Highlights of Changes
Domestic and International Mailing Services
On February 10, 2009, the Board of Governors of the Postal Service™ announced new prices and product features effective Monday, May 11. New mailing standards to support the price changes are being implemented, as well.
Complete price and fee information, including the new Mailing Services prices and current Shipping Services prices, can be found in Notice 123, Price List, available at www.usps.com/prices/pricechanges.htm. Customers and employees can view, download, and print the price tables. Notice 123 can also be found in this Postal Bulletin starting on page 1. Federal Register notices to support the May 11 price change are available on Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com.
The May 11 price changes include the following services:
n First-Class Mail®.
n First-Class Mail International™.
n Periodicals.
n Standard Mail®.
n Package Services Mail.
n Bound Printed Matter.
n Library Mail.
n Media Mail®.
n Parcel Post®.
n Extra Services and Fees.
n Parcel Select®.
n Bulk Mail Center (BMC) and Origin Bulk Mail Center (OBMC) Presort.
n Barcoded Nonpresort.
n International Priority Airmail™ (IPA®).
n International Surface Air Lift® (ISAL®).
First-Class Mail
The increase for First-Class Mail (including First-Class Mail International) items is 3.8 percent on average. The additional-ounce price for all retail letters, flats, and packages remains 17 cents, and for automation and presort letters, the additional-ounce price remains 12.5 cents. We also maintain the 2.2-cent difference between 5- and 3–digit automation letter prices. The surcharge for retail and presort nonmachinable letters remains 20 cents and applies to all nonmachinable letters weighing up to 3.5 ounces. The surcharge for nonmachinable and nonbarcoded parcels not prepared in 5-digit/scheme sacks remains 5 cents. An Intelligent Mail® barcode (IMb) incentive of 0.3 cents will be available starting November 29 for automation letters and flats prepared and mailed using the full-service option.
We align the standards for commercial machinable and automation letters so that machinable letters have the same physical characteristics as automation letters, with the exception of a qualifying barcode. All sortation levels for automation letters are optional with customers paying for the level of sortation they choose. Required sortation for automation letters would begin at the mixed automated area distribution center (AADC) level. Five-digit/scheme, 3–digit/scheme, and AADC sortation levels will be optional, except when claiming the corresponding prices.
Automation flats must bear a delivery point POSTNET™ barcode or IMb encoded with the correct delivery point routing code. There are no changes to the preparation of automation flats — and the 5-digit/scheme level remains optional, except when claiming the 5-digit price.
See page 1 of the Price List for First-Class Mail retail prices and page 10 for commercial prices.
First-Class Mail International
The number of country price groups for letters, flats, and packages remains at nine, and the price groups for postcards expands from two to three. There will be separate prices for postcards and 1-ounce letters to Canada (75 cents) and Mexico (79 cents). The price for all other countries will be 98 cents.
See page 28 of the Price List for First-Class Mail International prices.
The increase for Periodicals mail is 4 percent on average. Nearly all Periodicals will experience modest price increases, and there are no structural changes to prices. Publications authorized as classroom and nonprofit, and those publications meeting the limited circulation criteria, will still be eligible for a 5 percent discount off the total Outside-County postage, excluding postage for advertising pounds, Ride-Along pieces, and Repositionable Notes (RPNs). The price for RPNs with In-County publications is reduced to 0.5 cent each, and for Outside-County publications, RPNs remain 1.5 cents each. The price for a Ride-Along piece increases to 16.5 cents for both In-County and Outside-County publications. The fees associated with Periodicals also increase. Automation flats must bear a delivery point POSTNET barcode or IMb encoded with the correct delivery point routing code.
Currently, Periodicals are required to receive address correction notifications at a cost of 25 cents for electronic and 50 cents for manual notifications. Electronic notifications will increase to 26 cents each. By adopting the full-service option of Intelligent Mail, publications qualify for no-fee address correction service (ACS). Effective November 29, an IMb price incentive of 0.1 cents will be available for automation and carrier route letters and flats when prepared and mailed at the full-service option.
See page 24 of the Price List for Periodicals prices.
Standard Mail
The increase for Standard Mail items is 3.8 percent on average. There are no structural changes to the prices for letters and flats. As with First-Class Mail items, we align the standards for machinable and automation letters so that machinable letters have the same physical characteristics as automation letters, with the exception of a qualifying barcode. All sortation levels for automation letters are optional, with customers paying for the level of sortation they choose. Required sortation for automation letters would begin at the mixed AADC level. Five-digit/scheme, 3-digit/scheme, and AADC sortation levels will be optional, except when claiming the corresponding prices. For machinable letters, we also make the AADC sortation level optional, except when claiming the AADC price. Nonmachinable letters weighing more than 3.3 ounces will now pay the corresponding nonautomation flats prices. Automation flats must bear a delivery point POSTNET barcode or IMb encoded with the correct delivery point routing code. There are no changes to the preparation of Standard Mail automation flats.
