Effective January 27, 2013, the Postal Service™ will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) to reflect changes to prices and standards for the international shipping services noted below.
Global Express Guaranteed® (GXG®) is an international expedited delivery service provided through an alliance with FedEx Express®. The price increase for GXG service averages 9.6 percent. The Commercial Base™ price and Commercial Plus™ price for customers who prepare and pay for GXG shipments by permit imprint, online at USPS.com®, or as registered end-users using an authorized PC Postage® vendor remain a variable discount (based on the item’s weight and price group) of up to 12 percent below the retail price for Commercial Base price and up to 17 percent below the retail price for Commercial Plus price. The price for GXG insurance is unchanged. Finally, customers tendering at least $100,000 in annual postal revenue from international expedited products —Global Express Guaranteed, Express Mail International, Priority Mail International, and the newly added First-Class Package International Service — may request authorization for Commercial Plus pricing.
Express Mail International service provides reliable, high-speed service to approximately 190 countries with a money-back, date-certain delivery guarantee to select destination countries. The price increase for Express Mail International service averages 13.2 percent. The Commercial Base price and Commercial Plus price for customers who prepare and pay for Express Mail International shipments by permit imprint, online at USPS.com, or as registered end-users using an authorized PC Postage vendor remain a variable discount (based on the item’s weight and price group) of up to 10 percent below the retail price for Commercial Base price and up to 16 percent below the retail price for Commercial Plus price. Customers tendering at least $100,000 in annual postal revenue from international expedited products — Global Express Guaranteed, Express Mail International, Priority Mail International, and the newly added First-Class Package International Service — may request authorization for Commercial Plus pricing. In addition, the Postal Service is making the following changes:
n To provide additional value, the Postal Service is increasing the limit for which Express Mail International shipments containing merchandise are insured against loss, damage, or missing contents at no additional charge — the limit is increasing from $100 up to $200. (The limit for document reconstruction insurance remains at $100.) Also, the Postal Service is not increasing the fees for which mailers may purchase additional Express Mail International merchandise insurance over $200 (up to a maximum of $5,000).
n For consistency, the Postal Service is updating the IMM to reflect a 4-pound maximum weight limit for all Express Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes (to match the maximum weight limit for Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelopes). Previously, the weight limit was 20 pounds.
Priority Mail International service offers economical prices for reliable delivery of documents and merchandise. The price increase for Priority Mail International service averages 15.1 percent. The Commercial Base price and Commercial Plus price for customers who prepare and pay for Priority Mail International items by permit imprint, online at USPS.com, or as registered end-users using an authorized PC Postage vendor remain a variable discount (based on the item’s weight and price group) of up to 9 percent below the retail price for Commercial Base price and up to 14 percent below the retail price for Commercial Plus price. The price for Priority Mail International insurance is unchanged. Also, customers tendering at least $100,000 in annual postal revenue from international expedited products — Global Express Guaranteed, Express Mail International, Priority Mail International, and the newly added First-Class Package International Service — may request authorization for Commercial Plus pricing.
The Postal Service is making the following changes for Priority Mail International Flat Rate items:
n The Postal Service is introducing Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service, which is an optional service provided to select destination countries at no charge and is available only electronically through USPS®-approved PC Postage vendors, Click-N-Ship®, Click-N-Ship for Business™, Webtools, and Global Shipping Software (GSS) or other USPS-approved software. Tracking information includes the date and time an article was delivered or, if delivery was attempted but not completed, the date and time of the delivery attempt. It is designed to improve customer service and strengthen the business-to-customer commerce channel. The sender can check delivery status by going to USPS.com and clicking on the “Track & Confirm” feature. Although the initial offering is limited to Canada, the Postal Service anticipates adding additional countries in the spring of 2013.
n The Postal Service is combining Mexico with the price tier for “All Other Countries.” Previously, Mexico was combined with the price tier for Canada. Consequently, only Canada has unique pricing for Priority Mail International Flat Rate items.
