DMM Revision: PC Postage Presorted Option

Effective June 24, 2012, the Postal Service™ will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 234, 244, 334, 344, 374, 434, 444, 474, and 604 to expand the use of PC Postage® for the payment of postage for First-Class Mail®, Standard Mail®, Media Mail®, and Library Mail, and First-Class Pack­age Service™ (except for commercial plus) commercial mailings. This includes permitting the use of PC Postage for the payment of additional postage and surcharges, according to standard, on an accompanying postage statement when exact postage is not affixed to each mail­piece in a mailing.

Previously, DMM standards allowed postage meter imprints as the only acceptable postage evidencing system method for use on mailpieces in presorted mailings. These revisions expand the options for customers using postage evidencing systems for more types of commercial mailings to include both postage meter imprints and PC Postage indicia.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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200 Commercial Letters and Cards

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230 First-Class Mail

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234 Postage Payment and Documentation

1.0 Basic Standards for Postage Payment

1.1 Postage Payment Options

[Revise 1.1 as follows:]

Postage for Presorted or automation First-Class Mail must be paid with affixed postage or permit imprint as specified in 2.0. Permit imprint may be used for mailings of noniden­tical-weight pieces only if authorized by Business Mailer Support at USPS Headquarters.

2.0 Postage Payment for Presorted and Automation Letters

2.1 Payment Methods

[Revise the first sentence of 2.1 as follows:]

First-Class Mail automation postage must be paid with postage evidencing system indicia, permit imprints, or pre­canceled stamps.***

2.2 Affixing Postage for Presorted and Automation First-Class Mail

[Revise the introductory text of 2.2 as follows:]

Unless permitted by other standards or authorization by Business Mailer Support, when precanceled postage or postage evidencing system indicia are used, only one pay­ment method may be used in a mailing, and each piece must bear the numerical value of postage under one of these conditions:

[Revise item 2.2a as follows:]

a. Each piece bearing a postage evidencing system in­dicium and weighing more than 2 ounces must bear the correct postage applicable to the additional ounce(s).

[Revise the last sentence of item 2.2b as follows:]

b. ***Additional postage must be paid at the time of mailing with an advance deposit account or with a postage evidencing system indicium affixed to the postage statement.

[Revise item 2.2c as follows:]

c. Each piece bearing a postage evidencing system in­dicium must bear full postage at the lowest First-Class Mail 2-ounce letter price (or card price as ap­plicable) plus any additional ounce(s) or nonmachin­able surcharge.

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240 Standard Mail

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244 Postage Payment and Documentation

1.0 Basic Standards for Postage Payment

1.1 Postage Payment Options

[Revise the second and last sentence of 1.1 as follows:]

***Postage for Standard Mail must be paid with postage evidencing system, permit imprint, or precanceled stamps as specified in 2.0. Permit imprint may be used for mailings of nonidentical-weight pieces only if authorized by Busi­ness Mailer Support at USPS Headquarters.

2.0 Postage Payment for Presorted and Enhanced Carrier Route Letters

2.1 Identical-Weight Pieces

[Revise the third sentence of 2.1 as follows:]

***If exact postage is not affixed, all additional postage and surcharges must be paid at the time of mailing with an advance deposit account or with a postage evidencing system indicia (604.4) affixed to the required postage state­ment.***

2.2 Nonidentical-Weight Pieces

[Revise the text of 2.2 as follows:]

Postage for nonidentical-weight pieces may be paid by precanceled stamps, subject to 4.0 and 604.3.0. Mailings of nonidentical-weight pieces may have postage paid by permit imprint (if authorized by Business Mailer Support) or by postage evidencing system indicia if each piece has the full numerical value of postage affixed. Alternatively, except for heavy automation and Enhanced Carrier Route letters, the mailer may affix the per piece price to each piece and pay the pound price for the mailing through an advance deposit account. Under this alternative, the mailer must provide a postage statement for each payment method and mark each piece “Pound Price Pd via Permit,” in the post­age evidencing system indicium or ad plate or other means that ensures a legible endorsement. For mailings of non­identical-weight pieces, “nonidentical” must be shown in place of the weight of a single piece on the applicable post­age statement.

2.3 Combined Price

[Revise the first sentence of 2.3 as follows:]

Postage evidencing system indicia may be used for com­bined price mailings containing both pieces subject to pound prices and pieces subject to minimum per piece charges.***

3.0 Postage Payment for Automation Letters

3.1 All Pieces

[Revise the text of 3.1 as follows:]

Unless authorized by the USPS under 705.2.0 through 705.5.0, when precanceled postage stamps or postage evidencing system indicia are used, only one payment method may be used in a mailing, and each piece must bear the correct numerical value of postage at the price claimed based on its eligibility. For mailings of nonidentical-weight pieces subject to the piece/pound prices, the mailer may affix the applicable per piece price to each piece and pay the pound price for the mailing by a permit imprint advance deposit account. All pieces prepared this way in a mailing must be subject to the same pound price. A post­age statement must be submitted for each payment method, and each piece must be marked “Pound Price Pd via Permit” in the postage evidencing system indicium or ad plate or other means that ensure a legible endorsement. “Nonidentical” must be shown in place of the weight of a single piece on the postage statement.