An IMb incentive of 0.1 cent will be available November 29 for automation letters and flats, as well as basic and high density carrier route flats prepared and mailed at the full-service option.
Saturation Incentives: To encourage volume growth and continued use of saturation Standard Mail letters and flats, the Postal Service implements an incentive program for saturation mailers who increase their saturation letters or flats volume. This increase can result from growth in total mailed volume or growth within a defined market. Mailers wishing to participate must submit a letter requesting participation to their district manager, Business Mail Entry no later than June 11, 2009. For additional information, see the February 23, 2009, Federal Register, or contact your district Business Mail Entry office.
Irregular Parcels and Not Flat-Machinable Pieces
We are revising the price categories and qualifications for all irregular parcels and not flat-machinable (NFM) pieces weighing less than 6 ounces. These changes will reduce the number of containers in a mailing, better align the price categories with efficient processing for parcel-shaped pieces, and provide increased opportunities for mailers, including destination delivery unit (DDU) prices and additional mail volumes that qualify for destination sectional center facility (DSCF) and destination bulk mail center (DBMC) prices. The surcharge for nonbarcoded parcels and NFMs not prepared in 5-digit/scheme sacks or pallets increases to 7 cents.
Since automated package processing systems located in our plants run multi 3-digit SCF schemes, new SCF sortation and prices replace (single) 3-digit sortation and prices. In addition, BMC and mixed BMC sortation and prices replace ADC and mixed ADC sortation and prices. For mailings prepared in sacks, SCF prices are based on 10 or more pounds of mail for the multi 3-digit SCFs in DMM L005. BMC prices are based on 10 or more pounds of mail for the BMCs in DMM L601, and when claiming DBMC prices, the auxiliary service facilities (ASFs) in DMM L602. For mailings prepared on pallets (and in pallet boxes), prices are based on 250 or more pounds of mail on pallets prepared for DBMC, DSCF, and DDU prices, and 200 or more pounds of mail on BMC pallets prepared for entry at the origin postal facility.
Mixed BMC prices have no minimums and will require two separations; mailers “divide” remaining parcels into an appropriate origin BMC sack(s) or pallet based on the BMC serving the entry postal facility using DMM L601, followed by traditional mixed BMC sacks or pallets. In certain situations based on volumes and densities there may not be parcels remaining following preparation of origin BMC sacks or pallets.
In addition, all mailings prepared for 5-digit, SCF, and BMC prices will be limited to mailings also prepared for and claimed at DBMC, DSCF, and DDU prices. Parcels and NFMs prepared in BMC and ASF sacks or pallets for the DBMC price will continue to use DMM Exhibit 446.3.1, BMC/ASF — DBMC Price Eligibility. Except for mailings of 200 or more pounds prepared on appropriate BMC pallets, all other mailings prepared for entry at the origin postal facility will be eligible for the mixed BMC price only.
Machinable Parcels and NFMs
We are not changing the price categories for machinable parcels and NFM pieces weighing 6 ounces or more; however, as with irregular parcels and NFMs weighing less than 6 ounces, 5-digit and BMC prices will be limited to mailings also prepared for and claimed at DBMC, DSCF, and DDU prices. Except for mailings of 200 or more pounds prepared on appropriate BMC pallets, all other mailings prepared for entry at the origin postal facility will be eligible for the mixed BMC price only.
Also as with other parcel mailings, mixed BMC prices will require two separations; origin BMC sack(s) or pallet based on the BMC serving the entry postal facility using DMM L601, followed by traditional mixed BMC sacks or pallets.
The surcharge for nonbarcoded parcels and NFMs not prepared in 5-digit/scheme sacks or pallets increases to 7 cents.
Additional Items
Within Standard Mail service, eligible nonprofit organizations continue to pay prices that are 40 percent lower on average than the prices for regular Standard Mail service.
Beginning January 4, 2010, the Move Update noncompliance charge will be 7 cents per piece for Standard Mail mailings that do not comply with the Move Update standards implemented November 23, 2008.
Standard Mail prices begin on page 11 of the Price List.
Package Services Mail and Parcel Select
Package Services mail consists of retail Parcel Post, Bound Printed Matter, Library Mail, and Media Mail items. The increase for Package Services products averages 3.8 percent.
