All postal retail units must submit foreign-issued (exchanged) and U.S.-issued (redeemed) international reply coupons (IRCs) accepted through December 31, 2013, and any unsold IRCs, item 330800, to their assigned destruction stamp distribution center (SDC) or stamp distribution office (SDO) as follows:
San Juan SDO (428460-0000)
Honolulu SDO (142400-0000)
Redeemed or exchanged IRCs with an expiration date of December 31, 2013 (Item Number 330800), are the only versions that will be accepted by SDCs and SDOs.
SDCs and SDOs will begin accepting redeemed, exchanged, or unsold IRCs on January 1, 2014. The due date for submission by Postal Retail Units is January 31, 2014.
n The redemption rates for all foreign-issued exchanged IRCs with an expiration date of December 31, 2013, are based on the round date stamp (on the right hand side of the coupon) and are acceptable for return to the SDC or SDO.
n Redemption Rates:
Customer-returned U.S.-issued IRCs are redeemed at 1¢ less than purchase price.
Redemption rates for U.S.-issued (redeemed) IRCs with an expiration date of December 31, 2013, are $2.09 or $2.19 if a 10¢ stamp is affixed (1¢ less than the purchase price). Handbook F-101, Field Accounting Procedures, part 11-6.6, contains specific instructions for submitting exchanged foreign-issued and redeemed U.S.-issued IRCs to SDCs or SDOs.
Do not return IRCs with an expiration date of December 31, 2009 and earlier to an SDC or SDO for any reason.
n Expiration dates are printed on the back of the IRCs.
n IRCs with an expiration date before December 31, 2009, that were not returned as advised in past Postal Bulletin articles, must be removed from the unit inventory, destroyed locally (no value), and posted as a shortage (AIC 767) to the unit reserve stock inventory. POS units must enter a count in the “Count Inventory and Cash” workflow and select “Close Credit/Transfer to Another Employee”.
n Unit reserve custodians may submit a claim for loss to the District Finance Manager following procedures in Handbook F-101, Field Accounting Procedures, subchapter 8-7, Claim for Loss. Upon receipt of an approved claim for loss, clear the stamp credit shortage (AIC 367) and offset to AIC 633, Claim for Loss; use Reason Code 10, Uncollectible Employee Items.
n Bind exchanged foreign-issued IRCs in bundles of 100 or less.
n Bind U.S.-issued refunded IRCs in packages of 100 or less (separate from exchanged foreign-issued IRCs).
n Prepare PS Form 17 (May 2007) in triplicate and annotate “IRC Return.”
n Include a shipment number or the shipment will be returned to the originating unit. Include the Destruction SDC or SDO finance number (receiving unit location ID).
n Submit copies 1 and 2 with the stock. File copy 3 with supporting documentation locally.
n Use only one PS Form 17 for all your IRCs. It is not necessary to attach the PS Form 17 on the outside of the return. The office should write “IRC” on the outside of the return package.
n Ship Priority Signature confirmation to:
n IRC Return.
n [SDC Destruction or SDO name & address].
Migratory Bird Stamps or any other stock will NOT be accepted at this time.
SDCs and SDOs must mail redeemed and exchanged IRCs (with an expiration date of December 31, 2013) received from postal retail units by February 28, 2014, to the following address:
Eagan ASC Finance Branch
Financial Reporting
U.S. Postal Service
2825 Lone Oak Parkway
Eagan, MN 55121-9617
Handbook F-101, part 12-2.8, contains specific instructions for submitting exchanged foreign-issued and redeemed U.S.-issued IRCs to the Eagan ASC.
Handbook F-101 is available on the Postal Service™ PolicyNet website:
n Go to
n In the left-hand column, under “Essential Links,” click PolicyNet.
n Click HBKs.
(The direct URL for Handbook F-101 is
— Revenue and Field Accounting,
Controller, 12-26-13