Effective October 1, 2013, the Scanning and Imaging Center (SIC) will no longer accept or process PS Form 8230, Authorization for Payment, for the local purchase of goods and services. Our preferred payment options are in the following order of priority:
1. eBuy2 catalogs.
2. National or area contracts.
3. Local suppliers that accept credit cards.
In the absence of eBuy2 catalogs or contract options, local buying from suppliers who accept credit cards is required. Current suppliers who do not accept credit cards should be advised to accept credit card payments as soon as possible, if they want to continue providing products and services to the Postal Service™ past the October 1 deadline.
Current suppliers who cannot accommodate the change should be replaced by suppliers who accept credit cards. Local buyers should begin making purchases from suppliers that accept credit cards as soon as possible before the October 1 deadline.
Local buyers who have questions about replacing a supplier or using other credit card payment options should contact the Purchasing Shared Services Center at 877-293-2410.
Also effective October 1, 2013, new PS Form 2551 will replace use of PS Form 8230 for the payment of non-goods and services, such as:
n Tort claims.
n OSHA fines.
n Health Benefits 202 reimbursements.
n Office of Workers’ Compensation programs.
n Other private and governmental third-party fees and transactions.
Please do not send any PS Form 8230s to the SIC after September 30, 2013. They will be returned to your office for proper disposition. This may result in additional contract expenses and/or late payments, which will expose local offices to Prompt Payment Act penalty charges.
— SOX Management Controls and Integration,
Controller, 6-27-13