VI. For Postal Managers

Progressive Warning Letters and Thank You Letter

This section offers materials for you to use to help your letter carriers do their jobs more safely. You can use the progressive warning letters to alert dog owners to the pos­sible loss of mail delivery if they do not restrain their pets. Additionally don’t forget to send a letter of thanks when they do!

Warning letters, like collection letters, need to be han­dled tactfully. The first and second sample letters on the Web site tell customers what we want them to do. The third tells them we have taken corrective steps. The fourth and fifth letters detail the customers’ options. In using these let­ters, keep in mind that our purpose is not to police the neighborhood but to obtain a safe environment in which carriers can do their work. Though most customers will respond to your first polite request, be meticulous in follow­ing up if they don’t. Otherwise, your efforts will not be taken seriously.

Samples of these letters can be found on the Web site at

Nondelivery of Mail Policy

The availability and use of the repellent does NOT replace the policy of nondelivery of mail where there is ani­mal interference!

Collection and delivery service personnel are to report the name and address of the customer where such interfer­ence occurs to the postmaster or authorized supervisor who must immediately telephone the customer and request that the animal be confined during the usual deliv­ery hours in the neighborhood. The postmaster or autho­rized supervisor must further inform the customer that (1) no deliveries will be made until this is done, and (2) service will be restored upon assurance that the animal will be con­fined.

Dog Owner’s Responsibility

It is the dog owner’s responsibility to control the dog. Most communities have ordinances for the control of dogs. In spite of the fact that postmasters have frequently requested customers to control their dogs, and have dis­continued service to control this problem, injuries still continue.