Effective October 18, 2012, Handbook F-101, Field Accounting Procedures, is revised to include an exception process for units to locally verify and destroy envelopes with precanceled stamps affixed to them. This exception process will only apply to those units that accept 10,000 pieces or more of the precanceled stamped envelopes to exchange for stamps. Also, the units must first receive authorization from their district marketing manager.
In addition, a new form was created to be used as supporting documentation for accepting the redeemed stock from the customer. PS Form 3210, Receipt for Stamp Stock Submitted for Redemption, (see Exhibit A, page 47) must be completed by the retail associate based on the information that is provided by the customer. The top portion of the form is to be retained with the redeemed stock, and the bottom portion is to be given to the customer.
Handbook F-101, Field Accounting Procedures
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11 Accountable Paper — Postal Retail Units
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11-6 Returning Stock to the SDC or SDO
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11-6.2 Nonsaleable Stock
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[Add new 11-6.2.1 as follows:]
11-6.2.1 Exception — Nonsaleable Stock
This exception only applies to units that receive precanceled stamped envelopes from customers with quantities of 10,000 or more.
[Add new 11-6.2.2 as follows:]
11-6.2.2 Large Quantity Destruction Exception for Envelopes With Precanceled Stamps
Postal retail units (PRUs) that exchange 10,000 or more envelopes with precanceled postage affixed may verify and recycle them locally if an exception is authorized by the district marketing manager. Note: First-Class full-rate stamped envelopes and metered/permit imprinted envelopes do not qualify for this exception.
The authorization request procedures are as follows:
n Customers must do the following:
n Submit a written request with explanation of why the mailpieces were not mailed. The request must be on business letterhead and include the signature of the authorized user or the commercial entity that prepared the mailing. The letter must include a listing of the different values and quantity for each denomination.
n Submit envelopes grouped by identical size and weight for each denomination of envelopes.
n PRUs must do the following:
n Complete PS Form 3210, maintain the top portion with the redeemed envelopes, and provide the bottom portion to the customer as documentation that the envelopes were accepted by the unit.
n Prepare an original and two copies of PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition/Stamp Return. Enter the quantities provided by customer (do not exchange for postage until quantities have been verified); however, only enter 90% of the face value in the Redemption Rate (Destruction) column. (See DMM section 604.9.1.6.) For example, if the customer wants to exchange 10,000 envelopes with a face value of $0.10, then the redemption rate is $0.09 and the dollar value is $900.00.
n Place the redeemed envelopes in Postal Service–approved mail transport equipment and seal with a numbered tin seal following Registered Mail procedures.
n Contact the district marketing manager via email to request authorization to verify and destroy locally. Include the customer name, customer address, name of the retail unit, quantity, and amount in the email notification.
n The district marketing manager must do the following:
n If approved, coordinate date and time for verification at the closest BMEU, and arrange transportation of verified envelopes for recycling to a facility (plant) with a recycling contract, if required. Note: BMEUs in plants with recycling contracts can recycle the verified envelopes at their facility.
n Notify the Inspection Service Crime Prevention Mailbox (and copy the local Postal Inspection Service) with the following information at least 5 days prior to BMEU verification:
n The Outlook address: HDQ Security and Crime Prevention Mailbox. On the subject line enter “Precanceled Stamped Envelope Destruction Exception — Forward to Security Team Leader.”
n The name and address of the BMEU verifying the envelopes.
n The date of verification.
n The mode of destruction — Recycling.
n The retail unit qualifying the exception.
n The customer name and address.
Note: See Appendix B-3 for the email address of the local Postal Inspection Service.
n Reply to the PRU via email that the request was approved, and provide instruction and the date they may proceed with destruction.
