Annual Vending Machine Income Report Due Soon

A summary of vending machine income sharing and other activities related to the Randolph-Sheppard Act Amendments of 1974 was required for fiscal year 2008 (October 1, 2007, through September 30, 2008). This report (see page 30) complies with an annual request from the Department of Education and Handbook EL-602, Food Service Operations, 441.3.

The report covers proceeds and/or commissions of every Postal Service™ installation with even a single coin- operated vending machine (stamp machines excepted) selling snacks, drinks, food, or tobacco. Post­masters, installation heads, lead plant and district manag­ers, and district Human Resources and Headquarters field unit managers must prepare or consolidate and send reports as described below by the dates shown.

By January 30, 2009 — All Postmasters and Installation Heads

Send final reports to the processing and distribution lead plant or Customer Service and Sales district level manager. Postmasters must send consolidated reports to appropriate managers (see format for reporting vending machine income provided) including proceeds and/or commissions from vending machines at their branches and stations.

By February 17, 2009 — Lead Plant and District Managers

Consolidate reports by state and forward them to dis­trict Human Resources managers.

By March 2, 2009 — District Human Resources Managers and Headquarters Field Unit Managers

Send consolidated reports, summarized by state, to this address:

Manager, Corporate Personnel Management
Annual Vending Income Report
U.S. Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Rm. 1831
Washington, DC 20260-4261

vending machine incomeVending Machine Income form.