The Postal Service successfully filed a petition to transfer our existing First-Class Mail International packages (small packets) and rolls from the market-dominant product list to the competitive product list. The rebranded competitive product is identified as First-Class Package International Service. With this change, and similar to our other competitive international mailing offerings, there will be three pricing tiers — the retail price, the Commercial Base price, and the Commercial Plus price. The Commercial Base price and Commercial Plus price for customers who prepare and pay for First-Class Package International Service shipments by permit imprint, online at USPS.com, or as registered end-users using an authorized PC Postage vendor are a variable discount (based on the item’s weight and price group) of up to 10 percent below the retail price for Commercial Base price and up to 15 percent below the retail price for Commercial Plus price. To qualify for Commercial Plus pricing, customers must commit to tendering at least $100,000 in annual postal revenue from international expedited products — Global Express Guaranteed, Express Mail International, Priority Mail International, and the newly added First-Class Package International Service. The mailing requirements for First-Class Package International Service are the same mailing requirements that previously applied to First-Class Mail International packages. For example, the price groups remain the same, the value of the item may not exceed $400, the item may not exceed 4 pounds, and the item always requires PS Form 2976, Customs Declaration CN 22 — Sender’s Declaration. Also, the Postal Service is revising the Prohibitions, Restrictions, and/or Observations sections of approximately 65 IMM Individual Country Listings to add references to First-Class Package International Service along with references to First-Class Mail International service.
For First-Class Package International Service packages (small packets), the Postal Service is introducing Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service, which is an optional service provided to select destination countries at no charge and is available only electronically through USPS-approved PC Postage vendors, Click-N-Ship, Click-N-Ship for Business, Webtools, and Global Shipping Software (GSS) or other USPS-approved software. Tracking information includes the date and time an article was delivered or, if delivery was attempted but not completed, the date and time of the delivery attempt. It is designed to improve customer service and strengthen the business-to-customer commerce channel. The sender can check delivery status by going to USPS.com and clicking on the “Track & Confirm” feature. Although the initial offering is limited to Canada, the Postal Service anticipates adding additional countries in the spring of 2013.
Although there are modest price increases for several international competitive extra services, there actually is no overall price increase — the elimination of the $0.85 fee for Express Mail International insurance for the $100.01 to $200 limit offsets the modest price increases.
The following revisions to international shipping services are also effective January 27, 2013:
n Certificate of Mailing service: Most of the prices for certificate of mailing service are increasing. In addition, for mailers who pay for postage with a permit imprint, the Postal Service is adding the flexibility to pay the fee using the same permit imprint account. Previously, the only option to pay the fee was for mailers to apply ordinary stamps, meter stamps, or PC Postage® to PS Form 3877, Firm Mailing Book for Accountable Mail, or PS Form 3606, Certificate of Bulk Mailing.
n Restricted Delivery service: Due to low quantity demand by customers, the Postal Service is discontinuing outbound international restricted delivery service (which previously had been available only for Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes and Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes using Registered Mail™ service).
n International money transfer services: The prices for international money transfer services are increasing. The international money order fee is increasing to $4.50, and the money order inquiry fee is increasing to $5.75. The Sure Money® (DineroSeguro®) fee is increasing from $1.00 to $2.00 (depending on the amount sent).
n International Priority Airmail™ (IPA®) service: The overall price increase averages 1.9 percent.
n International Surface Air Lift® (ISAL®) service: The overall price increase averages 4.4 percent.
n Airmail M-bags: The overall price increase averages 7.3 percent.
n Registered Mail service: The price for international Registered Mail service is increasing to $12.95.
n Return receipt service: The price for international return receipt service is increasing to $3.50.
n Pickup On Demand® service: The price for Pickup On Demand service is increasing to $20.00.
These IMM revisions are based on our international Shipping Services final rule published in the Federal Register (77 FR 64725–64734) on October 23, 2012. The entire notice is available for review on Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com.
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM)
* * * * *
1 International Mail Services
* * * * *
120 Preparation for Mailing
* * * * *
123 Customs Forms and Online Shipping Labels
* * * * *
123.5 Place of Mailing
***Refer to the specific IMM part below for determination:
* * * * *
[Insert new item e to read as follows:]
e. First-Class Package International Service mailpieces — see 255.
123.6 Required Usage
123.61 Conditions
* * * * *
Exhibit 123.61 Customs Declaration Form Usage by Mail Category
[Delete the section titled “First-Class Mail International Packages (Small Packets), Including IPA Items and ISAL Items (Maximum weight limit: 4 pounds),” insert the following section regarding First-Class Package International Service, and revise the footnote to read as follows:]
* * * * *
140 International Mail Categories
141 Definitions
* * * * *
[Insert a new 141.6 to read as follows:]
141.6 First-Class Package International Service
First-Class Package International Service is a generic term for mailpieces that are package-size (small packets), that weigh 4 pounds or less, and that have a value of $400 or less. First-Class Package International Service items may contain any package-size item (small packet) that is not prohibited by the destination country. At the sender’s option, extra services, such as registry and return receipt, may be added on a country-specific basis.
* * * * *
150 Postage
* * * * *
152 Payment Methods
* * * * *
152.6 Permit Imprint
152.61 Conditions for Use
***This postage payment method may be used for postage and extra service fees for the following services:
* * * * *
[Redesignate current items e and f as new f and g, and insert new item e to read as follows:]
e. First-Class Package International Service.
