
Fire Prevention Week 2008: October 511

“Prevent Home Fires!” is the theme of Fire Prevention Week 2008, sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), an international nonprofit organization that provides information on fire, electrical, and building safety.

The message for 2008: “Your home should be a safe haven. But do you regularly check for home fire hazards? If not, there is the potential for danger!” According to NFPA, the leading causes of home fires are cooking, heating, and electrical and smoking materials.

NFPA has posted a wide variety of materials for Fire Prevention Week on its website, including a checklist to inspect homes for fire risk; activity sugges­tions for fire departments, teachers, children, and families; and facts about fires. You can even take an online quiz to test your home escape planning know-how!

The Postal Service™ encourages managers, employees, and safety professionals to use the NFPA materials when preparing local Fire Prevention Week pre­sentations or activities. The materials may not be used for commercial purposes; however fire departments, civic groups, and workplaces are encouraged to copy and dis­tribute them.

Fire Prevention Week provides us all with an opportunity to identify and correct conditions at work and at home that may cause fires and tragic losses.

Did you know? The first nationwide catalog was published in 1872, offering more than 100 products by mail.