Revenue Unit for Fiscal Year 2008

The revenue unit for fiscal year 2008 is $366.10. This is the average revenue for 1,000 pieces of revenue-generating mail and special services transactions. The rev­enue unit is used in the process of determining the proper cost ascertainment group (CAG) for Post Offices. To find revenue information for an individual Post Office™, visit the Headquarters Accounting website on the Postal Service™ Intranet:

n Go to

n Click the Inside USPS tab.

n Under “Finance,” click Accounting.

n Under “Related Links,” click ANCM / FNCM / GR.

n Click the Enter Gross Revenue button.

n Click the Gross Revenue Inquiry link.

n In the Report Data section, select any of the requested data attributes (e.g., Gross Revenue, Number of Revenue Units, etc.).

n In the Report Criteria section, select the fiscal year and enter your finance number.

n Click the Run Report button to display results.

The direct URL for the ANCM/FNCM/GR webpage is http://mnpb1:10065/access.html.