Information Security

Matter of Fax

FAXED graphic

With so much attention on Internet and email security, it’s easy to forget other forms of communication have vulnerabilities too.

The transmission report that’s automatically generated by a fax machine after a document has been sent could unintentionally allow others to see a sender’s information, according to the Postal Service™ Corporate Information Security Office (CISO).

The report indicates whether a fax was successfully transmitted. If the sender doesn’t add a cover sheet, the report often automatically includes the first page of the outgoing document. Documents that contain sensitive postal or personal information — such as Social Security numbers and financial statements — could be read by anyone if the transmission report isn’t collected by the sender.

As a precaution, CISO recommends taking the extra step of always including a cover sheet before faxing sensitive postal or personal documents.

Tip of the Day

Computer misuse. All employees, contractors and business partners on the Postal Service computer network must report any type of computer abuse — including theft, loss of data, computer security-related incidents, repetitive chain emails, Point of Service (POS) issues, phishing, and social media scams — to the Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT). Call 866-877-7247 or email or