It is Postal Service™ policy to comply with all applicable local, state, and federal environmental regulations. A Notice of Violation (NOV), or similarly entitled actions, such as a warning letter or a notice of noncompliance, is issued to the Postal Service for the violation of an environmental regulation. These actions can be issued from a local, state, or federal agency.
Examples of noncompliance actions include, but are not limited to, the following:
n The issuance of an NOV from a state environmental protection agency for a Vehicle Maintenance Facility’s noncompliance with the state’s underground storage tank regulations.
n The issuance of a notice of noncompliance from a state environmental agency for the improper disposal of hazardous waste generated by a postal worker or contractor working at a postal facility.
n A warning letter issued by a state department of environmental protection for storm water violations.
The Office of Environmental Compliance and Risk Management, now within the Office of Sustainability, is standardizing the tracking and reporting of all NOVs within the Postal Service. Tracking NOVs will ensure that timely and necessary actions are taken to respond to NOVs and that certain critical NOVs are referred to the Law Department, and will assist in trend analysis to determine internal compliance-focused activities.
When installation heads or facility department project managers become aware of an NOV or similarly entitled action issued by a local, state, or federal agency, they must send an electronic copy of the NOV to the respective regional manager of Environmental Compliance and Sustainability within 5 days of receipt.
In addition, the Environmental Compliance and Risk Management Office is also standardizing the reporting of site visits and site inspections by local, state, or federal environmental regulatory agencies. Regardless of whether the site visit is announced (prescheduled) or unannounced, notification to the respective regional manager, Environmental Compliance and Sustainability, must be reported as soon as it is known.
For environmental regulatory agency visits and NOVs generated in the Northeast, Eastern, and Capital Metro Areas, and Headquarters-related facilities, send an email notification and/or electronic copy to Nick DeCarlo, Regional Manager Environmental Compliance and Sustainability at
For environmental regulatory agency visits and NOVs generated in the Great Lakes, Western, Southwest, and Pacific Areas, send an email notification and/or electronic copy to Larry Hanna, Regional Manager Environmental Compliance and Sustainability at
— Environmental Compliance and Risk Management,
Office of Sustainability, 5-3-12