Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates


ELM Revision: Reporting Requirements of Employee Noncash Tangible Awards

Effective December 11, 2014, the Postal Service™ is revising the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) subchapter 490 to update the change in reporting requirements of employee noncash tangible awards from $50.00 to $75.00. Compensation also has made the following additional revisions to ELM 490:

n ELM numbering corrections (section which was not updated when ELM 470 was revised to ELM 490).

n Correction in modification process relevant to the evaluation and approval of awards.

n Removal of incorrect ELM references.

n Addition of new award (ELT cash award) and award description.

n Correction of Postmaster General Award Limit.

n Removal of references to the Vice President/Chief Postal Inspector Individual Award as there is not historical evidence that this award existed previously.

n Added reference to the fact that there is an award to report gift certificates awarded to Inspection Service employees.

n Removed all reference to the Ideas Program (information regarding the Ideas Program will be maintained in ELM 630 only).

n Minor editorial changes and renumbering to the changing information.

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Employee and Labor Relations Manuals (ELM)

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4 Pay Administration

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490 Recognition and Awards

* * * * * 

491 Overview

* * * * * 

491.12 Policy

[Revise the text of 491.12 to read as follows:]

The Recognition and Awards Program is intended to recognize employees who have achieved outstanding performance, have superior competence, or have performed some other significant accomplishment. The program is not intended to provide incentives to employees to meet predetermined goals. The program has been broadly designed to ensure that the recognition and award needs of all organizations and functional areas are met. The awards offered range from a letter of appreciation to $12,500 in cash.

Recognition falls into seven broad categories:

a. Certificate of Appreciation.

b. Service Awards, for which noncash recognition items, such as Service Award Pins, Retirement Recognition, and Posthumous Service Certificates are awarded.

c. Informal Awards, limited to noncash tangible items valued at less than $75.

d. Formal Awards, including cash, cash equivalents, gift certificates, and noncash tangible items.

e. Special Awards, including but not limited to, the Vice President Award, the Postmaster General Award, and the Benjamin Franklin Award.

f. Other Awards, including the Contest Award for officially sanctioned Postal Service contest winners, and the Safety Award.

g. Inspection Service Awards, including cash and noncash awards specially designed for employees of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service.

Exhibit 491.1 provides a summary of service recognition and incentive rewards.

[Revise the text of Exhibit 491.1 to read as follows:]

Exhibit 491.1, Service Recognition and Incentive Awards



ELM Reference

Employees Eligible

Others Eligible


Certificate of Appreciation



Contractors and customers

Noncash recognition.col5

Service Awards

Service Award Pin




Noncash recognition.

Service Award Certificates for Retirement and Posthumous Service Recognition




Noncash recognition.

Informal Award




Noncash tangible item, less than $75 in value.

Formal Awards

Spot Award


Non-Inspection Service career


Cash, cash equivalent, gift certificate, or noncash tangible item, up to $3,000 in value.*

Noncareer Gift Certificate




Gift certificate valued from $1 to $50.

Quality Step Increase


Career bargaining unit on step schedule


Change in base pay.

Special Awards

Team Award


Nonbargaining, Non-Inspection Service career


Cash, cash equivalent, or noncash tangible item, from $50 to $2,000 in value.

Vice President Award




Cash, up to $5,000 per award.

Postmaster General Award




Cash, up to $12,500 per award.

ELT Award




Cash, up to $10,000 per award.

Benjamin Franklin Award


Designated by the Postmaster General


Noncash recognition.

Other Awards

Contest Award




Noncash items, up to $500 in value (see 626.1).

Safety Award




Noncash items, up to $500 in value (see 843).

Inspection Service Awards

Informal Award


Career Inspection Service


Cash equivalent, gift certificate, or noncash tangible item, up to $3,000 in value.

Nonexecutive Award


Career Inspection Service


Cash award up to $5,000.

*See 491.3 for descriptions of cash equivalent, gift certificate, and noncash tangible awards.

* * * * * 

491.3 Awards

491.32 Cash Equivalent Awards

[Revise the 3rd sentence of 491.32 to read as follows:]

***All cash equivalent awards must be reported in eAwards under the award category appropriate for the type of employee and reason for the award.***

491.33 Noncash Tangible Awards

491.331 Authorized

[Revise the text of 491.331 to read as follows:]

Noncash tangible awards authorized by the Postal Service are described below. See 491.332 for noncash tangible awards that are prohibited.

a. Informal Recognition, such as pins, pen and pencil sets, coffee mugs, apparel, plaques, event tickets, etc., valued at less than $75.