There are three categories within Parcel Select not included in the January 18 price changes: BMC and OBMC Presort and Barcoded Nonpresort. Overall, Parcel Select prices increase by an additional 0.5 of 1 percent.
We are simplifying the pricing structure for retail Parcel Post, Parcel Select BMC and OBMC Presort, and Parcel Select Barcoded Nonpresort mail. We are replacing the separate price categories for Inter-BMC/ASF and Intra-BMC/ASF with a single Parcel Post category based on weight and zone. We also eliminate the Parcel Post nonmachinable surcharges. This aligns Parcel Post prices and zones with other classes of mail. See page 4 of the Price List for retail Parcel Post prices, and page 16 for Parcel Select prices.
For Bound Printed Matter flats, an IMb incentive of 0.1 cent will be available November 29 for presorted and carrier route flats prepared and mailed at the full-service option.
See page 20 of the Price List for Library Mail and Media Mail, and page 21 for Bound Printed Matter prices.
Extra Services and Other Fees
Extra Services include Post Office boxes and caller service fees, Certified Mail™ service, return receipts, Delivery Confirmation™ and Signature Confirmation™ services, Registered Mail™ service, and insurance. It also includes ancillary services such as address correction notification fees.
Certified Mail items increase 10 cents, as well as the prices for return receipt service requested at the time of mailing. There are modest increases to the Delivery Confirmation service fees, and we continue to offer the no-fee electronic option included in the price for certain Priority Mail and Parcel Select Destination Entry packages.
A significant portion of Address Change Service (ACS™) will be incorporated into the full-service option of Intelligent Mail. Customers are reminded that beginning May 18, the Intelligent Mail full-service option available to automation letters and flats, carrier route letters, and certain carrier route flats will provide no-fee address correction service as well as “start-the-clock” information. For pieces not eligible under the Intelligent Mail full-service option, the first two notices for One Code ACS® for First–Class Mail letters will be 2 cents each, and additional notices will be 8 cents each. The first two notices for Standard Mail letters will be 5 cents each, and additional notices will be 20 cents each. Electronic address correction notifications increase to 10 cents for First-Class Mail items and 26 cents for all other mail. The price for manual address correction notifications remains 50 cents. The Confirm® pricing structure will change with the addition of a new lower-priced Bronze subscription level, to compliment the current Silver, Gold, and Platinum subscription levels.
There are minimal increases to Post Office box and caller service fees, and all Post Office boxes and caller services will maintain their current fee groups. New fees apply only to new rentals and renewals. Current Post Office box holders, and customers paying caller service fees, are not required to pay the new fees until their current rental period expires and it is time to renew. Post Office box and caller service fees may be paid for no more than two semiannual periods at a time.
All annual mailing and permit fees increase to $185, and all annual account maintenance fees will be $585. The quarterly fee for high-volume Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) letters increases to $1,925. There will be modest increases to all BRM per-piece fees, including new fractional per-piece fees for high-volume BRM — $0.083; basic QBRM — $0.052; as well as high-volume QBRM — $0.007. See page 37 of the Price List. Remember, new annual fees apply only to first-time payments and renewals. Customers with current annual fees paid will pay the new fees at renewal. Annual fees may be renewed only for the next 12 months and only during the last 60 days of the current service period.
Premium Forwarding Service (PFS) prices will increase — the enrollment fee increases to $15, and the weekly reshipment charge goes to $13.95. The new weekly reship charges apply only to first-time users and renewals after May 11.
See page 35 of the Price List for a complete list of Extra Services prices and other fees.
Additional International Changes
In addition to First-Class Mail International (see page 28), prices for International Priority Airmail Service (IPA), International Surface Air Lift Service (ISAL), and Extra Services, will also change May 11. We have expanded the number of country price groups for IPA and ISAL from 9 to 15 — including 10 “country-specific” groups, and 5 multiple-country price groups.
IPA meets the needs of international business mailers for a service that is faster and more economical than First-Class Mail International service. Prices for IPA increase by 6.3 percent on average. Incentives based on volume offered through customized agreements continue to be available for IPA customers. ISAL provides expedited dispatch and transportation for all types of First-Class Mail International items. ISAL prices increase by 3.5 percent on average. Volume incentives are available through customized agreements.
See page 29 of the Price List for IPA prices, and page 30 for ISAL prices.
International Extra Services fees maintain their correlation to the fees for those services that are similar to domestic extra services. See page 39 of the Price List.
