IMM Revision: Reorganization of Individual Country Listings

Effective March 4, 2013, the Postal Service™ reorganized the Individual Country Listings (ICLs) in Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®) to enhance clarity, improve ease-of-use, and increase customers’ ability to find information for each country’s mailing services. Note, though, that this reorganization reflects no substantive changes.

As part of this reorganization, we have listed specific customs forms information as applicable in the section for each service (previously, general customs forms information appeared as a separate section outside the services).

With this reorganization, the order of information for each ICL is as follows (with appropriate IMM sections noted in parentheses, if relevant):

n Prohibitions, Restrictions, and Observations.

n Global Express Guaranteed (210).

n Express Mail International (220).

n Priority Mail International (230).

n First-Class Mail International (240).

n First-Class Package International Service (250).

n Airmail M-bags Direct Sack to One Addressee (260).

n Matter for the Blind or Other Physically Handicapped Persons (270).

n Extra Services (313–382)

These revisions are available in the online IMM, which is available via Postal Explorer® at