(1) Reporting. Individual noncash tangible award items valued at less than $75 are not normally considered taxable income and are not reported in eAwards. However, management must track all noncash tangible items valued at less than $75 received by an employee during the calendar year. If the aggregate total of all noncash tangible items valued at less than $75 received by an employee in a calendar year meets or exceeds $75, the total amount must be reported in eAwards under the appropriate noncash tangible award type for the employee category and reason for the award.

(2) Event tickets. Tickets to a specific event, game, play, concert, movie, etc., for a definite time and place that cannot be exchanged for another event, time, or place, etc., and are valued at less than $75 are informal awards and do not constitute reportable income. However, any of the preceding items valued at $75 or more, or any certificate that can be exchanged or redeemed for a ticket or tickets to an event at the time and place of the recipient’s choice, regardless of value, are considered gift certificates and must be reported in eAwards under the appropriate noncash award type (see491.34).

b. Formal Noncash Tangible Recognition, such as clothing, event tickets, merchandise, electronics, and other personal property valued at $75 or more (see 491.332). The market value of formal noncash tangible award items may range from $75 up to $3,000 depending on the reason for the award (Spot Award, Team Award, Contest Award, etc.). Individual noncash tangible items valued at $75 or more are always considered taxable income, and should be reported in eAwards in the same pay period in which they are received under the appropriate noncash award type for the employee category and reason for the award. Reporting must take place in the same calendar year to avoid tax reporting discrepancies. Noncash tangible awards are automatically grossed up by eAwards so that the Postal Service assumes the tax liability for the recipient. The additional tax liability for grossed up awards is charged to the finance number indicated when reported in eAwards.

491.332 Prohibited

[Revise the text of 491.332 to read as follows:]

The purchase of any season or partial season sporting or entertainment ticket is prohibited. The purchase of any single event ticket (sporting events, movies, and concerts, etc.) that costs $75 or more requires advance approval, in the form of an email or letter, from the Vice President, Controller.

491.34 Gift Certificates

[Revise the 1st sentence of 491.34 to read as follows:]

The value of gift certificate awards may range from $1 to $3,000 depending on the reason for the award (Spot Award, Contest Award, etc.) and employee category (career, noncareer).***

492 Certificate of Appreciation

* * * * * 

492.8 Ordering Certificates

[Revise the last sentence of 492.8 to read as follows:]

The double window service award folder is to be used when presenting a commendatory letter along with a Certificate of Appreciation (see 492.3).

* * * * * 

493 Service Awards

* * * * * 

493.2 Service Award Pin

493.21 Description

[Revise the text of 493.21b to read as follows:]

b. Signed by the Postmaster General for an employee with 50 years of service.

* * * * * 

493.24 Providing Lists of Eligible Employees

[Revise the text of 493.24 to read as follows:]

Before the end of each quarter, a list of all employees who, based on their retirement computation date, will achieve sufficient government service to qualify for a Service Award Pin during the next quarter, will be made available to the officials responsible for the administration of the program at each district, area, Headquarters, and Headquarters-related field unit office.

Note: To determine an individual’s eligibility for the Service Award Pin, federal civilian and military service that is not creditable for retirement purposes must be added to service indicated by the retirement computation date.

* * * * * 

493.26 Preparing Letters of Appreciation

[Revise the second paragraph of 493.26 to read as follows:]

For an employee with 50 or more years of combined Postal Service and federal civilian or military service, the responsible vice president or district Human Resources manager drafts a letter of appreciation to accompany the Service Award Pin and forwards it electronically to Corporate Personnel Management for signature by the Postmaster General. (See Exhibit 493.27b for a sample letter.) The eAwards system is not used for letters of appreciation that accompany the 50-year pin.

* * * * * 

Exhibit 493.27b, Sample Letter of Appreciation Employee With 50 Years of Service

[Revise the 1st sentence of Exhibit 493.27b to read as follows:]

To be signed by the Postmaster General.

