Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates


DMM Revision: Scheduled Pickup on Demand

Effective May 3, 2010, the Postal Service™ is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 507.6 to standardize the process for scheduled Pickup on Demand® service by pro­viding a new service agreement form. Additionally, we revise 507.6.3.4 that authorizes PC Postage™ as an approved method to pay for Pickup on Demand.

The new PS Form 5542, Scheduled Pickup on Demand Service Agreement, is shown on page 9 of this Postal Bul­letin. It is designed to be used by customers who are requesting Pickup on Demand service, and it now aligns with our mailing standards.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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500 Additional Mailing Services

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507 Mailer Services

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6.0 Pickup on Demand Service

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6.3 Postage and Fees

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6.3.2 Fee Charged

[Revise introductory sentence and item a of 6.3.2 as follows:]

Pickup on Demand fees are listed in Notice 123, Price List. The customer is charged the required fee:

a. Every time Pickup on Demand service is provided, regardless of the number of pieces or combination of classes of mail. See 6.3.3 for when fee is not charged.

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6.3.3 Fee Not Charged

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[Revise introductory sentence of 6.3.3 as follows:]

The customer is not charged for:

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[Revise item c of 6.3.3 as follows:]

c. A pickup that occurs as part of a regularly scheduled delivery or collection stop.

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[Delete item e of 6.3.3 in its entirety.]

6.3.4 Fee Payment Method

The Pickup on Demand fee must be paid by one of these methods:

[Revise item a of 6.3.4 by adding PC Postage as follows:]

a. Meter, PC Postage, precanceled, or adhesive stamps affixed to Form 5541, Pickup Service Statement.

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6.4 On-Call Service

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6.4.2 Requesting Pickup on Demand Service

[Combine the current second and third sentences of 6.4.2 into one sentence as follows:]

***Pickups are made within 2 hours of the requested pickup time unless the customer and the serving Post Office agree and service is not adversely affected.***

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6.5 Scheduled Service

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6.5.2 Service Agreement

[Revise text in 6.5.2 as follows:]

A customer requesting scheduled Pickup on Demand ser­vice must enter into a service agreement as follows:

a. Use PS Form 5542, Scheduled Pickup on Demand Service Agreement, to specify the time, place, day or date, frequency of service, and approximate volume per pickup.

b. The terms of the service agreement may be amended with the consent and approval of both parties.

6.5.3 Service Hours

[Revise second sentence in 6.5.3 as follows:]

***Scheduled Pickup on Demand service begins the day after the service agreement is finalized and continues until the service agreement’s stated end date or termination.

6.5.4 Customer Changes

[Revise 6.5.4 by deleting item a in its entirety and incorpo­rating item b into the introductory text as follows:]

The customer must notify the serving Post Office at least 24 hours before a scheduled pickup if the pickup is to be canceled or the volume of mail to be picked up is more than 20% higher than the volume specified in the service agree­ment. The customer may terminate scheduled Pickup on Demand service, effective 24 hours after the USPS receives the customer’s written notice of termination at the serving Post Office. The customer must pay all fees for Pickup on Demand service provided before termination of service.

6.5.5 USPS Changes

[Revise 6.5.5 by deleting item a in its entirety and incorpo­rating item b into the introductory text as follows:]

The USPS may terminate scheduled Pickup on Demand service, effective 24 hours after the customer receives writ­ten notice of termination from the serving Post Office. Ter­mination is based upon the customer’s failure to pay postage and fees or to meet the standards for Pickup on Demand service in 6.0. The customer may appeal this ter­mination of services to the manager, Post Office Opera­tions, but must pay for all fees for Pickup on Demand service provided during the appeal period.

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We will incorporate this revision into the next printed ver­sion of the DMM and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com.