If you submitted a Semi-Annual Capital Property Certification report with all items “Found” (marked “Y”), these instructions do not apply to you; however, all offices are required to retain a copy of each Semi-Annual Capital Property Certification report for five years.
If you submitted a February 2013 Semi-Annual Capital Property Certification report with items marked “Not Found”, please complete the following:
n Print the Property Changes for Month (PCFM) report for the months of February, March, and April — this report is available in the Enterprise Data Warehouse.
n Verify that the items marked “Not Found” on the Semi-Annual Capital Property Certification report correspond with a “Full Retirement” on the PCFM report.
n After verification, sign and date the PCFM report.
n Attach the PCFM report to the Semi-Annual Capital Property Certification report and retain the documents for five years.
In the event of an Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audit of the Semi-Annual Capital Property Certification report, the OIG will ask to see a copy of the PCFM report that verifies the submitted changes were made.
If you need assistance printing the PCFM report or if you cannot verify the changes, contact your supporting Asset Accountability Service Center (AASC) for assistance:
n The Great Lakes and Eastern Areas are supported by the Chicago and Pittsburgh AASCs: http://blue.usps.gov/purchase/assetmgnt/am_aasc_chi_pitt.htm.
n The Northeast and Capital Metro Areas are supported by the Windsor and DC AASCs: http://blue.usps.gov/purchase/assetmgnt/am_aasc_wind_dc.htm.
n The Southern Area is supported by the Dallas AASC: http://blue.usps.gov/purchase/assetmgnt/am_aasc_mem_dal.htm.
n The Western and Pacific Areas are supported by the Denver and San Diego AASCs: http://blue.usps.gov/purchase/assetmgnt/am_aasc_den_sand.htm.
— Asset Management Performance and Accountability,
Supply Management, 5-2-13