* * * * *
152.64 Required Format
* * * * *
Exhibit 152.64 Indicia Formats
* * * * *
[Between the sections titled “FIRST-CLASS MAIL INTERNATIONAL” and “INTERNATIONAL PRIORITY AIRMAIL (IPA),” insert a new section titled “FIRST-CLASS PACKAGE INTERNATIONAL SERVICE.” In this new section, insert the same seven entries that appear in the First-Class Mail International section BUT revise those seven entries by substituting the words “FIRST-CLASS PACKAGE INTERNATIONAL SERVICE” for “FIRST-CLASS MAIL INTERNATIONAL.”]
* * * * *
2 Conditions for Mailing
210 Global Express Guaranteed
* * * * *
213 Prices and Postage Payment Methods
* * * * *
213.6 Commercial Prices
* * * * *
213.62 Commercial Plus Prices
* * * * *
213.622 Commercial Plus Pricing — Eligibility
[Revise 213.622 to read as follows:]
To qualify for Commercial Plus pricing, customers must agree to all terms and conditions in a standardized agreement with the Postal Service and tender at least $100,000 per year for international shipping products. For this purpose, “international shipping products” includes any combination of Global Express Guaranteed, Express Mail International, Priority Mail International, or First-Class Package International Service items.
* * * * *
220 Express Mail International
221 Description and Physical Characteristic
* * * * *
221.3 Express Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes
[Revise the second sentence to read as follows:]
***The maximum weight is 4 pounds.***
* * * * *
222 Eligibility
* * * * *
222.7 Express Mail International Insurance and Indemnity
222.71 Merchandise Insurance
[Revise the first sentence to read as follows:]
Express Mail International shipments containing merchandise are insured against loss, damage, or missing contents up to $200 at no additional charge.***
* * * * *
222.8 Extra Services — Merchandise Insurance
[Revise the first sentence to read as follows:]
Additional merchandise insurance coverage above $200, up to a maximum of $5,000, may be purchased at the sender’s option.***
223 Prices and Postage Payment Methods
223.1 Prices
* * * * *
223.13 Commercial Plus Prices
* * * * *
223.131 Commercial Plus Pricing — Eligibility
[Revise 223.131 to read as follows:]
To qualify for Commercial Plus pricing, customers must agree to all terms and conditions in a standardized agreement with the Postal Service and tender at least $100,000 per year of international shipping products. For this purpose, “international shipping products” includes any combination of Global Express Guaranteed, Express Mail International, Priority Mail International, or First-Class Package International Service items.
* * * * *
230 Priority Mail International
* * * * *
232 Eligibility
232.1 Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes and Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes
[Revise 231.1 in its entirety to read as follows:]
232.11 General
All items that may be sent with First-Class Mail International service (see 241) and First-Class Package International Service (see 251) may be sent in Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes or Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes provided the contents are mailable, they fit securely in the envelope or box, and they are entirely confined within the container with the provided adhesive as the means of closure. The flap must close within the prefabricated fold. Tape may be applied to the flap and seams for closure or for reinforcement, provided the design of the container is not enlarged by opening the sides, and taping or reconstructing the container in any way. Refer to the Individual Country Listings for additional prohibitions for each country. Insurance is not available. Registered Mail service may be available — see 330 and the Individual Country Listings for Registered Mail service availability, limitations, and coverage.
232.12 Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International
232.121 Description
Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service — abbreviated E-USPS DELCON INTL — is an optional service available for Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes (except for the Gift Card Flat Rate Envelope) and all Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes to select destination countries at no charge. Tracking information includes the date and time an article was delivered or, if delivery was attempted but not completed, the date and time of the delivery attempt. The sender can check delivery status by going to USPS.com and clicking on the “Track & Confirm” feature.
232.122 Availability
Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service is available only electronically by using USPS-approved PC Postage vendors, Click-N-Ship, Click-N-Ship for Business, Webtools, and Global Shipping Software (GSS) or other USPS-approved software. Currently, it is available only to Canada.
232.123 Customs Label and Marking
Mailers must use an electronically generated PS Form 2976 that includes the “Post Exprès” logo (globe and chevron design) — see Exhibit 232.123.
Exhibit 232.123 Customs Label and Marking

232.124 Additional Standards
The following additional standards apply to Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service:
a. Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service may not be combined with any other international extra services.
b. Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service is not available for the Priority Mail International Gift Card Flat Rate Envelope.
c. No refunds, inquiries, or claims are offered, and indemnity is not provided.
d. Customers are not able to obtain tracking information by contacting the U.S. Postal Service by telephone.
