The current process for capitalizing mail processing equipment for Engineering programs was replaced by a new module of the Oracle eBusiness financial suite, Oracle Projects, on August 4. Following the initial implementation of the new module in Engineering, the plan is to implement Oracle Projects solutions for the other functional organizations that require it.
Oracle Projects functionality enables the tracking of assets at a facility level (“location”). In support of this new functionality, PS Form 7340, Property Transfer Request, has been modified to include a Facility ID. The revised PS Form 7340 must be retained as support for all asset transfers in the future. The transfers themselves will continue to be made via the Property and Equipment Accounting System (PEAS); a field for Facility IDs has been added to PEAS to enable location tracking.
Assets & Payables, Headquarters, will publish the new policies and procedures through Management Instructions. If you have any questions, contact Alan Hoshor, Assets & Payables at 202-268-3267.
— Assets & Payables,
Controller, 8-27-09