Domestic Products

New Placards Identify Business Reply Mail Holds and Status

Two new placards for Business Reply Mail® (BRM) have been created to assist in the process of identifying hold mail. Ensuring that the mail is marked properly is vital to revenue protection, as it communicates to all potential han­dlers the status of the mailing.

The BRM placards are available on the Forms page at and can be downloaded and printed from this website. The new plac­ards are as follows:

PS Form 4830-A, Mail on Hold, For Fees Not Paid (

image of PS Form 4830-A, Mail on Hold, For Fees Not Paid

This placard allows sites to confirm that proper pay­ments are being received from mailers. If a mailer is delin­quent in the payment of fees, the mail can be held and identified in this manner while waiting for a resolution. Included on the placard is a reminder of the next steps, if a resolution is not forthcoming.


PS Form 4830-B, Mail Not Processed (

image of PS Form 4830-B, Mail Not Processed

All sites have room for improvement in identifying mail not processed. This placard will allow anyone onsite to determine why the mail has not been processed and the correct next step for processing. Per BRM processing guidelines, any BRM received after the critical entry time (CET) (per the unit’s Integrated Operating Plan) must be processed for delivery the next day the delivery unit is open. This placard should be especially useful to postage due units.