* * * * * 

493.3 Service Award Certificates

493.31 Description

[Revise the 2nd paragraph of 493.31 to read as follows:]

***Retirees receive a certificate and a letter of appreciation signed by the installation or functional organization head. Retirees with 50 or more years of service receive a certificate and a letter of appreciation signed by the Postmaster General. Retirement Service Award Certificates for less than 50 years of service can be created in eAwards.***

* * * * * 

493.33 Responsibility

493.331 Headquarters

[Revise the text of 493.331b to read as follows:]

b. Administering the Retirement Service Award program for all Postal Service retirees with 50 or more years of creditable service, including the submission of requests to the Postmaster General to sign certificates and letters of appreciation from Headquarters, Headquarters-related field units, and district and area offices.

493.332 Areas

[Revise the text of 493.332b to read as follows:]

b. Ensuring that the certificates and letters of appreciation for area office retirees with 50 or more years of creditable service, to be signed by the Postmaster General, are prepared and presented in accordance with established procedures (see 493.351 for more information).

493.333 Districts and Plants

[Revise the text of 493.333b to read as follows:]

b. Ensuring that the certificates and letters of appreciation for district and plant retirees with 50 or more years of creditable service, to be signed by the Postmaster General, are prepared and presented in accordance with established procedures (see 493.351 for more information).

* * * * * 

493.35 Preparing Letters of Appreciation

493.351 Retiring Employees

[Revise the 2nd paragraph of 493.351 to read as follows:]

For an employee retiring with 50 or more years of creditable service, the area or district manager of Human Resources drafts a letter to accompany the Retirement Service Award Certificate and forwards it electronically to Corporate Personnel Management for signature by the Postmaster General.

* * * * * 

Exhibit 493.351b, Sample Letter of Appreciation Retiring Employee With 50 or More Years of Service

[Revise the 1st sentence of Exhibit 493.351b to read as follows:]

To be signed by the Postmaster General.

* * * * * 

494 Informal Award

494.1 Overview

[Revise the text of 494.1 to read as follows:]

Characteristics of this award are as follows:



Who Is Eligible


Approval Authority



Informal Award

All employees and contractors

Noncash tangible items, such as plaques, mugs, clothing, event tickets (for prohibited items, see 491.332).

Immediate supervisor

Recognizes a specific action or consistent performance of regular duties in an exemplary manner.

Less than $75 in value.

494.2 Purpose

[Revise the text of 494.2 to read as follows:]

The Informal Award provides a quick and simple method for recognizing employees and contractors who regularly perform duties beyond normal work requirements, or who have performed a specific exceptional task or action.

494.3 Description

[Revise the text of 494.3 to read as follows:]

The Informal Award is a noncash tangible item of less than $75 in value obtained or purchased locally, such as a plaque, coffee mug, an article of clothing, tickets to a specific entertainment event, or similar item. (Purchasing and reporting requirements pertaining to event tickets and noncash tangible items less than $75 in value are set forth in 491.331; prohibited purchases in 491.332.)

* * * * * 

494.7 Documentation

[Revise the text of 494.7 to read as follows:]

Management must track all informal awards presented to employees. If the aggregate amount of informal awards received by an employee during a calendar year meets or exceeds $75, the total amount of informal awards must be reported as income in eAwards under the appropriate noncash award category. (See 491.331b for reporting requirements.) The value of informal awards presented to contractors should never meet or exceed $75 in a calendar year.

495 Formal Awards

495.1 Overview

* * * * * 

Exhibit 495.1, Formal Awards

[Revise the text of Exhibit 495.1 to read as follows:]



Who Is Eligible


Approval Authority



Spot cash

Non-Inspection Service, career employees

Check issued by Accounting Services

Manager or Postmaster

EAS-22 or higher

Recognizes sustained high-quality performance that is likely to continue or a specific action or accomplishment beyond normal work requirements.

From $50 to $3,000 per award. Limit is $3,000 per employee per fiscal year.

Spot Cash Equivalent

Non-Inspection Service, career employees

Cash equivalent item purchased locally from authorized vendor

Manager or Postmaster EAS-22 or higher

Recognizes sustained high-quality performance that is likely to continue or a specific action or accomplishment beyond normal work requirements.

From $100 to $3,000 per award. Limit is $3,000 per employee per fiscal year.

Spot Noncash Tangible

Non-Inspection Service, career employees

Merchandise item, clothing, etc., purchased locally

Manager or Postmaster EAS-22 or higher

Recognizes sustained high-quality performance that is likely to continue or a specific action or accomplishment beyond normal work requirements.