232.125 Postage Payment Methods and Price Eligibility
Mailers may pay for Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International items by using postage validation imprinter (PVI) labels, postage meter imprints, USPS-approved PC Postage, Click-N-Ship postage, or permit imprint.
232.126 Price Eligibility
Only items paid with USPS-approved PC Postage (including Click-N-Ship) or permit imprint are eligible for the applicable Commercial Base or Commercial Plus price for the postage portion of the mailpiece. Electronically generated customs forms that are not generated with PC Postage or a permit imprint (i.e., Click-N-Ship for Business or Web
tools) are charged the retail price. Customers may apply postage with a customer meter or by taking the item to a Post Office for acceptance and payment.
* * * * *
232.9 Extra Services
* * * * *
[Delete 232.95, “Restricted Delivery.”]
233 Prices and Postage Payment Methods
233.1 Prices
* * * * *
233.13 Commercial Plus Prices
* * * * *
233.131 Commercial Plus Pricing — Eligibility
[Revise 233.131 to read as follows:]
To qualify for Commercial Plus pricing, customers must agree to all terms and conditions in a standardized agreement with the Postal Service and tender at least $100,000 per year of international shipping products. For this purpose, “international shipping products” includes any combination of Global Express Guaranteed, Express Mail International, Priority Mail International, or First-Class Package International Service items.
* * * * *
[Revise 250, currently titled “(Reserved),” to read as follows (through 255.2):]
250 First-Class Package International Service
251 Description and Physical Characteristics
251.1 General
The First-Class Package International Service™ classification encompasses the categories of international mail that before May 14, 2007, were categorized as small packets.
251.2 Physical Characteristics
251.21 Physical Standards — Packages (Small Packets)
251.211 Weight Limit
The weight limit for a First-Class Package International Service package (small packet) is 4 pounds.
251.212 Dimensions — Other Than Rolls
Packages (small packets) other than rolls must be within the following dimensions:
a. Maximum length: 24 inches. Length is the longest dimension.
b. Maximum length, height, and depth (thickness) combined: 36 inches.
c. Minimum size: Large enough to accommodate the postage, address, customs form, and other required elements on the address side.
251.213 Dimensions — Rolls
Rolls must be within the following dimensions:
a. Minimum length: 4 inches.
b. Minimum length plus twice the diameter combined: 6-3/4 inches.
c. Maximum length: 36 inches.
d. Maximum length plus twice the diameter combined: 42 inches.
251.214 Quality
Packages (small packets) must be constructed to be strong enough to withstand normal handling.
252 Eligibility
252.1 Content
Subject to applicable weight and size limits, any article that is otherwise acceptable and not prohibited by the Postal Service or the country of destination may be mailed at the First-Class Package International Service price. The maximum value cannot exceed $400. Items exceeding $400 must be mailed using Global Express Guaranteed service, Express Mail International service, or Priority Mail International service (other than the Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes or Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes).
252.2 Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International
252.21 Description
Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service — abbreviated E-USPS DELCON INTL — is an optional service available for First-Class Package International items to select destination countries at no charge. Tracking information includes the date and time an article was delivered or, if delivery was attempted but not completed, the date and time of the delivery attempt. The sender can check delivery status by going to USPS.com and clicking on the “Track & Confirm” feature.
252.22 Availability
Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service is available only electronically by using USPS-approved PC Postage vendors, Click-N-Ship, Click-N-Ship for Business, Webtools, and Global Shipping Software (GSS) or other USPS-approved software. Currently, it is available only to Canada.
252.23 Customs Label and Marking
Mailers must use an electronically generated PS Form 2976 that includes the “Post Exprès” logo (globe and chevron design) — see Exhibit 252.23.
Exhibit 252.23 Customs Label and Marking

252.24 Additional Standards
The following additional standards apply to Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service:
a. Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service may not be combined with any other international extra services.
b. No refunds, inquiries, or claims, are offered, and indemnity is not provided.
c. Customers are not able to obtain tracking information by contacting the U.S. Postal Service by telephone.
254.25 Postage Payment Methods
Mailers may pay for Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International items by using postage validation imprinter (PVI) labels, postage meter imprint, USPS-approved PC Postage, Click-N-Ship postage, or permit imprint.
254.26 Price Eligibility
Only items paid with USPS-approved PC Postage (including Click-N-Ship) or permit imprint are eligible for the applicable Commercial Base or Commercial Plus price for the postage portion of the mailpiece. Electronically generated customs forms that are not generated with PC Postage or a permit imprint, (i.e., Click-N-Ship for Business or Web
tools) are charged the retail price. Customers may apply postage with a customer meter or by taking the item to a Post Office for acceptance and payment.
