© 2009 USPS
On February 11, 2011, in Charleston, South Carolina, the Postal Service™ will issue an Art Deco Bird nondenominated, nonprofit (5-cent value) definitive stamp in one design in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) coil of 3,000 stamps (Item 788100) and a PSA coil of 10,000 stamps (Item 788200). The stamp, designed by Carl T. Herrman, North Las Vegas, Nevada, goes on sale nationwide February 11, 2011.
Art Deco Bird
Item Number:
Denomination & Type of Issue:
Nondenominated Nonprofit (5-cent value)
Coil of 3,000 (1 design)
Issue Date & City:
February 11, 2011, Charleston, SC 29418 (Ameristamp Expo, No Ceremony)
Carl T. Herrman, North Las Vegas, NV
Art Director:
Carl T. Herrman, North Las Vegas, NV
Eric Kriemelmeyer, Charlotte Hall, MD
Nancy Stahl, New York, NY
Joseph Sheeran
Manufacturing Process:
Offset/Microprint “USPS”
Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd. (APU)
Printed at:
Williamsville, NY
Press Type:
Mueller Martini, A76
Stamps per Coil:
Print Quantity:
105 million stamps
Paper Type:
Nonphosphored, Type III
Adhesive Type:
Processed at:
Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd. (APU)
Stamp Orientation:
Image Area (w x h):
.73 x .84 in./18.54 x 21.34 mm
Overall Size (w x h):
.87 x .98 in./22.10 x 24.89 mm
Coil Size (w x h):
.98 x 10,000.00 in./24.89 x 254,000 mm
Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
Plate Size:
594stamps per revolution
Plate Numbers:
“P” followed by four (4) single digits
Plate Number Frequency:
Plate number on 1st stamp of the form
Coil Back Number Frequency:
Sequential numbering in increments of 10 located behind every 10th stamp throughout the coil
Marginal Markings:
Art Deco Bird
Item Number:
Denomination & Type of Issue:
Nondenominated Nonprofit (5-cent value)
Coil of 10,000 (1 design)
Issue Date & City:
February 11, 2011, Charleston, SC 29418 (Ameristamp Expo, No Ceremony)
Carl T. Herrman, North Las Vegas, NV
Art Director:
Carl T. Herrman, North Las Vegas, NV
Eric Kriemelmeyer, Charlotte Hall, MD
Nancy Stahl, New York, NY
Joseph Sheeran
Manufacturing Process:
Offset/Microprint “USPS”
Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd. (APU)
Printed at:
Williamsville, NY
Press Type:
Mueller Martini, A76
Stamps per Coil:
Print Quantity:
1.2 billion stamps
Paper Type:
Nonphosphored, Type III
Adhesive Type:
Processed at:
Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd. (APU)
Stamp Orientation:
Image Area (w x h):
.73 x .84 in./8.54 x 21.34 mm
Overall Size (w x h):
.87 x .98 in./22.10 x 24.89 mm
Coil Size (w x h):
.98 x 10000.00 in./24.89 x 254,000 mm
Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
Plate Size:
594 stamps per revolution
Plate Numbers:
“P” followed by four (4) single digits
Plate Number Frequency:
Plate number on first stamp of the form
Coil Back Number Frequency:
Sequential numbering in increments of 10 located behind every 10th stamp throughout the coil
Marginal Markings:
Customers have 60 days to obtain the first day of issue postmark by mail. They may purchase new stamps at their local Post Office™, at The Postal Store® website at www.usps.com/shop, or by calling 800-STAMP-24. They should affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the envelopes (to themselves or others), and place them in a larger envelope addressed to:
Art Deco Bird Stamp
7075 Cross County Road
Charleston, SC 29418-9998
After applying the first day of issue postmark, the Postal Service will return the envelopes through the mail. There is no charge for the postmark. All orders must be postmarked by April 11, 2011.
Stamp Fulfillment Services (SFS) also offers first day covers for new stamp issues and Postal Service stationery items postmarked with the official first day of issue cancellation. Each item has an individual catalog number and is offered in the quarterly USA Philatelic Catalog. Customers may request a free catalog by calling 800-STAMP-24 or writing to:
Information Fulfillment
Dept. 6270
U.S. Postal Service
PO Box 219014
Kansas City, MO 64121-9014
There is one philatelic product available for this stamp issue:
n 788262*, First Day Cover, $0.87.
Items with an asterisk (*) will use the 128 barcode from SFS. All other philatelic products will continue to use barcode series A, with the exception of the Yearbook and the Guide Book.
The Honolulu and Anchorage stamp distribution offices (SDOs) and the six stamp distribution centers (SDCs) will receive an automatic distribution of 788100.
SDOs/SDCs will not make a subsequent automatic distribution to Post Offices of this stamp issue. Post Offices requiring quantities of Item 788100 must requisition them from their designated SDO/SDC using PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition/Stamp Return. SDOs requiring additional stamps must order them from the appropriate SDC using PS Form 17. SDOs must not distribute this stamp to Post Offices before January 28, 2011.
The Honolulu and Anchorage SDOs and the six SDCs will receive an automatic distribution of 788200.
SDOs/SDCs will not make a subsequent automatic distribution to Post Offices of this stamp issue. Post Offices requiring quantities of Item 788200 must requisition them from their designated SDO/SDC using PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition/Stamp Return. SDOs requiring additional stamps must order them from the appropriate SDC using PS Form 17. SDOs must not distribute this stamp to Post Offices before January 28, 2011.
— Stamp Services,
Government Relations and Public Policy, 1-27-11