Publication 553, Employee’s Guide to Understanding, Preventing, and Reporting Harassment, December 2008, has been revised to add the Office of Inspector General as a source for employees to report harassment claims, updated language concerning gender identification and gender stereotyping, Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) information, and a reiteration of Postal Service™ policy of providing a work environment free of all forms of harassment.
The guide provides information about workplace harassment and inappropriate conduct. The Postal Service is committed to providing its employees with a safe, productive, and inclusive workplace. To achieve a workplace free of harassment, the Postal Service wants to make sure that every employee knows what harassment is, what to do if it happens, and what they can do to prevent it.
You can access Publication 553 online through the Postal Service PolicyNet website:
n Go to
n In the left-hand column under “Essential Links”, click PolicyNet.
n Click PUBs.
The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is
The December 2008 edition of Publication 553 is superseded by the new September 2014 edition. The publication is in the process of being printed and will be available for ordering through the Material Distribution Center at a later date. Information will be forthcoming in a future Postal Bulletin.
— EEO Compliance and Appeals,
Labor Relations, 9-4-14