.) To see the revised ASM section, access the online ASM available on the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site:

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet Web site is

General policy for photography/filming on Postal Service premises may be found at Title 39 of the Code of Federal Regulations, section 232.1(i), and Postal Opera­tions Manual (POM) Section 124.58, “Photographs for News, Advertising, or Commercial Purposes.” More detailed information appears below.

Requests From News Media for Reporting

All requests from qualified news reporting services to film or photograph on Postal Service premises must be referred to the local Public Affairs and Communications representative. Contact information is located on the Media Relations Web page at

Photography and Filming for Personal Use

Informal snapshots from handheld cameras for personal use may be allowed at the postmaster’s discretion provided that there is no disruption to Postal Service operations and that the pictures are taken from areas accessible to the public. In these cases, no prior permis­sion is required from the Office of Rights and Permissions; however, no lighting or scaffolding may be set up, and no picture can depict any Postal Service employee, customer, security camera, or cover of mail (i.e., the exterior of a mail­piece, which would show customer name and address among other things). Postmasters may restrict any and all photography if they determine that it is disruptive or there are potential security concerns.

Professional Photographers and Film/TV Production Companies

People who request to take professional-grade photo­graphs or film on Postal Service premises must be referred to the Office of Rights and Permissions, and they will be required to sign a license and/or location agreement prior to taking any photographs or filming. Included in this cate­gory are documentary and student film-makers and photographers.

Quick Tips

Here are a few examples of requests that must be directed to the Office of Rights and Permissions:

When a Request for Professional Photography/Filming Is Received

Approval of all requests is coordinated between local postmasters/PAC field employees and Headquarters. Any request must be approved by both groups. In addition to referring requests to the Office of Rights and Permissions, the postmaster must notify the Public Affairs and Commu­nications area representative.

Postmasters can deny any request for professional filming/photography if they determine that the photography and/or filming will cause too much disruption. If a postmaster denies the request, a Rights and Permissions application does not need to be completed.


Because a location agreement involves coordination with numerous stakeholders, at least 2-weeks’ advance notice is requested whenever possible. While the Office of Rights and Permissions will make every effort to accommo­date last-minute requests to photograph/film, it cannot under any circumstances accommodate requests made with less than 48 hours notice.

Once a license or location agreement has been signed by both the Postal Service and the requester, access can be granted to film or photograph on the premises as spec­ified under the terms of the agreement.

For more information, contact the Office of Rights and Permissions at More information about the Rights and Permission program is also available at