
Misuse of the GSA SmartPay 2 Individually Billed Government Travel Cards

GSA SmartPay 2 individually billed government travel cards are issued to employees who are required to travel on official business. These cards are to be used for official government travel and travel-related expenses only. These expenses include air and rail tickets, lodging, meals, and car rental. They may also be used to obtain cash advances at automated teller machines. These cards are not to be used for personal, family, or household purposes. Nor should the card be used to pay for travel expenses of another employee.

Individually billed government travel cardholders have agreed to pay the balance in full by the due date. Failure to pay in full may result in suspension or cancellation of the card pursuant to the cardholder account agreement with Citibank.

If an employee’s individually billed government travel card is cancelled, the employee will be expected to use personal means to cover all official travel-related expenses such as transportation and lodging then file for reimburse­ment through the eTravel system. The Postal Service™ will not reimburse for any interest incurred as a result of using a personal credit card for official travel. Travel charges in excess of the government rate, incurred due to the use of a personal credit card, will only be reimbursed up to the government rate.

Misuse of the Government travel card, either by failure to pay the balance in full or by using it for personal purposes, will result in disciplinary action, up to and including removal. The cardholder must ensure that the travel card is used responsibly, and that the account is kept in good standing.

The travel card policy and cardholder account agreement can be found in the individually billed travel cards section on the Travelhelp website. The website is available from the Blue page under “Essential Links”; click Relocation and Travel, and also at