Cover Story

Engagement is the Difference

Every quarter, 25 percent of the career employee population is randomly selected to complete the Voice of the Employee (VOE) survey. The VOE is the United States Postal Service’s measure of employee engagement. What is significant about employee engagement? Engagement is an emotional attachment to the organization and one’s work that leads to pride, commitment, and a willingness to go above and beyond on the job.

Research into the “drivers” of engagement has shown that employees are most engaged when they have the right tools, training, information, and leadership they need to do their job. Engaged employees know how their work impacts the success of the Postal Service™, and they are enabled and motivated to achieve results.

What can managers and supervisors do to help employees feel more engaged? Keep employees apprised of what is going on in your installation and in the entire organization. Give them individual feedback about how they are performing, and coach them to be the best they can be. Give them opportunities to develop and grow professionally. Watch your VOE scores each quarter to see how you’re doing, share your results with employees, and listen to their ideas for making improve­ments.

Ensure you and your employees are being heard.

Surveys for Quarter 4 are currently being mailed. Make sure all employees have the opportunity to complete their VOE survey confidentially.