Additional Information for Employees

Postage Payment Options for Official Election Mail

As with all mail, postage for OEM — including vote-by-mail ballots — is required to be paid before mailing. The fol­lowing postage options are available for use on OEM:


* The free absentee balloting materials format may only be used for federal elections and when sent to authorized persons as permitted in DMM 703.8.0.

Handling Absentee Balloting Materials With Insufficient Postage

From now until the election in November, Post Offices can expect to see absentee balloting materials in the mail. Since most absentee balloting materials require postage, it is conceivable that some of these mailpieces will be short­paid, and some will contain no postage at all. It is critical that this mail is handled correctly to avoid any negative impact on election results or the Postal Service.

Employees need to be aware that absentee balloting materials are handled differently than other unpaid or short­paid mailpieces. ABSENTEE BALLOTING MATERIALS ARE NOT TO BE RETURNED FOR ADDITIONAL POST­AGE OR DETAINED! The postage is collected from the election office. Any delay of absentee ballots is a violation of Postal Service policy.

All employees must adhere to Postal Service policy as follows:

Employees with questions or concerns about handling absentee balloting material should contact their supervisor or district political mail coordinator.

Use of Lobbies and Postal Property

From now until the election in November, postmasters and station managers can expect to receive inquiries con­cerning the use of Postal Service lobbies and grounds for election-related activities. It is critical that all employees communicate the same message to prevent any negative impact on the Postal Service.

Do NOT allow the following items to be placed or collected in a Post Office lobby:

Do NOT allow the following activities to take place in a Post Office lobby, on postal sidewalks, or other exte­rior postal property:

  • Campaigning for election to public office. Any activity conducted in support of a campaign for election of an individual to any public office is prohibited on Postal Service property. This prohibition includes depositing, posting, displaying, or distributing cam­paign literature; asking for or collecting signatures to put a candidate on an election ballot; or asking for or collecting contributions for a partisan organization or cause. Refer any questions about these prohibited activities to the Law Department Field Office in your area.

These items or activities may be allowed in a Post Office lobby with the following limitations:

Requests for Help With Mailing

Postmasters and station managers may be contacted by election officials asking for help with their mailings. Refer election officials to the Election Officials’ Mailing Resources site at, which has everything they need for mailing in one convenient place. As always, the local MDA and district BMEU personnel are available to help with inquiries concerning election mail. For assistance with PCM, contact the district marketing manager.

Official Election Mail — What Employees Need to Do

Political Campaign Mail — What Employees Need to Do