252.3 Customs Forms Required
First-Class Package International Service items always require a fully completed PS Form 2976, Customs Declaration CN 22 — Sender’s Declaration.
252.4 Mail Sealed Against Inspection
First-Class Package International Service items are sealed against inspection.
252.5 Extra Services
252.51 Certificate of Mailing
Certificate of mailing service is available for purchase for First-Class Package International Service items.
252.52 Registered Mail Service
Registered Mail service is available for purchase for First-Class Package International Service items, including such items mailed as free matter for the blind or physically handicapped.
252.53 Return Receipt Service
For First-Class Package International Service items, return receipt service is available for purchase only for items that use Registered Mail service to certain destinations — see the Individual Country Listings for availability, and see 340 for preparation procedures.
253 Prices and Postage Payment Methods
253.1 Prices
253.11 Prices and Price Application — General
First-Class Package International Service packages (small packets) are charged postage for each addressed piece according to its weight and price group. For prices, see Notice 123, Price List.
253.12 Price Computation
First-Class Package International Service prices are charged per ounce or fraction thereof; any fraction of an ounce is rounded up to the next whole ounce. For example, if a piece weighs 1.2 ounces, the weight (postage) increment is 2 ounces. The minimum postage per addressed piece is that for a piece weighing 1 ounce.
253.13 Destinating Countries and Price Groups
Each Individual Country Listing shows the country-specific price group for First-Class Package International Service. For postage prices, see Notice 123, Price List.
253.14 Commercial Base Prices
A customer who pays postage with a permit imprint under 253.222, or by the online methods described in 253.231, can receive the First-Class Package International Service Commercial Base prices, which are generally less than First-Class Package International Service retail prices. For prices, see Notice 123, Price List.
253.15 Commercial Plus Prices
An approved mailer who pays postage with a permit imprint under 253.222, or through a registered end-user of a USPS-approved PC Postage product, can receive the First-Class Package International Service Commercial Plus prices, which are generally less than the First-Class Package International Service Commercial Base prices. For prices, see Notice 123, Price List.
253.151 Commercial Plus Pricing — Eligibility
To qualify for Commercial Plus pricing, customers must agree to all terms and conditions in a standardized agreement with the Postal Service and tender at least $100,000 per year for international shipping products. For this purpose, “international shipping products” includes any combination of Global Express Guaranteed, Express Mail International, Priority Mail International, or First-Class Package International Service items.
253.152 Commercial Plus Pricing — Approval
Mailers meeting the minimum revenue thresholds under 253.151 must complete an agreement with the Postal Service by contacting their account manager, or USPS Global Business via e-mail at globalcpp@usps.gov, for a commitment agreement form or for additional information.
253.2 Postage Payment Methods
253.21 General
First-Class Package International Service items may be paid with postage stamps, postage validation imprinter (PVI) labels, postage meter stamps, information-based indicia (IBI), PC Postage service, or permit imprint.
253.22 Permit Imprint
253.221 Permit Imprint — General
First-Class Package International Service shipments paid with a permit imprint through an advance deposit account are permitted only when requirements for Commercial Base prices or Commercial Plus prices (see 253.222) are followed. Postage paid with a permit imprint is subject to the general conditions in IMM 152.4 and in DMM 604 and 705.
253.222 Permit Imprint — Commercial Base or Commercial Plus Prices
A customer who pays postage with a permit imprint under 253.222 qualifies for the First-Class Package International Service Commercial Base or Commercial Plus prices, which are generally less than First-Class Package International Service retail prices. For prices, see Notice 123, Price List. The Commercial Base price applies only to the postage portion of First-Class Package International Service prices. In addition, customers must meet the following requirements:
a. Use USPS-produced Global Shipping Software (GSS) or other USPS-approved software listed at https://ribbs.usps.gov/index.cfm?page=internationalvendors that electronically transmits Customs-related functions. (To request information about either of these software solutions, send an email to
b. Pay for postage with a permit imprint through an advance deposit account.
c. Meet manifesting and permit imprint requirements under IMM 152.4 and DMM 604 and the manifesting requirements under DMM 705.
253.23 Online Postage Payment Method
253.231 Online Prices
For selected destination countries, First-Class Package International Service items qualify for discounted prices (equal to the Commercial Base price or Commercial Plus price) when mailers use one of the following online shipping methods:
a. Commercial Base Price: Click-N-Ship service, or registered end-users of an authorized PC Postage vendor.
b. Commercial Plus Price: Registered end-users of an authorized PC Postage vendor.
