
New PS Form 4584-P, Observation of Driving Practices — Powered Industrial Trucks

A new form, PS Form 4584-P, Observation of Driving Practices Powered Industrial Trucks (PITs), is now avail­able for supervisors of PIT operators and drivers.

This form and its accompanying instructions will assist in identifying, eliminating, and documenting PIT driving practices that can lead to accidents and injuries. Utilization of the new form will also help us meet the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s statutory requirements for PITs.

Additional information on observing PIT drivers and documenting PIT driving observations can be found in Handbook EL-804, Safe Driver Program.

Effective immediately, responsible officials must ensure that:

n All future PIT driving observations are documented using PS Form 4584-P.

n All locally developed and unapproved forms are not used for future PIT driving observations, and existing supply is destroyed.

n Each completed PS Form 4584-P is maintained in local files for a minimum of 3 years and can be pro­duced when requested.

Print On Demand

The Material Distribution Center (MDC) supply of PS Form 4584-P is limited. Use the print-on-demand (POD) function to obtain copies. POD is the Postal Service’s pre­ferred method, and aligns with our vision to support a paperless work environment.

PS Form 4584-P is available on the Postal Service™ PolicyNet website:

n Go to

n Under “Essential Links” in the left-hand column, click Forms.

(The direct URL for the Forms website is

Ordering From the MDC

If absolutely necessary, you can order PS Form 4584-P from the MDC using touch-tone order entry (TTOE): Call 800-273-1509.

Note: You must be registered to use TTOE. To register, call 800-332-0317, option 1, extension 2925, and follow the prompts to leave a message. (Wait 48 hours after register­ing before placing your first order.)

Use the following information to order PS Form 4584-P:

PSIN: PS 4584-P
PSN: 7530-13-000-0129
Unit of Measure: EA
Minimum Order Quantity: 1
Bulk Pack Quantity: N/A
Quick Pick Number: N/A
Price: $0.0200
Edition Date: 09/09