Use Lead-Free Wheel Weights: Why the Postal Service Cares

graphic showing led-free wheel weights

A successful “lead-free” wheel weights pilot program developed in the Pacific Area was the catalyst for imple­menting a nationwide lead-free wheel weight program in 2009. Today, as a result of the efforts of our vehicle main­tenance staff, we have proactively eliminated over 2,500 pounds of lead wheel weights on our delivery fleet.

Why does all this matter? After numerous studies and investigations, USPS has determined that lead wheel weights applied to vehicle rims during tire balancing ser­vices can be a source of occupational lead exposure in the workplace and pose a threat to the environment. The envi­ronment may be impacted when they fall off onto the ground and enter the soil and nearby rivers and streams. Lead wheel weights fall off their host vehicles and are grad­ually pulverized by vehicle traffic into lead dust. The lead is rapidly abraded into fine dust particles that turn into lead oxides, hydroxides, and bicarbonates when exposed to the environment. When lead becomes soluble, it increases the risk of lead contamination of soils, groundwater, storm water, and drinking water supplies. Lead is a persistent and bio-accumulative neurotoxin with many well-established adverse environmental and human health effects. Long-term exposure in children can cause brain damage, affect growth, and impair intellectual and behavioral develop­ment. The EPA recently declared that lead wheel weights are the second leading pathway for lead exposure in chil­dren through the ingestion of lead-contaminated dusts and soils.

The Postal Service is committed to eliminating lead wheel weights because lead is on the USPS Targeted Chemicals List for reduction in the environment. Our efforts are consistent with the waste minimization goals of Execu­tive Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, and help create more sustainable business practices.

It is not surprising that both management and craft employees have had an overwhelmingly positive and sup­portive response to this initiative. Workplace safety and health are significantly enhanced by reducing the use of lead. We can all be proud of our vehicle maintenance facil­ities and their efforts to reduce the impacts of lead on the environment. The Postal Service’s proactive implementa­tion of this pollution prevention initiative is a major step toward reducing the occupational and environmental expo­sure of one of the nation’s most hazardous neurotoxins. Ini­tiatives like this one help the Postal Service reduce its environmental footprint and reinforce its commitment to being the “green” delivery provider in every community we serve.

What Can You Do?

Make sure you only buy steel wheel weights for Postal Service vehicles.