The Commercial Base or Commercial Plus price is automatically applied to each shipment that uses one of the above postage payment methods. The discount applies only to the postage portion of the First-Class Package International Service price. It does not apply to any other charges or fees, such as Registered Mail service or shipments made under a customized agreement.
253.232 Marking Requirements
First-Class Package International Service items claiming the Commercial Base or Commercial Plus price paid with PC Postage must bear the appropriate price marking, printed on the piece or produced as part of the PC Postage indicia. Mailers must place the applicable marking directly above, directly below, or to the left of the postage using one of the following formats:
a. Commercial Base Price, Commercial Base Pricing, or ComBasPrice.
b. Commercial Plus Price, Commercial Plus Pricing, or ComPlsPrice.
253.233 Determining Online Prices
For each addressed mailpiece, refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable Commercial Base or Commercial Plus price.
253.3 Official Mail
253.31 Mailings by Federal Agencies
First-Class Package International Service shipments that are entered by federal agencies and departments are subject to the same standards under 250 as First-Class Package International Service shipments that are entered by nongovernmental entities.
253.32 Postal Service Mailings
First-Class Package International Service shipments that are entered by U.S. Postal Service entities are subject to the same standards under 250 as First-Class Package International Service shipments that are entered by nongovernmental entities, except that U.S. Postal Service mailings must bear the G-10 permit indicia prescribed for all Postal Service official mail. See 142.2.
254 Mail Preparation
254.1 Addressing
First-Class Package International Service items are subject to the addressing requirements in 122.
[Revise the title of 254.2 to read as follows:]
254.2 Markings
The following markings apply to First-Class Package International Service items:
a. First-Class Package International Service packages (small packets) and rolls — which because of their size, shape, or configuration might be mistaken for another category of international mail — should be marked “LETTER-POST” on the address side of the mailpiece.
b. First-Class Package International Service items that qualify as free matter for the blind or physically handicapped must bear the marking “Free Matter for the Blind or Physically Handicapped” in the upper-right corner of the address side of the mailpiece. See 274.2.
254.3 Sealing
Unregistered First-Class Package International Service items may be sealed at the sender’s option. Mailpieces not sealed by conventional means, such as taping the open flaps for small packets, must be closed in such a manner as to prevent the contents from falling out or being damaged during postal handling and transport. First-Class Package International Service items that use Registered Mail service must be sealed. (See 334.4 for sealing requirements for Registered Mail service.)
254.4 Packaging
The following standards apply for packaging First-Class Package International Service items:
a. Mailers must package mailpieces to withstand normal transit and handling without content or package breakage, injury to Postal Service employees, or damage to other mail or Postal Service equipment.
b. Mailers must package their contents to prevent their deterioration.
c. Mailers may use boxes, cartons, tubes, or other types of containers that are commonly used to transmit shipments that are in package form.
255 Mail Entry and Deposit
255.1 Place of Mailing
255.11 Items Eligible for Deposit or Pickup
First-Class Package International Service items bearing a computer-generated customs form with customs data that has been electronically transmitted (e.g., using Click-N-Ship service, an authorized PC Postage vendor, or the USPS Web Tools system) may be deposited through any of the following methods, provided postage is paid by a means other than the use of postage stamps:
a. In a private mailbox bearing a return address that matches the address at the point of pick up, when the customer or business is known to reside or do business at that location.
b. At a Postal Service retail counter.
c. Into a Postal Service lobby drop.
d. In a collection box.
e. At a Contract Postal Unit (CPU).
f. At a USPS-Approved Shipper location.
255.12 Items Not Eligible for Deposit or Pickup
Customers must present the following First-Class Package International Service items requiring a customs form to an employee at a Post Office retail service counter. Deposit and pickup methods listed in 255.11 are prohibited. The Postal Service will return improperly presented items to the sender for proper entry and acceptance.
a. Any item bearing a customs form and paid with only postage stamps.
b. Any item bearing a handwritten customs form.
c. Any item bearing a customs form that was not computer-generated.
d. Any item for which the customs data was not electronically transmitted.
255.2 Items Paid With a Permit Imprint
Mailers who enter volume mailings paid with a permit imprint under 253.22 must enter such items through a business mail entry unit (BMEU) or, when authorized by the district BMEU manager, through a detached mail unit (DMU) at a mailer’s plant.
260 Direct Sacks of Printed Matter to One Addressee (M-bags)
* * * * *
265 Extra Services
[Revise 265 to read as follows:]
Certificate of mailing is available. Insurance, Registered Mail service, and return receipt service are not available with M-bags.
