Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates


DMM Revision: Postage and Fees Refunds for Unused Value in Postage Meters and PC Postage Accounts

Effective November 6, 2008, the Postal Service™ is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 604.9.2.8 and 604.9.3 to establish a minimum dollar amount for the issu­ance of checks by the USPS® for the refund of unused postage value in postage meters and PC Postage® accounts. In addition, we provide specific time frames and procedures for refunds of different types of postage pro­duced by PC Postage and postage meter systems.

We published a Federal Register final rule on October 16, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 210, pages 61255–61356) establishing a $25.00 minimum for USPS issuance of individual customer refund checks for the unused post­age value in postage meters and PC postage accounts. In addition, the final rule:

We will incorporate these revisions into the November update of the online DMM on Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com and into the next printed edition of the DMM.