With the issuance of the Lunar New Year: Year of the Rabbit stamp on January 22, 2011, the Postal Service™ will launch a major step forward to enhance the customer experience with the expansion of the Forever® Stamp program.
All new First-Class Mail® commemorative stamps issued in 2011 and beyond will be Forever Stamps. And, forever means forever. Forever Stamps can be used to mail a 1-ounce letter regardless of when the stamps are purchased or used and no matter how prices may change in the future. They never lose value. They will always be equal with the current First-Class Mail 1-ounce rate.
This customer convenience will allow customers to purchase a greater variety of their favorite stamp subjects and not have to worry about future price changes — they will be good forever.
The Postal Service developed the Forever Stamp for consumers to ease the transition during price changes. The first Forever Stamp, which remains on sale until inventories are depleted, features an image of the Liberty Bell.
This holiday season, Holiday Evergreens Forever Stamps, went on sale October 21, and Forever Stamp coils, featuring Lady Liberty and the U.S. Flag were issued December 1.
Now that the Postal Service offers coils, booklets, and Holiday Forever Stamps, almost 85 percent of its stamp program is Forever.
Since the Forever Stamp was first issued in April 2007, 28 billion Forever Stamps have been sold, resulting in $12.1 billion in total revenue.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why is the Postal Service making all commemorative stamps Forever Stamps?
A. We are meeting the needs of our customers. They have told us they appreciate the convenience of knowing when they buy stamps, they’ll be good forever. Now, our customers don’t have to worry about future price changes; now there is no need to purchase make-up stamps when prices change.
Since we now have coils, booklets, and Holiday Forever Stamps, almost 85 percent of our stamp program is Forever. It’s good for our customers and it’s good for our business to expand to the commemorative stamps.
Q. When does this transition take place?
A. With the issuance of the Lunar New Year: Year of the Rabbit Forever Stamp on January 22, 2011.
Q. Will all new First-Class Mail 1-ounce rate stamps issued in 2011 be Forever Stamps forever?
A. Yes, all will be Forever Stamps forever.
Q. Does this decision spell the end of the commemorative stamp program?
A. No, the opposite is true. We believe customers will now appreciate the added variety of stamps that have the Forever designation.
Q. Will customers be able to continue using the Liberty Bell Forever stamps?
A. Yes, forever means forever. They will always be good for the prevailing single-piece First-Class Mail price.
Q. How will stamp collectors react to this decision?
A. We anticipate collectors will be pleased with our decision. It means a much greater variety of stamps will be used on mail.
Q. Is this likely to stimulate greater interest in the hobby of stamp collecting?
A. We hope that the philatelic community will use the expansion of the Forever Stamp program as a springboard to excite others and get them interested in the world’s most popular stamp program.
Talking Points
n Starting January 22, 2011, all new First-Class Mail commemorative stamps will be Forever Stamps.
n Forever Stamps are a convenience that will enhance customer experiences with the Postal Service.
n The Postal Service is making this change to meet the needs of our customers.
n Customers want to buy stamps and not have to worry about future price changes; now there is no need to purchase make-up stamps when prices change.
n Forever Stamps are always available at the price of a First-Class Mail stamp in effect at the time of purchase.
n We want to make it easier for the American public to use stamps they may have on hand, despite any price changes that may occur.
n By offering customers greater variety and more choices when they purchase stamps, this change will keep stamps popular and relevant for many generations to come.
Fact Sheet
n The Forever Stamp first went on sale in April 2007. Since then, 28 billion Forever Stamps have been sold, generating $12.1 billion in sales.
n Starting on January 22, 2011, all new First-Class Mail commemorative stamps will be Forever Stamps.
n As the name suggests, Forever Stamps can be used to mail a 1-ounce letter regardless of when the stamps are purchased or used and no matter how prices may change in the future.
n Forever Stamps are always sold at the same price as a regular First-Class Mail stamp. Forever Stamps are currently sold for 44 cents.
n The Postal Service developed the Forever Stamp as a customer convenience, to help consumers ease the transition during price changes.
n The first Forever Stamp featured the Liberty Bell. On October 4, 2010, the Holiday Evergreens Forever Stamps were issued, and on December 1, 2010, Holiday Forever Stamp coils were issued featuring images of Lady Liberty and the U.S. Flag.
n Forever Stamps are available for purchase at Post Offices nationwide, online at www.usps.com, and by phone at 800-STAMP-24.
n Customers can use Forever Stamps for international mail, but since all international prices are higher than domestic prices, customers will need to attach additional postage. The value of the Forever Stamp is the domestic First-Class Mail letter price in effect on the day of use.
— Community Relations,
Corporate Communications, 12-16-10