IMM Revision: No Return Charges for International Surface Air Lift Items

Effective April 10, 2008, we are revising Mailing Stan­dards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) 770 to add International Surface Air Lift® (ISAL®) to the list of undeliverable-as-addressed First-Class Mail International™ products that a foreign postal administration may return to the U.S. sender without being subject to the payment of return charges.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM)

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7 Treatment of Inbound Mail

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770 Undeliverable Mail 771 Mail of Domestic Origin

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771.5 Return Charges for First-Class Mail International 771.51 General Procedure

Except as noted in 771.52, undeliverable-as-addressed First-Class Mail International mail that a foreign postal administration returns to the U.S. sender is not subject to the payment of return charges. This provision applies to postal items that were originally entered at the following rates of postage:

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[Add a new item “e” as follows:]

e. International Surface Air Lift (ISAL).

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We will incorporate this revision into the online version of the IMM, which can be accessed via Postal Explorer® at