* * * * *
290 Commercial Services
* * * * *
292 International Priority Airmail (IPA) Service
292.1 Description
292.11 General
[Revise the first two sentences of 292.11 to read as follows:]
International Priority Airmail™ (IPA®) service is available for volume mailings of all First-Class Mail International postcards, letters, and large envelopes (flats), and for volume mailings of First-Class Package International Service packages (small packets). The sender must prepare mailpieces in accordance with the shape-based requirements of First-Class Mail International service (see 240) and First-Class Package International Service items (see 250), and with the requirements of this subchapter.***
* * * * *
292.2 Eligibility
292.21 Qualifying Mailpieces
[Revise 292.21 in its entirety to read as follows:]
To qualify for IPA service, a mailpiece must meet the First-Class Mail International characteristics as defined in 141.5, or the First-Class Package International Service characteristics as defined in 141.6. Mailpieces do not have to be of the same size and weight to qualify. Any item sent with IPA service must conform to the weight and size limits for First-Class Mail International postcards, letters, or large envelopes (flats) as described in 240, or for First-Class Package International Service packages (small packets) as described in 250.
* * * * *
292.3 Prices and Postage Payment Methods
* * * * *
292.33 Postage Payment Methods
* * * * *
292.332 Postage Meter
Payments made by postage meter are subject to the following standards:
* * * * *
[Revise item e to read as follows:]
e. Unmarked Pieces. Unmarked pieces lacking the postage endorsement are subject to the applicable First-Class Mail International or First-Class Package International Service single-piece price.
* * * * *
292.333 Precanceled Stamps
Payments made by precanceled stamps are subject to the following standards:
* * * * *
[Revise item e to read as follows:]
e. Unmarked Pieces. Unmarked pieces lacking the postage endorsement are subject to the applicable First-Class Mail International or First-Class Package International Service single-piece price.
* * * * *
292.4 Mail Preparation
* * * * *
292.43 Sealing and Packaging
[Revise 292.43 in its entirety to read as follows:]
292.431 Mixed Country and Worldwide Nonpresort Price
All IPA mailpieces entered at the mixed country and worldwide nonpresort price must meet the sealing and packaging methods for First-Class Mail International service under IMM 244.3 and 244.4, and for First-Class Package International Service under IMM 254.3 and 254.4.
292.432 Direct Country Price
Mailers must meet the following sealing and packaging standards for IPA mail entered at the direct country price:
a. Letters. Letter-size mailpieces entered at the direct country price must meet one of the following requirements:
1. The sealing and packaging methods for First-Class Mail International service under IMM 244.3 and 244.4.
2. The physical standards of a machinable letter under DMM 201.3.
b. Flats. Flat-size mailpieces entered at the direct country price must meet the sealing and packaging methods for First-Class Mail International service under IMM 244.3 and 244.4.
c. Small Packets. Package-size mailpieces (small packets) entered at the direct country price must meet the sealing and packaging methods for First-Class Package International Service under IMM 254.3 and 254.4.
* * * * *
293 International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) Service
293.1 Description
293.11 General
[Revise the first two sentences of 293.11 to read as follows:]
International Surface Air Lift® (ISAL®) service is a bulk mailing system that provides fast, economical international delivery of First-Class Mail International and First-Class Package International Service items. The price is lower than for First-Class Mail International service and First-Class Package International Service.***
* * * * *
293.2 Eligibility
293.21 Qualifying Mailpieces
[Revise 292.21 in its entirety to read as follows:]
To qualify for ISAL service, a mailpiece must meet the First-Class Mail International characteristics as defined in 141.5, or the First-Class Package International Service characteristics as defined in 141.6. Mailpieces do not have to be of the same size and weight to qualify. Any item sent with ISAL service must conform to the weight and size limits for First-Class Mail International postcards, letters, or large envelopes (flats) as described in 240, or for First-Class Package International Service packages (small packets) as described in 250.
* * * * *
293.3 Prices and Postage Payment Methods
* * * * *
293.33 Postage Payment Methods
* * * * *
293.332 Postage Meter
Payments made by postage meter are subject to the following standards:
* * * * *
[Revise item e to read as follows:]
e. Unmarked Pieces. Unmarked pieces lacking the postage endorsement are subject to the applicable First-Class Mail International or First-Class Package International Service single-piece price.
* * * * *
293.333 Precanceled Stamps
Payments made by precanceled stamps are subject to the following standards:
* * * * *
[Revise item e to read as follows:]
e. Unmarked Pieces. Unmarked pieces lacking the postage endorsement are subject to the applicable First-Class Mail International or First-Class Package International Service single-piece price.