From $75 to $3,000 per award. Limit is $3,000 per employee per fiscal year.

Spot Gift Certificate

Non-Inspection Service, career employees

Gift card or certificate purchased locally from an authorized vendor

Manager or Postmaster EAS-22 or higher

Recognizes sustained high-quality performance that is likely to continue or a specific action or accomplishment beyond normal work requirements.

From $1 to $3,000 per award. Limit is $3,000 per employee per fiscal year.

Noncareer Gift Certificate

Noncareer employees

Gift card or certificate purchased locally from an authorized vendor

Manager or Postmaster EAS-22 or higher

Recognizes sustained high-quality performance that is likely to continue or a specific action or accomplishment beyond normal work requirements.

From $1 to $50 per award. Limit is $300 per employee per fiscal year.

* * * * * 

495.2 Spot Award

495.21 Purpose

[Revise the text of 495.21 to read as follows:]

The purpose of a Spot Award is to provide immediate recognition for a specific action or achievement beyond what is normally expected of an employee. It is not to be used as an incentive for pre-established goals or objectives. A Spot Award may be used to recognize a wide range of performance or actions.

495.22 Description

[Revise the text of 495.22c to read as follows:]

c. A merchandise item of at least $75 in value (see 491.33).

* * * * * 

495.27 Evaluating and Approving the Award

[Revise the text of 495.27 to read as follows:]

The approving official evaluates the recommendation, decides if an award is warranted, and approves the recognition in eAwards.

When, in the opinion of the approving official, the accomplishment fails to meet the outlined criteria for Spot Award recognition or if the award amount needs to be modified, the award submission is returned to the recommender via eAwards, with comments as to why it is being returned and any further handling instructions.

495.28 Processing

[Revise the 3rd paragraph of 495.28 to read as follows:]

Noncash tangible awards, valued at $75 or more, and all cash equivalent and gift certificate awards must be reported in eAwards as income received so that (a) appropriate withholding deductions can be made from the recipient’s normal pay, and (b) the award amount may be grossed up, if necessary. The reporting of these items in eAwards should occur in the same pay period the award is presented to the recipient. Reporting must take place in the same calendar year to avoid tax reporting discrepancies.

495.3 Noncareer Gift Certificate

495.31 Purpose

[Revise the text of 495.31 to read as follows:]

The purpose of the Noncareer Gift Certificate Award is to provide immediate recognition for a specific action or achievement beyond the normal work requirements of a noncareer employee. It is not to be used as an incentive for achievement of pre-established goals or objectives. The Noncareer Gift Certificate Award may be used to recognize a wide range of performance or actions.

* * * * * 

495.37 Evaluating and Approving the Award

[Revise the text of 495.37 to read as follows:]

The approving official evaluates the recommendation, decides if an award is warranted, and approves recognition in eAwards.

When, in the opinion of the approving official, the accomplishment fails to meet the outlined criteria for Noncareer Gift Certificate Awards recognition or if the award amount needs to be modified, the award submission is returned to the recommender via eAwards, with comments as to why it is being returned and any further handling instructions.

* * * * * 

495.4 Quality Step Increase Award

* * * * * 

495.44 Comparisons

* * * * * 

495.442 Comparison to Spot Awards

[Revise the text of 495.442 to read as follows:]

The standards for a QSI and a Spot Award are similar. Employee performance is evaluated according to the conditions required under both awards to see which award is more appropriate (see 495.24). The primary difference is that the QSI changes the employee’s base salary, while the Spot Award is a one-time, lump-sum, cash award. The Spot Award may be preferable when (a) the employee is at the top of the grade or (b) group recognition is desired.

496 Special Awards

496.1 Overview

* * * * * 

Exhibit 496.1, Special Awards

[Revise the text of Exhibit 496.1 to read as follows:]



Who Is Eligible


Approval Authority



Team Award

Nonbargaining, Non-Inspection Service career employees

Cash, cash equivalent item, or noncash tangible item

Vice President

Recognizes superior team contribution or achievement deserving of system-wide recognition.

Cash, from $50 to $2,000 per team member, Cash equivalent, from $100 to $2,000 per team member, or noncash tangible item valued from $75 to $2,000 per team member. Limit of $2,000 per employee, per fiscal year.

Vice President Award

All career employees


Vice President

Recognizes superior individual contribution or achievement deserving of system-wide recognition.

