Management Instruction

New Management Instruction FM-610-2010-2, Advance Payments

Management Instruction (MI) FM-610-2010-2, Advance Payments, is now available on PolicyNet and is effective immediately. MI FM-610-2003-1 and all previous MIs deal­ing with advance payments are obsolete.

The MI has been revised to update procedures and clar­ify the circumstances in which advance payments are nec­essary and warranted. The updated MI deals with:

n Reasons for making an advance payment.

n Requirements for obtaining approval of an advance payment.

n Paying for software and hardware maintenance agreements.

n Paying for maintenance agreements bundled with software licenses.

One important change: secondary approvals are required only for advance payments of $100,000 or more. If you have an advance payment request for less than $100,000, then note on the invoice “advance payment approved”.

MI FM-610-2010-2 is available on the Postal Service PolicyNet website:

n Go to

n Under “Essential Links” in the left-hand column, click PolicyNet.

n Click MIs.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is