Mailing and Shipping Services

Merchandise Return Service Has Internal Web Page

Merchandise Return Service (MRS) now has its own internal Web page on the Postal Service™ intranet site that will serve as an information resource for employees who process MRS on a regular basis. The web page provides updates about MRS training, documentation, and Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) compliance. MRS will be subject to SOX compliance testing beginning in January 2013.

PostalOne! MRS Postage Assessment Module will simplify processing MRS packages, create efficiencies in your office, increase accuracy of postage entries, and reduce concerns about SOX compliance. Instructions on how to order the module and how to use it are on the new MRS Web page.

The new MRS page also includes links to job aids, mailpiece design support, and other resources. To explore the new Web page, go to