
Employee Identification Number Replaces Social Security Number

Effective February 16, 2009, retail associates in POS, IRT, and eMOVES postal retail units must use employee identification numbers (EINs) instead of Social Security numbers (SSNs) when entering the following employee-related items:

n AIC 554, Payroll Adjustment Payment Issued.

n AIC 754, Authorized Emergency Salary Issued.

n AIC 755, Emergency Travel Advance Issued.

n AIC 057, Employee Stamp Credit Overage.

n AIC 068, Employee Cash Overage.

n AIC 764, Employee Cash Shortage.

n AIC 767, Employee Stamp Credit Shortage.

To coincide with system changes, the following PS forms have been revised to replace SSN with EIN:

n PS Form 2240, Pay, Leave, or Other Hours Pay Adjustment Report.

n PS Form 2240R, Rural Pay or Leave Adjustment Request for PS Form 1314.

n PS Form 2240RA, Rural Pay or Leave Adjustment Request for PS Form 1314-A.

To coincide with system changes, the following PS forms will be revised to replace SSN with EIN:

n PS Form 1011, Travel Advance Request and Itinerary Schedule.

n PS Form 1608, Emergency Salary Authorization.

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