Cash, up to $5,000 per award. Limit of $10,000 per employee, per fiscal year.

Postmaster General Award

All career employees


Postmaster General, executive committee members, and senior vice presidents

Recognizes exceptional individual contribution and achievement deserving of system-wide recognition.

Cash, up to $12,500 per award. Limit of $12,500 per employee, per fiscal year.

ELT Award

All career employees


ELT members

Recognizes superior individual contribution or achievement deserving of system-wide recognition.

Cash, up to $10,000 per award. Limit of $10,000 per employee, per fiscal year.

Benjamin Franklin Award

Designated by the Postmaster General

Plaque showing a bust of Benjamin Franklin and a canceled 1847 issue of a 5-cent stamp

Postmaster General

The highest award given by the Postal Service, reserved for employees in highly responsible Postal Service positions to recognize unusually significant service.

Noncash award.

496.2 Award

* * * * * 

496.22 Description

[Revise the text of 496.22 to read as follows:]

The Team Award can be any of the following:

a. A check from $50 to $2,000 issued by Accounting Services given to an individual team member (see 491.31 for an explanation of cash awards).

b. A cash equivalent product valued from $100 to $2,000, given to an individual team member (see 491.32 for an explanation of cash equivalent awards).

c. A noncash tangible item valued from $75 to $2,000, given to an individual team member (see 491.33 for an explanation of noncash tangible awards).

The amount of the award should be commensurate with the magnitude of the team achievement.

Note: Noncash tangible awards valued at $75 or more, and all cash equivalent awards must be reported in eAwards.

* * * * * 

496.24 Limits

[Revise the text of 496.24 to read as follows:]

The maximum amount for an individual Team Award is $2,000, whether it is cash, a cash equivalent item, or a noncash tangible item. The minimum cash award amount is $50. The minimum award amount for noncash tangible items is $75. The minimum cash equivalent award is $100. An employee may receive up to $2,000 in Team Awards in a fiscal year (independent of other awards received).

* * * * * 

496.4 Postmaster General Award

496.41 Purpose

[Revise the text of 496.41 to read as follows:]

The Postmaster General Award is a cash payment to acknowledge and reward superior individual contribution or achievement that deserves system-wide recognition. It is intended to recognize contributions not encompassed by basic salary, merit salary adjustments, or formal pay for performance programs.

496.42 Description

[Revise the text of 496.42 to read as follows:]

The Postmaster General Award is a one-time cash award (a check issued by Accounting Services) valued at up to $12,500. The amount of the award should be commensurate with the magnitude of the effort or achievement.

The Postmaster General Award is considered ordinary income for tax purposes (see 491.32).

* * * * * 

496.44 Approval Authority

[Revise the text of 496.44 to read as follows:]

The Postmaster General, executive committee members, or senior vice presidents must approve Postmaster General Awards, and they are responsible for establishing administrative procedures for issuing these awards within their respective organizations.

[Add new sections 496.5, 496.51, 496.52, 496.53, 496.54 and 496.55 to read as follows:]

496.5 ELT Award

496.51 Purpose

The ELT Award is cash recognition to acknowledge and reward superior individual contribution or achievement deserving of system-wide recognition. It is intended to recognize contributions not encompassed by basic salary, merit salary adjustments, or formal pay for performance programs.

496.52 Description

The ELT Award is a cash award (check issued by Accounting Services) valued at up to $10,000. The amount awarded should be commensurate with the magnitude of the effort or achievement.

The ELT Award is considered ordinary income for tax purposes (see 491.32).

496.53 Eligibility

All career employees are eligible for the ELT Award. Eligibility for the ELT Award is without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or presence of physical or mental disability.

496.54 Approval Authority

ELT members must approve these awards, and they are responsible for establishing administrative procedures for issuing this award within their respective organizations.

496.55 Processing

The ELT Award is submitted by the intended recipient’s manager or functional area executive and approved via eAwards. When the award is approved, Accounting Services generates a check and mails it to the official Postal Service address indicated in eAwards.

[Renumber 496.5 and 496.51 as 496.6 and 496.61 to read as follows:]

496.6 Benjamin Franklin Award

496.61 Description

* * * * * 

[Renumber 496.52 as 496.62 and revise the text to read as follows:]

496.62 Eligibility

The Postmaster General designates those to be honored and does not accept recommendations. Eligibility for the Benjamin Franklin Award is without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or presence of physical or mental disability.