— Pricing Implementation,
Pricing, 4-9-09
Forever Stamp Price Change Instructions for Stamps by Mail Orders
The Postal Service’s™ new single-piece 1-ounce price for First-Class Mail® items is 44 cents, effective 12:01 a.m., Monday, May 11, 2009. All Post Offices™, postal retail units, and Stamps by Mail® fulfillment centers must increase the value of each Forever Stamp™ in their inventories prior to opening for business on Monday, May 11, 2009. All Forever Stamps on hand are revaluated to the new First-Class Mail single-piece 1-ounce price of 44 cents each.
The new First-Class Mail single-piece 1-ounce price may affect Stamps by Mail Forever Stamp orders that are in transit. If a Stamps by Mail Forever Stamp order is mailed (postmarked) or the order form and check is dated before Monday, May 11, 2009, with the old First-Class Mail single-piece 1-ounce price, accept the order with the old price and process the transaction as follows:
Note: Do not process Stamps by Mail Forever Stamp orders that are mailed after Monday, May 11, 2009, with the old fee; return the order and payment to the sender advising of the new First-Class Mail single-piece 1-ounce price.
— Accounting Policy, Controller, 4-9-09
Nonprofit Envelopes Revaluation Instructions
Effective Monday, May 11, 2009, the Postal Service’s™ new price change will impact the “box of 500” nonprofit envelopes. All Post Offices™ and postal retail units must increase the value of each box of 500 nonprofit envelopes in their inventories prior to opening for business on May 11, 2009.
New Selling Price for Box of 500 Nonprofit Envelopes
Boxes of 500 nonprofit envelopes are recorded in inventory at the old price; therefore, they must be revalued. To increase the value, stock custodians and retail associates (RAs) must count the number of boxes of 500 nonprofit envelopes in their inventories and multiply by the corresponding increase amount to compute value of the increase in accountability.
The following are instructions for each financial reporting technology and accountable credits:
eMOVES Offices
Individual Stamp Stock Credits
1. RAs use PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition/Stamp Return, to record stock at the full value (old price).
2. RAs ship all boxes of 500 nonprofit envelopes (AIC 848) to be revalued with PS Form 17 to the unit reserve.
Unit Reserve Stock
1. Receive the stock (AIC 841) from the RA at the value shown (old price) on PS Form 17.
2. Record stock received on PS Form 3295, Daily Record of Stamps, Stamped Paper, and Nonpostal Stamps on Hand.
3. Multiply the number of boxes of 500 nonprofit envelopes on hand to be revalued by the difference between the old selling price and the new revalued selling price.
4. Record the computations for boxes of 500 nonprofit envelopes revalued on PS Form 17.
5. Enter the total for all calculations from PS Form 17 on PS Form 3958, Unit Reserve Stamp Stock Transaction Record, as follows: Line 3 for increase (AIC 844)
6. Enter the calculated amount in AIC 844, Stock Increase — Revaluation, on PS Form 1412, Daily Financial Report.
Closeout Employee
1. Verify entries in AIC 844 on the unit PS Form 1412.
2. File PS Form 17 and PS Form 3958 as supporting documentation.
POS ONE Offices
The software download will automatically revaluate all boxes of 500 nonprofit envelopes and nondenominated bulk rate envelopes on hand for the unit reserve stamp stock, retail floor stock, and other segments.
Note: All boxes of 500 nonprofit envelopes and nondenominated bulk rate envelopes on hand must be properly identified with the required item numbers and the quantity.
IRT Offices
Individual Stamp Stock Credits
1. Each RA with boxes of 500 nonprofit envelopes in inventory must multiply the number of boxes of 500 nonprofit envelopes on hand by the difference between the old selling price and the new revalued selling price.
2. The RA must enter the revaluation on PS Form 17, and the supervisor must authorize and sign the form.
3. The RA will enter the revaluation amount into AIC 844, Stock Increase — Revaluation.
Unit Reserve Stock
1. The unit reserve stock custodian issues to an RA all boxes of 500 nonprofit envelopes in the unit reserve that require revaluation.
2. The RA receives the stock by using the “STAMPS+” key, creating an entry to AIC 841, Stamp Stock Received.
3. The RA revalues the stock by following the revaluation instructions for “Individual Stamp Stock Credits” (above).
4. After the stock custodian reduces unit inventory quantities requiring revaluation to zero (by issuance to an RA) and has performed the “New Day” process, the stock custodian deletes the item numbers from the stamp stock inventory (at the old price).
5. The stock custodian adds the item number back into stamp stock inventory at the new price.
6. The RA prepares PS Form 17 for returning stock and enters the value of the boxes of 500 nonprofit envelopes to be returned to the unit reserve inventory at the new price. Use the “STAMPS (-)” key creating an entry in AIC 848, Stamp Stock Returned.