Upon approval:
n PRUs must ship redeemed envelopes along with the original and one copy of PS Form 17 directly to the BMEU via Registered Mail according to the instructions and date provided by the district marketing manager. Maintain a second copy of PS Form 17 locally at the PRU.
n The BMEU manager/supervisor must do the following:
n Ensure that the returned/exchanged stock does not accidentally enter the mailstream (treat it as Registered Mail).
n Along with a witness, verify quantities reported on PS Form 17 using the same process for verifying permit imprint mailings (sample each category of identical size, weight, and denomination and compare to the total weight of each category minus any tare weight).
n If a discrepancy greater than 1% is found, contact the PRU to notify the customer. Upon the customer’s consent, the PRU will contact the BMEU manager to make corrections to the PS Form 17 (in the “Quantity” or “Redemption Rate Destruction” column) and adjust the value accordingly.
n Once verification is completed, along with a witness, complete the bottom portion of PS Form 17, Section to Be Completed by Stamp Destruction Committee — “We certify that the stock value was verified” (on both the original and copy) to include both signatures and titles along with a postmark to certify verification.
n Release verified envelopes with precanceled postage affixed and the PS Forms 17 to the destruction or recycling operation following instructions provided by the district marketing manager. If the site does not have a recycling program, then the verified envelopes and PS Forms 17 must be placed in Postal Service–approved mail transport equipment and sent as Registered Mail to a nearby plant that has a recycling program.
n The destruction/recycling supervisor must do the following:
n Destroy or recycle verified envelopes with a witness.
n Along with a witness, complete the bottom portion of PS Form 17, Section to Be Completed by Stamp Destruction Committee — “Each member witnessed the disposal of the stock by the method specified above” (on both the original and copy) to include both signatures and titles along with a postmark to certify disposal of stock.
n Forward the signed PS Forms 17 to the district marketing manager.
After Destruction:
n The district marketing manager must do the following:
n Review the completed PS Form 17 for accuracy and forward the signed original to the PRU along with a letter (signed by the district marketing manager) authorizing the exception.
n Maintain a copy of PS Form 17 and the authorization letter for their records.
n PRUs must do the following, upon receipt of the completed PS Form 17 with the authorization letter from the district marketing manager:
n Contact the customer.
n Determine the type of stamps required for the exchange.
n Coordinate with an RA to ensure stamps are available for the verified amount.
n The retail associate must do the following:
n Perform an exchange for the amount certified on PS Form 17.
1. Use the stamp exchange workflow in POS to issue stamps to the customer.
2. Ship the redeemed dollar amount of stock from retail floor stock to unit reserve.
3. Submit the completed PS Form 17 and authorization letter as supporting documentation for exchange and transfer of redeemed stock to the unit reserve.
n Non-POS ONE Units
1. Issue the stamps exchanged to the customer.
2. Ship the redeemed dollar amount of stock from the retail associate’s stamp stock credit to the unit reserve with the completed PS Form 17.
n The stock custodian must do the following:
n Receive from the retail associate the redeemed amount into unit reserve.
n Ship out the redeemed amount as stock returned from the unit reserve to the SDC.
n Enter the system-generated shipment number on PS Form 17.
n Submit a completed original PS Form 17 along with the signed authorization letter from the district marketing manager by Certified Mail to the SDC that services his/her returns, Attn: Accountable Paper Destruction Supervisor, for entries in SSS.
n Maintain copies of all documents locally for his/her records (i.e., customer request letter, PS Form 17, emails, etc).
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Appendix B Contacts and Addresses
[Add new subchapter as follows:]
B-3 Postal Inspection Service Local Divisions
* Postal Inspection Division for South Jersey District is based on the location of the unit.
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We will incorporate this revision into the next online update of Handbook F-101 available on the Postal Service™ PolicyNet website:
n Go to http://blue.usps.gov.
n Under “Essential Links” in the left-hand column, click PolicyNet.
n On the PolicyNet page, click Handbooks.
(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.)
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PS Form 3210 is available on the Postal Service™ Forms website:
n Go to http://blue.usps.gov.
n Under “Essential Links,” in the left-hand column, click Forms.
n On the Forms page, in the left-hand column, under “Browse Forms by Number” click 3000–3999.
n Scroll down to PS 3210.
(The direct URL for the Postal Service Forms is http://blue.usps.gov/formmgmt/forms.htm.)
— Revenue and Field Accounting,
Controller, 10-18-12