Effective September 4, 2014, the Postal Service™ is revising Handbook EL-304, Maintenance Selection System, as follows:
n Parts 112, 113, and 115 have been updated to clarify scope and complaint processes.
n Subchapter 12 is updated to add definitions for the following new terms: Abandon, Banded Scores, Incraft Preferred Assignment Register (PAR), Postal Assessment Support (PAS ADMIN), and Rerate. The following definitions have been revised:
n Entrance Examination Rating: now distinguishes entrance examination score under the RMSS process from the old MSS process.
n Inservice Register: now distinguishes entrance examination score under the RMSS process from the old MSS process.
n Installation: adds the phrase “also known as network distribution center” to further define the term bulk mail center.
n Maintenance Examination: adds a phrase to better explain jobs for which Examination 955 is required.
n Position now reads “Maintenance Position.”
n Postal Assessment Support (PAS MSS): revised to better describe the role of this organization.
n Register Date: deletes “proctored” and the phrase “as follows.”
n Subchapter 13 is revised to add the acronym PAR, Preferred Assignment Register.
n Part 242 is revised to delete a sentence that is no longer true concerning Examination 955.
n Part 243 is revised to add item c to instruct when and how the applicant is to be notified and to include a Note to incorporate the retest rules for postal exams and adds a sentence addressing retesting.
n Section 262.3 is revised to change PAS MSS to PAS ADMIN to accurately reflect the organization with this role.
n Section 282.4 is revised to change PAS MSS to PAS ADMIN to accurately reflect the organization with this role.
n Subchapter 34 is revised to remove a note about future technology.
n Part 352 is revised to delete a sentence that is no longer true concerning Examination 955.
n Part 353 is revised to add item c to instruct when and how the applicant is to be notified.
n Part 371 is modified to add a new Exhibit number.
n Section 372.4 is revised to change PAS MSS to PAS ADMIN to accurately reflect the organization with this role.
n Part 373 has been updated to clarify information and add an email address.
n Part 452 is revised to change PAS MSS to PAS ADMIN to accurately reflect the organization with this role, and to update the second sentence regarding Exam 955.
n Part 453 is revised to change the word “send” to “provide” as relates to eligibility notifications to applicants because the Notices of Result are now electronic.
n Section 462.1 is revised to delete the word “written”.
n Part 474 is revised to include the phrase “if they apply 120 days or more after taking the test” to incorporate the retest rules for postal entrance exams.
n Subchapter 61 has been updated to clarify transfer qualifications.
n Part 723 has has been updated with a link to Handbook 353.
n The listing of Exhibits is updated as follows:
n Exhibit A-7, Interview Panel Consensus Final Rating, is updated and renamed (from Interview Panel Consensus Final Rating Sheet).
n Exhibit A8, Sample Notice of Result (for Incraft or Inservice) for Exam 955, is updated.
n Exhibit A-9, Sample Notice of Result for the MSS Structured Interview, is updated.
n Exhibit A-11, Sample Notice of Result (Entrance) for Examination 955, is updated.
n Exhibit A-12, Sample Instruction Letter to Incraft Employee or Inservice Applicant, is updated.
n Exhibit A-13, Applicant Data Collection Sheet, is updated.
n Appendix C has been updated with an email address.
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Handbook EL-304, Maintenance Selection System
* * * * *
1 Overview
11 General Principles
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[Revise the title and text of 112 as follows:]
112 Scope
Career maintenance craft positions filled under the Maintenance Selection System covered by this handbook include:
Other career maintenance craft positions, sometimes referred to as “non-MSS” positions, are filled outside of the Maintenance Selection System. Vacant non-MSS duty assignments are filled internally on either a senior-qualified basis or a best-qualified basis (see Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement, section 728), or externally as described in the collective bargaining agreement and Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement, Chapter 4 and sections 232.52 and 233. Non-MSS positions include the following positions:
n Maintenance Support Clerk, PS-07.
n Group Leader, Custodial, PS-05.
n Laborer Custodial, PS-04.
[Revise the title and text of 113 as follows:]
113 Grievance and Complaint Settlements
Grievance and pre-arbitration settlements, the resolution of formal and informal EEO complaints, and similar actions involving the MSS must be coordinated with Postal Assessment Support (PAS) and/or Headquarters Labor Relations during the investigative phase. Such coordination will ensure that settlement implementations are in accordance with the provisions of the MSS.
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115 MSS Processes
[Revise the text of 115 as follows:]
There are three different processes for filling career maintenance positions in the Postal Service: incraft, inservice, and entrance.
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12 List of Terms
[Revise the text of 12 as follows:]
Abandon. Failure to attend a scheduled examination or employee asks not to be scheduled.