3.2 Affixing Postage for Automation Standard Mail Letters

[Revise the text of 3.2 as follows:]

In a mailing bearing postage evidencing system indicia or precanceled stamp postage, each piece must bear either:

a. A precanceled stamp, under 604.3.0; postage docu­mentation under 4.0 is required. Additional postage must be paid at the time of mailing with an advance deposit account or with a postage evidencing sys­tem indicium affixed to the postage statement.

b. Exact numerical value of postage on pieces bearing postage evidencing system indicia, or at the lowest price applicable to the mailing job. Any additional postage must be paid at the time of mailing with an advance deposit account or with a postage evidenc­ing system indicium affixed to the postage statement.

3.3 Mixed Price Mailing Documentation

[Revise the last sentence of 3.3 as follows:]

***The total additional postage must be paid either by advance deposit account or by a postage evidencing sys­tem indicium affixed to the postage statement.

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300 Commercial Flats

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330 First-Class Mail

* * * * * 

334 Postage Payment and Documentation

1.0 Basic Standards for Postage Payment

1.1 Postage Payment Options

[Revise 1.1 as follows:]

The mailer is responsible for proper postage payment. Postage for Presorted or automation First-Class Mail must be paid with affixed postage or permit imprint (604.5.0) as specified in 2.0. Permit imprint may be used for mailings of nonidentical-weight pieces only if authorized by Business Mailer Support at USPS Headquarters.

2.0 Postage Payment for Presorted and Automation Flats

2.1 Payment Methods

[Revise the first sentence of 2.1 as follows:]

First-Class Mail Presorted or automation postage must be paid with postage evidencing system indicia, permit imprints, or precanceled stamps.***

2.2 Affixing Postage for Presorted and Automation First-Class Mail

[Revise the text of 2.2 as follows:]

Unless permitted by other standards or authorized by Busi­ness Mailer Support, when precanceled postage stamps or postage evidencing system indicia are used, only one pay­ment method may be used in a mailing and each piece must bear the numerical value of postage under one of these conditions:

a. Each piece bearing postage evidencing system indi­cia and weighing more than 1 ounce must bear the correct numerical value of additional postage appli­cable to the additional ounce(s).

b. Each piece must bear a precanceled stamp, under 604.3.0; postage documentation under 3.0 is re­quired. Additional postage must be paid at the time of mailing with an advance deposit account or with a postage evidencing system indicium affixed to the postage statement.

c. Each piece with postage evidencing system indicia must bear the full numerical value of postage in the exact amount or at the lowest price applicable to the mailing job plus any additional ounce(s). If exact postage is not affixed, additional postage must be paid at the time of mailing with an advance deposit account or with a postage evidencing system indici­um affixed to the postage statement.

2.3 Postage Affixed at Lowest Price to All Pieces

[Revise the last sentence of 2.3 as follows:]

***The total additional postage must be paid either by advance deposit account or by a postage evidencing sys­tem indicium affixed to the postage statement.

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340 Standard Mail

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344 Postage Payment and Documentation

1.0 Basic Standards for Postage Payment

1.1 Postage Payment Options

[Revise 1.1 as follows:]

The mailer is responsible for proper postage payment. Postage for Standard Mail flats must be paid with postage evidencing systems, permit imprint, or precanceled stamps as specified in 2.0. Postage-affixed pieces must bear the correct numerical value of postage unless excepted by standard. Permit imprint may be used for mailings of non­identical-weight pieces only if authorized by Business Mailer Support at USPS Headquarters.

2.0 Postage Payment for Presorted and Enhanced Carrier Route Flats

2.1 Identical-Weight Pieces

[Revise the first and third sentences of 2.1 as follows:]

Mailings of identical-weight pieces may have, affixed to each piece, the exact numerical value of postage for which the piece qualifies, or postage at the lowest price applica­ble to pieces in the mailing. ***If exact postage is not affixed, all additional postage and surcharges must be paid at the time of mailing with an advance deposit account or with a postage evidencing system indicium bearing the correct numerical value of postage affixed to the postage statement.***

2.2 Nonidentical-Weight Pieces

[Revise the second and third sentences of 2.2 as follows:]

***Mailings of nonidentical-weight pieces subject to the piece/pound prices may have postage paid by permit imprint (if authorized by Business Mailer Support) or by postage evidencing system indicium (if each piece has the full numerical value of postage affixed). Alternatively, except for heavy letter mail over 3 ounces (see 201.3.6), the mailer may affix the numerical per piece price to each piece and pay the pound price for the mailing through an advance deposit account.***

2.3 Combined Price

[Revise the first sentence of 2.3 as follows:]

Postage evidencing system indicia may be used for com­bined price mailings containing both pieces subject to pound prices and pieces subject to minimum per piece charges.***

3.0 Postage Payment for Automation Flats

3.1 All Pieces

[Revise the text of 3.1 as follows:]

Unless authorized by the USPS under 705.2.0 through 705.5.0, or 705.16.0, when precanceled postage or post­age evidencing systems are used, only one payment method may be used in a mailing, and each piece must bear the correct numerical value of postage for which the piece qualifies. For mailings of nonidentical-weight pieces subject to the piece/pound prices, the mailer may affix the applicable numerical per piece price to each piece and pay the pound price for the mailing by a permit imprint advance deposit account. All pieces prepared this way in a mailing must be subject to the same pound price. A postage state­ment must be submitted for each payment method and each piece must be marked “Pound Price Pd via Permit” in the postage evidencing system indicium or ad plate or other means that ensures a legible endorsement. “Non­identical” must be shown in place of the weight of a single piece on the postage statement.

