Effective January 1, 2011, the Postal Service™ will revise the following sections in Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) to reflect a change in the conversion rate between special drawing right (SDR) values and U.S. dollars, and to reflect changes to the indemnity limits for ordinary Priority Mail International® parcels and Registered Mail™ items (which are affected by the SDR values):
n Exhibit 232.63.
n Section 323.62.
n Exhibit 323.62.
n Section 333.2.
n Section 934.2.
n The Individual Country Listing for each country that offers Registered Mail service.
Postal Service retail employees use this information, and the limits listed in exhibit 232.63, when a customer presents an ordinary parcel for mailing. Postal Service retail employees use section 323.62 and exhibit 323.62 when a customer presents an insured parcel for mailing, subject to availability in the destination country. For insured parcels, employees must write the insured amount, stated in terms of both dollars and SDR values, in the designated blocks on PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note — CP 72.
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM)
* * * * *
2 Conditions for Mailing
* * * * *
230 Priority Mail International
* * * * *
232 Eligibility
* * * * *
232.6 Priority Mail International Insurance and Indemnity
* * * * *
232.63 Ordinary Priority Mail International Weight and Indemnity Limits
* * * * *
Exhibit 232.63 Ordinary Priority Mail International Weight and Indemnity Limits
[Revise exhibit 232.63 to read as follows:]
* * * * *
3 Extra Services
* * * * *
320 Insurance
* * * * *
323 Priority Mail International Insurance
* * * * *
323.6 Preparation of Insured Priority Mail International Parcels
* * * * *
323.62 Accepting Clerk’s Responsibility
The accepting clerk must do the following:
* * * * *
[In item b, revise the SDR amount to be 65.16, to read as follows:]
b. *** For example:
$100.00 (US)
65.16 SDR
[Revise item c to read as follows:]
c. See exhibit 323.62 for a table showing the conversion of U.S. dollar values up to $600 to SDR equivalents. To determine SDR equivalents above $600, multiply the insured amount, rounded up to the next full dollar, by the conversion factor of 0.6516.
Note: Use the following rates when converting between U.S. dollars and SDR values:
1 U.S. $ = 0.6516 SDR
1 SDR = $1.53 ($1.5346 U.S.)
* * * * *
[Revise exhibit 323.62 to read as shown in the table below.]
* * * * *
330 Registered Mail
* * * * *
333 Fees and Indemnity Limits
* * * * *
333.2 Indemnity Limit
[Revise 333.2 to read as follows, reflecting a change in the indemnity limit to $46.04:]
Regardless of the declared value of a registered item, the maximum amount of indemnity payable for loss, damage, or missing contents is $46.04.
* * * * *
9 Inquiries, Indemnities, and Refunds
* * * * *
930 Indemnity Payments
* * * * *
934 Payments for Registered Mail
* * * * *
934.2 Special Provisions
[Revise 934.2 to read as follows, reflecting a change in the indemnity limit to $46.04:]
Regardless of the declared value of a registered item, the maximum amount of indemnity payable for loss, damage, or missing contents is $46.04.
* * * * *
Individual Country Listings
* * * * *
[For every country that offers Registered Mail service in the “Extra Services” section, revise the maximum indemnity limit to $46.04, to read as follows in the generic example:]
Extra Services
* * * * *
Registered Mail (330) Fee: $11.50
Maximum Indemnity: $46.04
* * * * *
We will incorporate these revisions into the next printed version of the IMM and into the monthly update of the online IMM, which is available via Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com.
— Mailing Standards,
Pricing, 12-2-10
Exhibit 323.62 Conversion Table: U.S. Dollars to Special Drawing Right (SDR)
1 U.S. $ = 0.6516 SDR 1 SDR = $1.53 ($1.5346 U.S.)