Banded Scores. Refer to Article 38 for banding information.
* * * * *
Entrance Examination Rating. The examination result received by entrance applicants who apply for a vacancy. An eligible rating only guarantees the entrance applicant further consideration if the score is reached competitively.
Note: An entrance examination score from Exam 955 is transferrable to either an incraft or an inservice application to satisfy the examination requirement. Scores from the old MSS process are not transferrable to an incraft or inservice application.
* * * * *
Incraft Preferred Assignment Register (PAR). A register in numerical order for maintenance employees, listing the specific duty assignments in their current occupational group and level that they prefer over the one they currently hold. The listing of employees is by occupational group and level, using the seniority under Article 38.2.G.
* * * * *
Inservice Register. A group of eligible career Postal Service employees who have applied as a result of an inservice announcement.
Note: An inservice examination score from Exam 955 may be applied to an incraft application.
* * * * *
Installation. A main Post Office, airport mail center or facility, terminal, bulk mail center (also known as a network distribution center), processing and distribution center or facility, Maintenance Support and Repair Facility, or any similar organizational unit under the direction of one postal official together with all stations, branches, and other subordinate units.
* * * * *
Maintenance Examination. Examination 955 is used for maintenance jobs within the Maintenance Selection System.
* * * * *
Maintenance Position. A specific job in the maintenance craft.
Postal Assessment Support (PAS ADMIN). Postal Service organization that offers general examination guidance.
Postal Assessment Support (PAS MSS). Postal Service organization that offers maintenance selection system (MSS) guidance.
Register Date. A date specified by a particular application process, as follows:
n Entrance. The examination date.
n Inservice. The closing date of the announcement.
n Incraft — New to Craft. The date an employee entered the maintenance craft.
n Incraft — Newly Authorized Position. The closing date of the announcement.
n Incraft — Transfer to Another Facility. The date of an employee’s transfer.
n Incraft — Update. An employee’s original register date for the register he or she is updating.
Rerate. A request of verifying an applicant’s maintenance examination results.
* * * * *
13 Acronyms
[Revise the text of 13 as follows:]
APWU American Postal Workers Union
ASM Administrative Support Manual
EAS Executive and Administrative Schedule
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EIN Employee Identification Number
EMPS Employee Maintenance Position Selection
HR Human Resources
KSA Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
MI Management Instruction
MSS Maintenance Selection System
MTSC Maintenance Technical Support Center
NTSN National Technical Support Network
OASYS Online Assessment System
OPF Official Personnel Folder
PAR Preferred Assignment Register
PAS Postal Assessment Support
PER Promotion Eligibility Register
PS Postal Service (used only for forms)
USPS United States Postal Service
* * * * *
2 Incraft Application Process
21 Overview
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24 Step 4 — Incraft Examination Process
* * * * *
242 Conducting Examinations
[Revise the text of 242 as follows:]
Maintenance examinations are conducted in OASYS according to Headquarters’ rules and procedures for conducting examinations.
If an applicant has a Review Panel Evaluation on file from a maintenance selection system process used prior to 2009, notify the applicant that he or she will not be scheduled for an MSS Structured Interview. (See Exhibit A-5, Sample Letter — Applicant Not Entitled to New MSS Structured Interview).
243 Abandoned Examinations
[Revise the text of 243 as follows:]
If an applicant abandons the examination process (i.e., fails to attend a scheduled examination or asks not to be scheduled):
a. Note the abandonment in the employee’s maintenance file. (Before entering the notation, verify that the circumstances justify this action.)
b. Nevertheless, process abandonments in a timely manner because other applicants with the same or earlier register dates cannot receive results until all abandoned examinations have been entered in the records.
c. Notify the applicant that he or she is no longer considered an applicant for the position (see Exhibit A-6, Sample Letter-Applicant).
A candidate attempting to test for an update will be allowed to reschedule 120 days after the original exam date.
* * * * *
26 Step 6 — Incraft Results
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262 Applicants’ Inquiries
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262.3 Rerate Requests
[Revise the 2nd and 3rd sentences of 262.3 as follows:]
***When an applicant submits a signed request, the HR MSS Coordinator will review it for completeness and forward it under a cover letter to PAS ADMIN. PAS ADMIN will respond directly to the applicant with a copy to the requesting office.
* * * * *
28 Updating
* * * * *
282 Update Application Process
* * * * *
282.4 Update Examinations
[Revise text of 282.4a as follows:]
a. Must be given according to the general rules for examination disseminated by PAS ADMIN.
