Cover Story

First Quarter Voice of the Employee Surveys are Coming Soon

The Voice of the Employee (VOE) survey is one of the largest employee opinion surveys in the nation. Each quarter, a random sample of 25 percent of Postal Service™ workers are invited to express their thoughts on topics such as commu­nication, trust, diversity, and respect. Participation in the VOE survey is voluntary and entirely confidential. Responses go directly to an independent party who tabulates the results and reports them back to the Postal Service in summary form.

The VOE survey is a key measure of the engagement of our workforce: the extent to which employees feel like they have the right tools, information, teamwork, training, and leadership that they need to perform to the best of their abilities. The results of the survey are used by locations all across the country to create action plans to improve the work environment. If you receive a first quarter VOE survey, take the time to confidentially express your opinion — on the clock — to help make the Postal Service a better place to work.

To learn more about VOE survey, you can access the VOE website from the Human Resources webpage on Blue at There you can find the most recent survey results, tips for working with your results, articles on employee engagement, and more.

Have an idea for the VOE survey? A question you would like to ask? A success story that you want to share? Send your thoughts to