Field Handout:
USPS Statistical Programs

The Postal Service™ is required to report annual costs, revenues, volumes, and quality of service associated with postal products. Statistical sampling systems and special studies derive this data and provide information that is used to:

n Measure area workload for flex budget.

n Detect fraudulent meter use and short-paid PC Postage®.

n Verify mailings submitted under the Electronic Verification System (e-VS).

n Propose new postal rates.

n Prepare budgets.

n Make decisions in transportation and operations concerning mail flows.

n Develop incentives in Negotiated Service Agreements.

In-Office Cost System

In-office cost system (IOCS) information is an important tool used in a variety of management decisions:

n IOCS distributes labor costs for clerks, mailhandlers, city carriers, and supervisors.

n IOCS observes what an employee is doing at a moment in time and the mail they may be handling.

n If the employee is handling a piece of mail, IOCS assigns approximately $250,000 in costs to that mail product.

We Need Your Help!

The Statistical Programs staff relies on Operations and Customer Services personnel to assist in the collec­tion of this vital data. We need you to:

n Provide accurate information when data collectors conduct IOCS telephone readings of employee activities.

n Assist data collectors to locate employees and mail in Post Offices™ and plants.

n Inform the district manager, Statistical Programs, when there are changes in mail processing, delivery operations, and dispatch schedules.

The cooperation of managers and supervisors is critical to ensure the integrity and accuracy of our statistical sampling so we can accurately cost and price our products.


Did you know? USPS recycles 1 million tons of wastepaper, cardboard and plastics annually.