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3 Inservice Application Process
* * * * *
34 Step 3 — Inservice Record Review
[Revise the text of 34 as follows:]
Once the EMPS Sheets are submitted, the HR MSS Coordinator will compile a list of applicants that notes, for each applicant: examinations completed, and MSS Structured Interviews on file. This list will be made available to the Maintenance MSS Coordinators, who should process applicants on the list as follows:
a. If an applicant does not have an examination on file, schedule an examination that will take place before the MSS Structured Interview and notify the applicant.
b. If an applicant does not have a Review Panel Evaluation (MSS Structured Interview) on file, schedule a review panel and notify the applicant.
35 Step 4 — Inservice Examination Process
* * * * *
352 Conducting Examinations
Maintenance examinations are conducted in OASYS according to Headquarters’ rules and procedures for conducting examinations.
353 Abandoned Examinations
[Revise the text of 353 to add 353c as follows:]
c. Notify the applicant that he or she is no longer considered an applicant for the position (see Exhibit A-6, Sample Letter-Applicant).
* * * * *
37 Step 6 — Inservice Results
371 Posting
[Revise the third sentence of the first paragraph to read as follows:]
***Exhibit A-8 and Exhibit A-9 show the basic contents for a Notice of Result letter.
* * * * *
372 Applicants’ Inquiries
* * * * *
372.4 Rerate Requests
[Revise the 2nd and 3rd sentences of 372.4 as follows:]
***When an applicant submits a signed request, the HR MSS Coordinator will review it for completeness and forward it under a cover letter to PAS ADMIN. PAS ADMIN will respond directly to the applicant with a copy to the requesting office.
373 Union Requests for Information
[Revise the text of 373b as follows:]
b. If in doubt as to whether a disclosure which may or may not include personally identifiable information is obligatory or permissible, obtain the advice of the chief field counsel. (See Handbook AS-353, Guide to Privacy, the Freedom of Information Act, and Records Management at http://about.usps.com/handbooks/as353.pdf).
* * * * *
4 Entrance Application Process
* * * * *
45 Step 4 — Entrance Examination
* * * * *
452 Conducting Examinations
[Revise the text of 452 as follows:]
Maintenance examinations must be conducted according to the general rules and procedures disseminated by PAS ADMIN for conducting examinations. Applicants must complete Exam 955 within 14 days.
453 Eligibility Notification
[Revise the first sentence of 453 as follows:]
OASYS will provide eligibility notifications to the applicants.***
46 Step 5 — Entrance Review Panel Evaluation
* * * * *
462 Conducting the Entrance Review Panel
462.1 Eligibility
[Revise the text of 462.1 as follows:]
Entrance applicants who have passed the examination are eligible for a Review Panel Evaluation that uses the MSS Structured Interview procedures.
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47 Step 6 — Entrance Results
* * * * *
474 Additional Test Opportunities
[Revise the second sentence of 474 as follows:]
***Applicants who reapply for a job family for which they have already taken the test may retake the test or use the test score they already have, if they apply 120 days or more after taking the test.
* * * * *
6 Transfers and Position Changes
61 Qualifying for a Transfer
[Revise the text of 61 as follows:]
An incraft employee may be afforded a special opportunity to qualify for transfer to a different installation in a position covered by the MSS. The transfer position may be either a promotion or change to a lower level. The employee must meet the following criteria.
a. The employee has a letter from the office to which he or she has requested a transfer confirming his or her selection for the position pending a qualifying rating on the appropriate examination.
b. The employee has never completed the MSS process for the job family containing the position in question.
Once the criteria are met, the employee must complete an EMPS Sheet. The HR MSS Coordinator will then:
a. Tentatively schedule the examination and review panel.
b. Review the applicant’s record to verify that the examination and MSS Structured Interview are needed.
c. Cancel the examination and/or MSS Structured Interview, if one is already on file.
d. Notify the supervisor of the need to provide an evaluation if the record review shows one is needed.
e. Submit the components as they are completed.
If an applicant receives ratings for a job family as a result of this process and does not transfer to a new office, the ratings may be used (a) for transfer to a different office, (b) to place the applicant on registers or ineligible applicant lists only during the next MSS Open Season, or (c) if a new position is authorized in the office.
Note: Employees with a prior rating of ineligible for the position in question are not permitted this special opportunity.
* * * * *
7 Administration
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72 Maintenance File
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723 Requests for Information
[Revise the text of 723b as follows:]
b. If in doubt as to whether a disclosure is obligatory or permissible, obtain the advice of the chief field counsel. (See Handbook AS-353, Guide to Privacy, the Freedom of Information Act, and Records Management at http://about.usps.com/handbooks/as353.pdf).
