In the article “Stamp Stock items Withdrawn From Regular Sale and From Sale at Philatelic Centers” in Postal Bulletin 22259 (5-21-09, pages 46–47), two items are changed.
Due to high customer demand, the following stamp stock items will remain on sale until further notice. Do not withdraw these items from sale at close-of-business on June 30, 2009:
n Item No. 556500, $1.00 Official Mail Gum Pane of 20.
n Item No. 785800, $4,100.00 41-cent American Flag PSA Coil of 10K.
Also, the following item price is corrected: Item No. 462800, Charles W. Chestnutt Pane of 20, should be 41–cent instead of 42-cent.
— Stamp Services,
Government Relations and Public Policy, 6-18-09