3.2 Affixing Postage for Automation Standard Mail Flats

[Revise 3.2 as follows:]

In a postage evidencing system indicia or precanceled stamp mailing, each piece must bear either:

a. A precanceled stamp, under 604.3.0; postage docu­mentation under 4.0 is required. Additional postage must be paid at the time of mailing with an advance deposit account or with a postage evidencing sys­tem indicium affixed to the postage statement.

b. Exact postage on pieces bearing postage evidencing system indicia pieces or postage at the lowest price applicable to the mailing job. Additional postage must be paid at the time of mailing with an advance deposit account or with a postage evidencing sys­tem indicium affixed to the postage statement.

3.3 Mixed Price Mailing Documentation

[Revise 3.3 as follows:]

Where it is not practicable for the mailer to affix either the exact numerical value of postage or the lowest postage price to each piece in the mailing, the mailer may compute postage for the mailing as if the lowest numerical price affixed to any piece in the mailing were affixed to all pieces. Additional postage is computed based on the difference between the lowest numerical price affixed to any piece in the mailing and the price for each price level in the mailing. This computation must be documented to meet the basic standards in 4.0. No refund is paid for any piece where postage is affixed at a price higher than the lowest price claimed for or affixed to any piece. The total additional postage must be paid either by advance deposit account or by a postage evidencing system indicium affixed to the postage statement.

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370 Media Mail and Library Mail

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374 Postage Payment and Documentation

1.0 Basic Standards for Postage Payment

1.1 Postage Payment Options

[Revise last two sentences of 1.1 as follows:]

***Pieces with postage affixed must bear the correct numerical value of postage. Permit imprint may be used for mailings of nonidentical-weight pieces only if authorized by Business Mailer Support at USPS Headquarters.

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400 Commercial Parcels

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430 First-Class Package Service

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434 Postage Payment and Documentation

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2.0 Postage Payment for Presorted First-Class Package Service Parcels

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2.2 Affixed Postage for First-Class Package Service Parcels

Each presorted First-Class Package Service parcel bearing affixed postage (not permitted for commercial plus parcels) must bear one of the following:

[Revise item 2.2a as follows:]

a. The full numerical value of postage at the First-Class Package Service price for which it qualifies.

[Revise item 2.2b as follows:]

b. Full numerical value of postage in an amount not less than the lowest applicable First-Class Package Ser­vice parcel price if authorized by Business Mailer Support, plus full numerical value of postage for ad­ditional ounces.

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440 Standard Mail

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444 Postage Payment and Documentation

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1.0 Basic Standards for Postage Payment

1.1 Postage Payment Options

[Revise 1.1 as follows:]

The mailer is responsible for proper postage payment. Postage for Standard Mail must be paid with postage evi­dencing systems permit imprint, or precanceled stamps as specified in 2.0. Mail manifested using the Electronic Verifi­cation System (eVS) under 705.2.9 must be paid with a per­mit imprint. Postage-affixed pieces must bear the correct numerical value of postage unless excepted by standard. Permit imprint may be used for mailings of nonidentical-weight pieces only if authorized by Business Mailer Sup­port at USPS Headquarters.

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470 Media Mail and Library Mail

* * * * * 

474 Postage Payment and Documentation

1.0 Basic Standards for Postage Payment

1.1 Postage Payment Options

[Revise the fourth and fifth sentence of 1.1 as follows:]

***Pieces with postage affixed must bear the correct numerical value of postage for which the piece qualifies. Permit imprint may be used for mailings of nonidentical-weight pieces only if authorized by Business Mailer Sup­port at USPS Headquarters.***

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600 Basic Standards for All Mailing Services

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604 Postage Payment Methods

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4.0 Postage Meters and PC Postage Products (“Postage Evidencing Systems”)

4.1 Basic Information

4.1.1 Definitions

[Add a new last sentence to 4.1.1 as follows:]

***When used to apply postage to commercial mailings, the postage evidencing system indicia must bear the numerical value of postage.

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4.3 Postage Payment

4.3.1 Paying for Postage

[Revise the first sentence of 4.3.1 as follows:]

The numerical value of the postage displayed on each mail­piece must be equal to or greater than the amount due for the applicable price and any extra service fees, or another amount permitted by mailing standards.***

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We will incorporate these revisions into the next update of the online DMM, which is available via Postal Explorer® at