7. The stock custodian receives the total from PS Form 17 into the unit reserve inventory at the new price.
Closeout Employee
1. When all clerk disks are consolidated, verify that the total revaluation for the unit is reported correctly in AIC 844 on the unit PS Form 1412.
2. File PS Form(s) 17 as supporting documentation.
— Accounting Policy, Controller, 4-9-09
Instructions for Payments Mailed Before May 11 Price Change
The Postal Service’s™ new prices and fees become effective at 12:01 a.m., Monday, May 11, 2009. All Post Offices, postal retail units, and contract postal units (CPUs) must ensure that all daily financial reports are transmitted at the close of business Saturday, May 9, or Sunday, May 10, as appropriate. CPUs must coordinate the logistics to ensure that all daily financial reports are submitted to the host Post Office™ at the close of business Saturday, May 9, or Sunday, May 10, as appropriate.
IRT Offices
Post Offices and postal retail units with integrated retail terminals (IRTs) will receive price change diskettes in the same manner as all other IRT software updates. Each office must install the IRT update after the close of business Saturday, May 9, or Sunday, May 10, as appropriate, or before opening for business Monday, May 11. Offices that do not receive diskettes with the new prices and fees by Thursday, May 7, must contact their district IRT coordinator for guidance.
POS ONE Offices
Post Offices and postal retail units with POS ONE systems will receive the new software for the price change via a download over the network. POS ONE will automatically integrate the price change for the required services before they open for business Monday, May 11.
Payments Mailed Before Price Change
The new prices and fees will affect all annual mailing fees, accounting fees, Post Office Box/Caller Service fees and Premium Forwarding Service fees. As of Monday, May 11, all daily financial reports must contain the new fees. If a payment for an annual mailing fee, accounting fee, Post Office Box/Caller Service fee, or Premium Forwarding Service fee is mailed (postmarked) before Monday, May 11, with the old fees, accept the lower fee amount and process the transaction as follows:
Note: Do not process payments that are mailed after Monday, May 11, with the old fees; return the payment to the sender.
— Accounting Policy, Controller, 4-9-09
Forever Stamp Stock Revaluation Instructions
Effective Monday, May 11, 2009, the Postal Service’s™ new price for First-Class Mail® single-piece 1-ounce letters is 44-cents. All Post Offices™, postal retail units, vending machines, Self Service Postal Center (SSPC) vending, Automated Postal Centers® (APCs®), and contract postal units (CPUs) must have the value of each Forever Stamp™ booklet in their inventories increased prior to opening for business on Monday, May 11. All Forever Stamp booklets on hand are revaluated to the new First-Class Mail single-piece 1-ounce price of 44-cents each stamp.
New Selling Price for Forever Stamp Booklet
Forever Stamp booklets are recorded in inventory at the old price; therefore, they must be revalued. To increase the value, stock custodians and retail associates (RAs) must count the number of Forever Stamp booklets in their inventories and multiply by the corresponding increase amount to compute value of the increase in accountability.
The following are instructions for each financial reporting technology:
eMOVES Offices
Individual Stamp Credits
1. RAs use PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition/Stamp Return, to record stock at the full value (old price).
2. RAs ship stamp stock (AIC 848) to be revalued with PS Form 17 to the unit reserve.
Unit Reserve Stock
1. Receive the stock (AIC 841) from the RA at the value shown (old price) on PS Form 17.
2. Record stock received on PS Form 3295, Daily Record of Stamps, Stamped Paper, and Nonpostal Stamps On Hand.
3. Multiply the number of Forever Stamps on hand to be revalued by the difference between original price (42 cents) and new revalued price (44 cents).
4. Record the computations for each Forever Stamp booklet revalued on PS Form 17.
5. Enter the total for all calculations from PS Form 17 on PS Form 3958, Unit Reserve Stamp Stock Transaction Record, as follows: Line 3 for increase (AIC 844)
6. Enter the calculated amount in AIC 844, Stock Increase — Revaluation, on PS Form 1412, Daily Financial Report.
Closeout Employee
1. Verify entries in AIC 844 on PS Form 1412.
2. File PS Form 17 and PS Form 3958 as supporting documentation.
POS ONE Offices
The software download will automatically revaluate all Forever Stamp booklets on hand for the unit reserve stamp stock and each retail floor stock, Stamps by Mail, philatelic, vending, and mobile unit segments.
Note: All Forever Stamp stock on hand must be properly identified with the required item numbers and the quantities prior to the automatic revaluation.
IRT Offices
Individual Stamp Credits
1. Each RA assigned Forever Stamps must multiply the number of Forever Stamps on hand by the difference between the original price (old price) and the new revalued price (new price).