* * * * *
293.4 Mail Preparation
* * * * *
293.43 Sealing and Packaging
[Revise 293.43 in its entirety to read as follows:]
293.431 Mixed Country and Worldwide Nonpresort Price
All ISAL mailpieces entered at the mixed country and worldwide nonpresort price must meet the sealing and packaging methods for First-Class Mail International service under IMM 244.3 and 244.4, and for First-Class Package International Service under IMM 254.3 and 254.4.
293.432 Direct Country Price
Mailers must meet the following sealing and packaging standards for ISAL mail entered at the direct country price:
a. Letters. Letter-size mailpieces entered at the direct country price must meet one of the following requirements:
1. The sealing and packaging methods for First-Class Mail International service under IMM 244.3 and 244.4.
2. The physical standards of a machinable letter under DMM 201.3.
b. Flats. Flat-size mailpieces entered at the direct country price must meet the sealing and packaging methods for First-Class Mail International service under IMM 244.3 and 244.4.
c. Small Packets. Package-size mailpieces (small packets) entered at the direct country price must meet the sealing and packaging methods for First-Class Package International Service under IMM 254.3 and 254.4.
* * * * *
3 Extra Services
* * * * *
320 Insurance
* * * * *
322 Express Mail International Insurance
322.1 Description
[Revise 322.1 to read as follows:]
Express Mail International shipments containing merchandise are insured against loss, damage, or missing contents up to $200 at no additional charge. Express Mail International shipments containing only nonnegotiable documents are insured against loss, damage, or missing contents up to $100 at no additional charge.
* * * * *
322.3 Additional Coverage and Fees
[Revise the first sentence to read as follows:]
Additional merchandise insurance coverage above $200 — up to the maximum amount allowed by the country (see the Individual Country Listings) but never to exceed $5,000 — may be purchased at the sender’s option.***
* * * * *
370 International Money Transfer Services
371 International Money Orders
371.1 Description
371.11 General
[Revise the last sentence of 371.11 to read as follows:]
***International postal money orders may be sent by Express Mail International service, Priority Mail International service, First-Class Mail International service, or First-Class Package International Service.
* * * * *
372 Sure Money (DineroSeguro)
* * * * *
372.3 Fees
[Revise 372.3 to read as follows:]
See Exhibit 372.3 for the fees for Sure Money service.
Exhibit 372.3 Fees for Sure Money service
* * * * *
Individual Country Listings
Country Conditions for Mailing
* * * * *
[For each country that includes a specific Prohibition, Restriction, or Observation regarding First-Class Mail International service, revise the reference to also include First-Class Package International Service.]
* * * * *
Express Mail International (220)
* * * * *
Express Mail International — Flat Rate Envelopes and Flat Rate Boxes (220)
[For each country that offers Express Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes and Flat Rate Boxes, revise the text to read as follows:]
Flat Rate Envelopes: The maximum weight is 4 pounds.
Flat Rate Boxes: The maximum weight is 20 pounds.
Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable retail, Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.
Insurance (228.8)
Available for Express Mail International merchandise shipments only.
[For each country that offers Express Mail International merchandise insurance, revise the fee table to indicate that there is no fee for an insured amount not over $200. The fees for the other amounts remain the same. The table below is a generic example showing fees up to the maximum insured amount of $5,000 — however, some countries have lower maximum insured amounts (for example, Belgium has a maximum insured amount of $650), so revise the table for each country as applicable (i.e., up to the maximum amount for that country).]
* * * * *
First-Class Mail International (240)
* * * * *
[After the First-Class Mail International section (i.e., after “Matter for the Blind” and before “Extra Services”), insert a new section for First-Class Package International Service. For each country (except for North Korea and Somalia, as noted below), the inserted text is to read as follows — for the price group (which in the generic example below is indicated by “[x]”), use the same price group that is used for that country’s First-Class Mail International service. For North Korea and Somalia, insert only the heading “First-Class Package International Service (250)” followed by “Not Available.”]
First-Class Package International Service (250) Price Group [x]
For the prices and maximum weights for packages (small packets), see Notice 123, Price List.
Size Limits
Packages (Small Packets): See 251.212 and 251.213
Extra Services
* * * * *
International Postal Money Order (371)
* * * * *
[For each country that offers international postal money orders, revise the fee (which is on the “Maximum Amount Available” line) to read as follows:]
Fee: $4.50
[Revise the money order inquiry fee to read as follows:]
Money Order Inquiry: Fee: $5.75
* * * * *
We will incorporate these revisions into the next update of the online IMM, which is available via Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com.
— Product Classification,
Pricing, 12-13-12