Effective December 2, 2010, non-POS Post Offices™ and postal retail units are to use the November 2010 edition of PS Form 3294, Cash and Stamp Stock Count and Summary (see pages 37–38). Previous versions of PS Form 3294 dated before November 2010 are obsolete and must be disposed of properly.
The current online versions of PS Form 3294, PS Form 3294-C, and PS Form 3294-P will be removed and replaced with the November 2010 version of PS Form 3294. The revised form is a consolidation of the three forms currently in place and has been simplified to make it easier for field users.
PS Form 3294 is revised as follows:
1. “Type of Accountability” has been reduced to three types — Unit Reserve Stamp Stock, Unit Cash Reserve, or Stamp Stock Credit.
2. The receipts and disbursement sections have been removed.
3. The section “Cash and Cash Items on Hand” has been replaced with “Worksheet for Unit Cash Reserve Count or Cash/Stamp Stock Credit Count.”
4. A new section, “Unit Cash Reserve Count Summary,” has been added.
5. “Action Taken” boxes have been updated to reflect current AIC numbers and descriptions.
6. A new line, “Last Issued International Money Order Serial Number,” has been added to the “Verification of Money Orders” section.
7. The item number and value of each item on page 2 will be kept blank to allow updating of the form to accommodate future rate increases.
8. The examinations of PS Forms 3977 and keys/passwords have been removed and replaced with reminder notices.
9. The “Verification of Accountable Forms” section has been removed.
U.S. Postal Service Intranet Postal Forms
The revised PS Form 3294 will be available online via the Postal Service™ Intranet at http://blue.usps.gov/formmgmt/forms.htm; click 3000–3999. The online postal forms version of PS Form 3294 will be available in Adobe PDF format.
Ordering Revised PS Form 3294
Use the eBuy on-catalog requisition system to order PS Form 3294 from the MDC; search for items using the PSN listed below (without the dashes). If your office does not have access to eBuy, you may order using touch-tone order entry (TTOE): Call 800-273-1509.
Note: You must be registered to use TTOE. To register, call 800-332-0317, option 1, extension 2925, and follow the prompts to leave a message. (Wait 48 hours after registering before placing your first order.) For complete TTOE ordering instructions, visit the Materials Customer Service website at http://blue.usps.gov/purchase/_doc/ops_ttoeins.doc or call 800-332-0317, option 4, option 4.
Use the following ordering information to order PS Form 3294:
PSIN: PS3294
PSN: 7530-01-000-9913
Unit of Measure: SH
Minimum Order Quantity: 50
Quick Pick Number: 167
Bulk Pack Quantity: 2,000
Price: $0.0430
Edition: 11/10
— Field and International Accounting,
Controller, 12-2-10
Cash and Stamp Stock page 1
cash and stamp stock pg 2