2. The RA must enter the revaluation on PS Form 17, and supervisor must authorize and sign.
3. The RA will enter the revaluation amount into AIC 844, Stock Increase — Revaluation.
Unit Reserve Stock
1. The unit reserve stock custodian issues to an RA all stamps and envelopes in the unit reserve that require revaluation.
2. The RA receives the stock by using the “STAMPS+” key, creating an entry to AIC 841, Stamp Stock Received.
3. The RA revalues the stock by following the revaluation instructions for “Stamp Credits”.
4. After the stock custodian reduces unit inventory quantities requiring revaluation to zero (by issuance to an RA) and has performed the “New Day” process, the stock custodian deletes the item numbers from the stamp stock inventory (at the old price).
5. The stock custodian adds the item number back into stamp stock inventory at the new price.
6. The RA prepares PS Form 17 for returning stock and enters the value of the stamps and envelopes to be returned to the unit reserve inventory at the new price. Use the “STAMPS (-)” key creating an entry in AIC 848, Stamp Stock Returned.
7. The stock custodian receives the total from PS Form 17 into the unit reserve inventory at the new price.
Closeout Employee
1. When all clerk disks are consolidated, verify that the total revaluation for the unit is reported correctly in AIC 844 on the unit PS Form 1412.
2. File PS Form(s) 17 as supporting documentation.
SSPC Stamp Vending Credits
1. Count each Forever Stamp on hand.
2. Multiply the number of Forever Stamps on hand to be revalued by the difference between original price (old price) and new revalued price (new price).
3. Record the computations for all Forever Stamp booklets revalued on PS Form 17.
4. Enter the calculated amount in AIC 844, Stock Increase — Revaluation, on PS Form 1412.
5. Submit PS Form 17 and PS Form 1412 to the unit supervisor, or maintain them on file.
6. Post the PS Form 1412 accounting entries into the eMOVES application or IRT terminal the same business day.
The software download will automatically revaluate all Forever Stamp sheetlets on hand for the APC equipment.
CPUs that submit a daily PS Form 1412 to a host Post Office must increase the value of each Forever Stamp booklet in their inventory as follows:
1. Count each Forever Stamp to be revalued.
2. Multiply the number of Forever Stamp booklets on hand to be revalued by the difference between the original price (old price) and the new revalued price (new price).
3. Record the computations for all Forever Stamp booklets revalued on PS Form 17.
4. Enter the calculated amount in AIC 844, Stock Increase — Revaluation, on PS Form 1412
5. Submit PS Form 17 and the CPU’s PS Form 1412 to the host Post Office or the contracting officer’s representative (COR).
Note: CPUs with Contract Access Retail System (CARS) do not need to revalue the Forever Stamps in their inventory. The CARS system will automatically change the price, and the CPU will sell the stamp for the new price on May 11.
Forever Stamp Booklet Exchanges
Forever Stamp booklets that are damaged or otherwise unusable for postage while in a customer’s possession may be exchanged for an equal number of Forever Stamp booklets at the current rate. Postal Service employees must pick up the Forever Stamp booklets to be exchanged at the current rate. For POS ONE equipment, follow the Exchanging Stamp Products workflow, and scan the Forever Stamp booklets to be exchanged. The current price will be reflected.
— Accounting Policy,
Controller, 4-9-09
Statistical Programs Price Change Software Release
The May 2009 Price Change software release provides updates, corrections, and revisions for the following data collection systems:
n City Carrier Cost System (CCCS).
n Rural Carrier Cost System (RCCS).
n In-Office Cost System (IOCS).
n Origin–Destination Information System — Revenue, Pieces, and Weight (ODIS-RPW).
n Transportation Cost System (TRACS).
n System for International Revenue and Volume Outbound — International Origin–Destination Information System (SIRVO-IODIS).
n System for International Revenue and Volume Inbound (SIRVI).
We will automatically distribute the software release to Statistical Programs laptops connected to the Postal Routing Network. We will provide a CD for sites using a dial-up connection. Statistical Programs employees will be notified of the software release, software release notes, and the update CD via e-mail and as a news item on the Statistical Programs webpage on the Corporate Intranet.
Statistical Programs employees observe employee work activities and sample live mail at randomly selected points throughout the postal system. Local Operations and Customer Services employees can assist us with the price change by:
n Providing accurate information when data collectors conduct IOCS telephone readings of employee activities.
n Helping data collectors locate employees and mail in Post Offices and plants.
n Informing the district manager of Statistical Programs about changes in mail processing, delivery operations, and dispatch schedules.
