The Voice of the Employee (VOE) survey was revised last year to measure employee engagement. What is significant about employee engagement? Employee engagement fosters and drives discretionary behavior, eliciting employees’ best ideas and their genuine commitment to the success of our organization. Engaged employees feel valued, understand how they contribute to the organization’s success, and work harder as a result.
External research shows a connection between employee engagement and business performance as a stronger indicator than any other measure of employee attitude and business performance. Analyses of VOE survey data conducted over the past year have consistently shown a significant relationship between employee engagement and the performance of the Postal Service™. Districts with higher VOE index scores tend to have better performance on several National Performance Assessment (NPA) indicators including Express Mail®, First-Class™ Overnight, First-Class 2-day, and First-Class 3–5 day service. Furthermore, more engaged districts have lower rates of motor vehicle accidents, injuries, and illnesses.
The quarter one, fiscal year 2011, results for the VOE survey are completed. More than 76,000 employees — 54 percent of those surveyed — responded. Of those who responded to the survey, 64.6 percent replied favorably. The majority of our employees understand the Postal Service’s strategic direction and how their work affects the organization’s success. Seventy-five percent of employees say they are proud to work for the Postal Service. Seventy-nine percent are aware of the security measures in the workplace, and the same percentage believes they have been properly trained to do their jobs.
The quarter two surveys are being mailed out now. Ensure all employees are given the opportunity to confidentially complete our employee engagement survey and return it by February 21.
— Selection, Evaluation, Recognition, Employee Resource Management, 1-27-11