* * * * *
Appendix A Exhibits
[Revise A-7 of Appendix A Exhibits as follows:]
A-7 Interview Panel Consensus Final Rating
* * * * *
[Revise the title and text of Exhibit A-7 as follows:]
Exhibit A-7 Sample Interview Panel Consensus Final Rating

Exhibit A-8 Sample Notice of Result (for Incraft or Inservice) for Examination 955
[Revise the text of Exhibit A-8 as follows:]

Exhibit A-9 Sample Notice of Result for the MSS Structured Interview
[Revise the text of Exhibit A-9 as follows:]

* * * * *
Exhibit A-11 Sample Notice of Result (Entrance) for Examination 955
[Revise the text of Exhibit A-11 as follows:]

Exhibit A-12 Sample Instruction Letter to Incraft Employee or Inservice Applicant
[Revise the text of Exhibit A-12 as follows:]
Dear MSS Applicant:
You were confirmed as being eligible to take Examination 955 and/or the MSS Structured Interview. To set you up in the Online Assessment System (OASYS) for Examination 955 and the MSS Structured Interview, please complete the enclosed Applicant Data Collection Sheet and return it to your supervisor. The following information must be completed on the data collection sheet:
n Full name (as shown on pay stub).
n Valid email address (please make sure this is accurate; instructions for taking the exam will be emailed to this address).
n District name and finance number.
n Home address and ZIP code (used to determine the testing location).
n Telephone number.
n Eight-digit Employee Identification Number (EIN; on pay stub).
Your information will be entered into OASYS. After your information is added, you will receive an email notification from OASYS asking you to log onto a computer and create your account. If you do not provide an email address on your Application Data Collection Sheet, an examination proxy will help you create your account at a determined time and location. If you have already taken an exam in OASYS, you will use the same account to take this exam.
To begin the exam process, follow the instructions in the email notification and in OASYS. You will be asked to schedule an appointment at a test center to take the exam. You must complete the exam within the timeframe indicated on the email notification.
An email message will notify you when your scores are available for viewing in OASYS.
Exhibit A-13 Applicant Data Collection Sheet
[Revise the text of Exhibit A-13 as follows:]
Please print the information requested. The data will be used to set you up in the Online Assessment System (OASYS).

Privacy Act Statement: Your information will be used to set you up in the Online Assessment System (OASYS) for Examination 955 and the Maintenance Selection System (MSS) Structured Interview. Collection is authorized by 39 USC 401, 410, 1001, 1005, and 1206. Providing the information is voluntary, but if not provided, your application cannot be processed. We may only disclose your information as follows: in relevant legal proceedings; to law enforcement when the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) or requesting agency becomes aware of a violation of law; to a congressional office at your request; to entities or individuals under contract with USPS (service providers); to entities authorized to perform audits; to labor organizations as required by law; to federal, state, local or foreign government agencies regarding personnel matters; to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; and to the Merit Systems Protection Board or Office of Special Counsel. For more information regarding our privacy policies, visit www.usps.com/privacypolicy.
* You can find your USPS Employee Identification Number on your pay stub.
** Make sure to include your entire email address (for example, joe@yahoo.com). All instructions to take the assessment will be sent to this email address. You may use a personal email or Postal email address. If you do not have an email address, you may use the email address of someone who agrees to receive the messages and give them to you. This person must agree to give you these messages in a timely fashion. All applicants must complete the entire assessment process within the time indicated on the email invitation; no exceptions will be made. Applicants who do not complete the entire assessment process within the allotted time will not receive further consideration for the position. If you need help identifying someone to receive your messages, you may contact your local HR office for assistance.
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Appendix C Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act Considerations and Disclosure of Records
[Revise the text of Appendix C as follows:]
Requests for Individual Records
Postal Service employees who want access to their final ratings, and review panel evaluation must submit a written request as described in Handbook AS-353, Guide to Privacy, the Freedom of Information Act, and Records Management, to the local office and/or the District HR MSS Coordinator. More information is available at http://about.usps.com/handbooks/as353.pdf.
Records Not to Be Released
a. Deny any applicant’s request for the following types of information:
(1) MSS Structured Interview Guides.
(2) Ratings of other employees.
(3) Examination materials.
b. Follow the procedures in Handbook AS-353 when you deny a request for disclosure of any record.
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We will incorporate these revisions into the next online update of Handbook EL-304, Maintenance Selection System, which is available on the Postal Service PolicyNet website:
n Go to http://blue.usps.gov.
n Under “Essential Links” in the left-hand column, click PolicyNet.
n Click HBKs.
The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.
— Organizational Effectiveness,
Employee Resource Management, 9-4-14