Data from our systems is used to set prices, fulfill regulatory reporting requirements, measure workloads, detect fraud, prepare budgets, and make operational decisions. Cooperation of all employees is critical to ensure the integrity and accuracy of statistical sampling.
— Statistical Programs,
Controller, 4-9-09
New Domestic and International Postage Statements
All postage statements are revised to implement the May 11, 2009, domestic and international price, fee, and classification changes. All statements are available at www.usps.com/forms in Adobe PDF (print-only) format. The new statements are dated May 2009. Mailers will continue using current statements for mailings submitted for acceptance and verification through May 10.
Effective Monday, May 11, mailers must use May 2009 editions of postage statements (or approved facsimiles). All previous versions are obsolete as of May 11, 2009, and must not be used. The entry office postmaster must approve all facsimile postage statements not approved under the Presort Accuracy Validation and Evaluation (PAVE™) or Manifest Analysis and Certification (MAC™) programs.
A future Postal Bulletin will announce ordering procedures when the new statements are available at the Material Distribution Center.
Postage statements can be printed locally and completed manually. Wherever possible, postmasters and managers of Business Mail Entry should encourage their customers and staff to use the website to obtain statements. Managers of Business Mail Entry, working with district and area implementation coordinators, must ensure that all Post Offices™ and detached mail units within their district’s service areas have access to all statements (domestic and international) to satisfy the needs of local mailers. District offices must supply postage statements to Post Offices without Internet access.
Mailers with questions regarding the use and availability of postage statements should contact the Post Office where they enter their mailings. Employees with questions should contact their district’s manager of Business Mail Entry.
— Mailing Standards,
Pricing, 4-9-09
Price Change Counter Card
We are providing each Post Office™ and contract postal unit with price change counter cards to inform customers about the new prices. Quantities shipped were based on office size. The counter card is the only price change–specific material offices will receive.
Display the counter card beginning April 10, 2009, by placing it on the counter at your busiest retail windows. Remove all counter cards on May 31, 2009, as shown on the card.
This distribution is one-time only, and no additional counter cards are available for reordering or reshipment.

— Pricing Implementation,
Pricing, 4-9-09
Retail Access Channels — USPS Approved Shipper Time Line
— Retail Access Channels, Retail Operations, 4-9-09
Retail Access Channels — Stamps By Mail Time Line
— Retail Access Channels, Retail Operations, 4-9-09
Stamps by Mail Customers
Field Template for Postal Service Letterhead
Exhibit A
[Please check appropriate block prior to mailing it to customers.]
Dear Stamps by Mail Customer:
The Postal Service™ has changed prices for mailing services effective Monday, May 11, 2009.
We received your Stamps by Mail® order after the price change. Rather than return your order, we have tried to fulfill it to the extent possible.
1. Your order was in transit prior to new price effective date and,
( ) You ordered Forever Stamps™ only. We have fulfilled your order at no extra charge.
( ) You ordered Forever Stamps and other stamps. We have fulfilled Forever Stamps at no extra charge and fulfilled the request for other stamps at the new prices to the value of the total payment.
( ) You ordered stamps other than Forever Stamps. We have fulfilled your order at the new prices to the value of the total payment.
2. Your order was mailed after May 11:
( ) You ordered Forever Stamps only. Due to shortage of payment, we have not fulfilled your order.
( ) You ordered Forever Stamps and/or other stamps. We have fulfilled your order at the new prices to the value of the total payment.
Thank you for the continued use of our Stamps by Mail program. We look forward to serving you in the future.
— Retail Access Channels,
Retail Operations, 4-9-09
Retail Access Channels: Stamps by Mail — Brochure Information for Retail Managers and Postmasters
The first Stamps by Mail® (SBM) order forms to support the new prices will be available between April 9 and April 28, 2009.
Effective with this Postal Bulletin, cease distribution of SBM brochures that do not have the prices that will be effective Monday, May 11, 2009.
n Remove and recycle brochures that do not have the pricing selection to support the May 11 price change. (See Exhibit B).
n Plan future saturation mailings of the new SBM brochures upon arrival.
n If you have a lobby director, have this person distribute new order forms.
The next print cycle cut-off date for all SBM sites to order brochures (order forms) is May 5, 2009 (see page 35).
Stamps by Mail — Exhibit B

— Retail Access Channels,
Retail Operations, 4-9-09
Contract Postal Units Time Line
Time Line
CARS sites — Receive an automated software update, Release 10.
Download on May 1, 2009
Effective 12:00 a.m. May 11, 2009
IRT sites — Receive an update diskette, Version 81. Diskette shipped to IRT coordinators on May 1, 2009. Distribute and ensure installation is complete for the price change.