[Renumber 496.53 as 496.63 to read as follows:]

496.63 Basis

* * * * * 

[Renumber 496.54 as 496.64 and revise the text to read as follows:]

496.64 Approval Authority

The Postmaster General has sole authority to approve this award.

497 Other Awards

497.1 Overview

* * * * * 

Exhibit 497.1, Other Awards

[Revise the text of Exhibit 497.1 to read as follows:]



Who Is Eligible

Award Description

Approval Authority



Contest Award

All career employees

Noncash tangible item or gift certificate

EAS-22 or higher

Valid winner of a qualifying contest (see 620).

Up to $500 per award.

Safety Award

All career bargaining unit employees

Noncash tangible item or gift certificate

PCES executive

Recognizes safety awareness.

Up to $500 per award.


[Delete 497.2, 497.21, 497.22, Exhibit 497.22, 497.23, 497.24, and 497.25 in their entirety.]

[Renumber 497.3, 497.31, and 497.32 as 497.2, 497.21, and 497.22 to read as follows:]

497.2 Contest Award

497.21 Purpose Award

* * * * * 

497.22 Description

* * * * * 

[Renumber 497.33 as 497.23 and revise the text to read as follows:]

497.23 Eligibility

All employees are eligible to participate in contests without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or presence of physical or mental disability. However, noncareer employees are limited to noncash tangible awards valued at less than $75 and/or noncareer gift certificates valued at $50 or less.

[Renumber 497.34 as 497.24 to read as follows:]

497.24 Approval Authority

* * * * * 

[Renumber 497.35 as 497.25 and revise the text to read as follows:]

497.25 Processing

Noncash tangible items valued at $75 or more, and all gift certificates, regardless of value, must be reported in eAwards as a Contest Award. (See 491.3 for more information on noncash tangible and gift certificate awards.)

[Renumber 497.4, 497.41, 497.42, 497.43, and 497.44 as 497.3, 497.31, 497.32, 497.33, and 497.34 to read as follows:]

497.3 Safety Award

497.31 Purpose

* * * * * 

497.32 Description

* * * * * 

497.33 Eligibility

* * * * * 

497.34 Approval Authority

* * * * * 

[Renumber 497.45 as 497.35 and revise the text to read as follows:]

497.35 Processing

Noncash tangible items valued at $75 or more, and all gift certificates, regardless of value, must be reported in eAwards as a Safety Award (see 491.3 for information on noncash tangible and gift certificate awards).

498 Inspection Service Awards

498.1 Overview

* * * * * 

Exhibit 498.1, Inspection Service Awards

[Revise the text of Exhibit 498.1 to read as follows:]



Who Is Eligible


Approval Authority



Informal Award

All career Inspection Service employees

Cash equivalent, gift certificate, or noncash tangible item*

PCES executive

Recognition of outstanding performance, superior competence, or some other significant accomplishment.

Up to $3,000 per award.

Limit of $3,000 per fiscal year per employee.

Nonexecutive Award

All career Inspection Service employees


PCES executive

Recognition of outstanding performance, superior competence, or some other significant accomplishment.

Up to $5,000 per award.

Limit of $5,000 per fiscal year per employee.

*See 491.3 for more information on cash equivalent and noncash tangible awards.

498.2 Informal Award

* * * * * 

498.22 Description

[Revise the 1st sentence of 498.22 to read as follows:]

The Inspection Service Informal Award consists of a cash equivalent, gift certificate, or noncash tangible item valued at $3,000 or less.***

* * * * * 

498.26 Processing

[Revise the text of 498.26 to read as follows:]

Inspection Service Informal Awards must be reported in eAwards under the appropriate Noncash Award type; either the Inspection Service Informal Cash Equivalent, Inspection Service Informal Gift Certificate, or Inspection Service Informal Non-Cash Tangible Award. (See 491.3 for more information on cash equivalent, gift certificate, and noncash tangible award reporting requirements.)

* * * * * 

[Delete 498.4, 498.41, 498.42, 498.43, 498.44, 498.45, and 498.46 in their entirety.]

* * * * * 

We will incorporate these revisions into the next online update of the ELM, which is available on the Postal Service PolicyNet website:

n Go to http://blue.usps.gov.

n In the left-hand column under “Essential Links”, click PolicyNet.

n Click Manuals.

The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.