
Handbook PO-101 Revision: Discontinuance Procedures

Effective July 14, 2011, Handbook PO-101, Postal ServiceOperated Retail Facilities Discontinuance Guide, is revised to incorporate changes to discontinu­ance procedures for Postal Service–operated retail units. This edition supersedes Handbook PO-101, Post Office Discontinuance Guide, August 2004, and all pre­vious editions.

As a matter of policy, revised Handbook PO-101 extends the notice and comment procedures for Post Office™ discontinuance actions to discontinuance of clas­sified stations and classified branches. The changes to this handbook are not retroactive and are not mandatory for discontinuance actions that commenced when previous procedures and regulations were in effect and for which the initial feasibility study was begun before the effective date of the revised handbook.

Except as indicated here, any previous applicable direc­tive that is in conflict with this handbook is rescinded, and the previous issue of Handbook PO-101 is obsolete.

See related article, “PS Form 4920 Revision: Discon­tinuance Procedures,” on page 7.

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Handbook PO-101 is available on the Postal Service™ PolicyNet website:

n Go to http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.

n Click HBKs.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.)