District coordinators/COR
May 1, 2009
By May 11, 2009
Electronic scales — Update.
CPU supplier/vendor
Manufacturer/vendor coordinated
Manufacturer/vendor coordinated
Stamps — Perform standard ordering processes.
CPU supplier: ABN, local SDO/Stamp Fulfillment Services
April 2009
Communications — Provide CPU suppliers with all retail operations information and support materials.
District coordinators, COR, and postmasters
March 2009
— Retail Access Channels, Retail Operations, 4-9-09
Contract Postal Units Information
Contract Access Retail System (CARS) sites will receive an automated software update, “Release 10,” on May 1, effective 12:00 a.m. May 11, 2009. This release will include all price and product changes to support the May 11 price change.
Integrated retail terminal (IRT) sites will receive an update diskette, Version 81, which will be shipped to the IRT coordinators on May 1, 2009. District coordinators should distribute the update diskettes as soon as possible and ensure installation is complete for the price change implementation date.
Contract postal units with an electronic scale must prepare for the May 11 price change by contacting their vendor for update information prior to the effective date.
— Retail Access Channels,
Retail Operations, 4-9-09
Postage Stamps and Stationery for 2009 Price Change
Stamp Issues — First-Class Price
Stamp Issues — Make-up Prices
Stamp Issues
Stamped Cards
Shipments of all formats will be shipped to the stamp distribution offices (SDOs) by 4-7-09.
Post Offices™ needing stamped cards must requisition them from their SDO starting 4-1-09.
Stamped Envelopes — Gum Adhesive (WAG) Seabiscuit
Description & Denomination
Item No.
Master Carton
Single Sale
Bulk Sale per 500
On Sale Date
44-cent Seabiscuit # 10
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 10 Printed
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 10 — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 10 Window
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 10 Window Printed
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 10 Window — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 9 Security
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 9 Security Printed
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 9 Security — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 9 Security Window
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 9 Security Window Printed
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 9 Security Window — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 6 3/4
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 6 3/4 Printed
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 6 3/4 — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 6 3/4 Window
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 6 3/4 Window Printed
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 6 3/4 Window — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Automatic shipments of Items 218500, 218600, 218700, 218800, 264800, and 264900 will be provided to SDOs by 4–30–09.
Post Offices™ needing stamped envelopes must requisition them from their SDO starting 5-4-09.
Stamped Envelopes — Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) Seabiscuit — Envelope Personalized Only
Description & Denomination
Item No.
Master Carton
Single Sale
Bulk Sale per 500
On Sale Date
44-cent Seabiscuit # 10 Printed
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 10 — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 10 Window Printed
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 10 Window Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 9 Security Printed
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 9 Security Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 9 Security Window Printed
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 9 Security Window Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 6 3/4 Printed
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 6 3/4 Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 6 3/4 Window Printed
May 11, 2009
44-cent Seabiscuit # 6 3/4 Window Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Stamped Envelopes — Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) Forever — Envelope Personalized Only
Item No.
Master Carton
Single Sale
Bulk Sale per 500
On Sale Date
Forever # 10 Printed
May 11. 2009
Forever # 10 Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Forever # 10 Window Printed
May 11, 2009
Forever # 10 Window Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Forever # 9 Security Printed
May 11, 2009
Forever # 9 Security Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Forever # 9 Security Window Printed
May 11, 2009
Forever # 9 Security Window Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Forever # 6 3/4 Printed
May 11, 2009
Forever # 6 3/4 Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Forever # 6 3/4 Window Printed
May 11, 2009
Forever # 6 3/4 Window Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Stamped Envelopes — Gum Adhesive (WAG) Forever — Envelope Personalized Only
Item No.
Master Carton
Single Sale
Bulk Sale per 500
On Sale Date
Forever # 10 Printed
May 11, 2009
Forever # 10 Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Forever # 10 Window Printed
May 11, 2009
Forever # 10 Window Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Forever # 9 Security Printed
May 11, 2009
Forever # 9 Security Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Forever # 9 Security Window Printed
May 11, 2009
Forever # 9 Security Window Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Forever # 6 3/4 Printed
May 11, 2009
Forever # 6 3/4 Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Forever # 6 3/4 Window Printed
May 11, 2009
Forever # 6 3/4 Window Printed — 50 Pack
May 11, 2009
Stamped cards and envelopes are printed by Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd.
— Stamp Services, Government Relations, 4-9-09
District Coordinators List
Capital Metro Area
Eastern Area
Great Lakes Area
New York Metro Area
Northeast Area
Pacific Area
Southeast Area
Southwest Area
Western Area
Quick Service Guide 604a, Basic Standards for All Mailing Services, Nondenominated Postage