Effective March 2, 2015, the Postal Service™ will revise Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail, in various sections to provide new standards for the mailing of lithium batteries.
These revisions were initially announced via a notice in the Federal Register on January 26, 2015 (80 FR 3996-3998), and are being made in order to align with the Department of Transportation (DOT), Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) recent changes to regulations for the transportation of lithium batteries.
On August 6, 2014, PHMSA issued a Federal Register final rule (79 FR 46012-46040) titled “Hazardous Materials: Transportation of Lithium Batteries” in which it describes new requirements governing the shipment of lithium cells and batteries for both air and surface transportation. In this final rule, PHMSA revises hazard communication and packaging provisions for lithium batteries and harmonizes the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) with applicable provisions of the United Nations (UN) Model Regulations, the International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO Technical Instructions) and the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code.
With these revisions, the Postal Service aligns with PHMSA and the other regulatory entities noted above with regard to:
n Use of terminology describing lithium content with watt-hours for lithium-ion cells and batteries;
n Adoption of separate shipping descriptions for lithium metal batteries and lithium-ion batteries;
n New requirements for the transport of small lithium cells and batteries contained in equipment; and
n New marking requirements and options for lithium batteries installed in equipment, packaged with equipment, and shipped without equipment.
In the development of mailing standards for lithium cells and batteries in air transportation, the Postal Service aligns with PHMSA regulations applicable to passenger aircraft, as Postal Service products eligible for transportation by air continue to have the potential to be placed on passenger aircraft.
The Postal Service also adds a new definitions section and revises its terminology with regard to lithium cells and batteries to better reflect what is commonly used in the industry and by other regulatory agencies.
The Postal Service clarifies that labels commonly used with other transportation providers are not permitted on mailpieces containing lithium batteries installed in equipment, when these mailpieces are intended for international mail. It has been a common practice for some high volume lithium battery shippers to preprint DOT-approved lithium battery handling labels on all of their packaging, including those intended for international mail. When mailing to international destinations, including Army Post Office, Fleet Post Office, and Diplomatic Post Office (APO/FPO/DPO) destinations, mailpieces containing lithium batteries installed in equipment must not include any markings or labels that identify the mailpiece contents as lithium batteries. The Postal Service also defines a category of very small lithium metal and lithium-ion cells and batteries installed in the equipment they operate. The Postal Service expects to modify the quantity limitations on these batteries at a future date.
(Prohibited in international mail)

With this revision, the Postal Service will not require markings or documentation for parcels containing button cell lithium batteries installed in equipment (including circuit boards) or no more than four (4) lithium cells or two (2) lithium batteries installed in equipment. For these shipments, the Postal Service will allow the optional use of applicable DOT-approved lithium battery handling labels in either domestic air or surface transportation. The Postal Service will require markings and documentation as described in this final rule for lithium batteries installed in equipment in domestic air transportation when the number of cells exceeds four (4) up to the allowable limit for air transportation of eight (8) cells.
The Postal Service will continue to allow mailings of lithium metal or lithium-ion batteries packaged with the equipment they operate, and lithium-ion batteries packaged without equipment (individual batteries) in domestic air transportation. In these instances, mailpieces must not contain more than eight (8) lithium cells or two (2) batteries, cells and batteries must be within the applicable USPS® limitations for lithium metal content or watt-hour rating, and mailpieces must bear markings and be accompanied by documentation as described below. Mailers should also note that for the purposes of mailability, when a limitation of eight (8) cells or two (2) batteries is applicable, the mailpiece is restricted to a maximum of either 8 cells or 2 batteries, not both.
In addition to the marking requirements currently described in Publication 52, lithium cells or batteries mailed with (but not installed in) equipment or mailed without equipment (individual batteries) must be enclosed in strong outer packaging, and must be marked with:
n An indication that the package contains ‘‘lithium metal’’ or ‘‘lithium-ion’’ cells or batteries, as appropriate;
n An indication that the package is to be handled with care and that a flammable hazard exists if the package is damaged;
n An indication that special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking, if necessary; and
n A telephone number for additional information.
n Mailpieces containing lithium metal batteries not installed in, or packaged with equipment must also bear a “Surface Mail Only, Lithium Metal Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Passenger Aircraft” or “Surface Mail Only, Primary Lithium Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Passenger Aircraft” marking.
n Mailers may use a DOT-approved lithium battery handling label, in domestic air or surface transportation, to meet these marking requirements, provided all required elements are included.
In addition to the marking requirements noted above, mailpieces containing lithium batteries packaged with equipment or mailed without equipment must be accompanied by a document that includes the following:
n An indication that the package contains ‘‘lithium metal’’ or ‘‘lithium-ion’’ cells or batteries, as appropriate;
n An indication that the package is to be handled with care and that a flammable hazard exists if the package is damaged;
n An indication that special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking, if necessary; and
n A telephone number for additional information.
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Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
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3 Hazardous Materials
* * * * *
32 General
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325 DOT Hazardous Materials Warning Labels
* * * * *
325.2 Mailable Warning Labels
* * * * *
Exhibit 325.2a DOT Hazardous Materials Warning Labels: PERMITTED ON MAILABLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
[Add a new hazardous warning label and accompanying footnote to Exhibit 325.2a to read as follows:]

Lithium Batteries (domestic only)
* * * * *
34 Mailability by Hazard Class
* * * * *
349 Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials (Hazard Class 9)
349.1 Definition
* * * * *
[Add a new 349.11 and 349.12 to read as follows:]
349.11 Lithium Battery — Classifications:
a. Lithium-ion cell or battery means a rechargeable electrochemical cell or battery in which the positive and negative electrodes are both lithium compounds constructed with no metallic lithium in either electrode. These batteries are also referred to as secondary or rechargeable lithium cells or batteries, and are typically used in cell phones and laptop computers.
b. Lithium-ion polymer cell or battery means a rechargeable cell or battery that uses lithium-ion chemistries and is regulated as a lithium-ion cell or battery.
c. Lithium metal cell or battery means an electrochemical cell or battery utilizing lithium metal or lithium alloys as the anode. The lithium content of a lithium metal or lithium alloy cell or battery is measured when the cell or battery is in an undischarged state. The lithium content of a lithium metal or lithium alloy battery is the sum of the grams of lithium content contained in the component cells of the battery. These batteries are also referred to as primary or nonrechargeable lithium cells or batteries, and are often used in consumer products such as cameras and flashlights.
d. Button cell battery means a small single cell round battery with the overall height less than the diameter. Button cells are used to power small portable electronic devices such as wrist watches, pocket calculators, and hearing aids, and are often installed in electronic devices as auxiliary power sources. For the purposes of mailability as button cell batteries, lithium metal batteries must contain no more than 0.3 gram of lithium content and lithium-ion batteries must be 2.7 watt-hours or less.
e. Lithium cell means a single encased electrochemical unit with a single positive electrode (anode) and single negative electrode (cathode), which exhibits a voltage differential across its terminals. For the purpose of mailability, marking, and documentation requirements, a single cell lithium battery is classified as a lithium cell.
f. Lithium battery means one or more lithium cells which are electrically connected together by a permanent means, including case, terminals, and markings.
349.12 Lithium Battery — Definitions
a. Equipment means the device or apparatus for which the lithium cells or batteries will provide electrical power for its operation.
b. Short circuit means a direct connection between positive and negative terminals of a cell or battery that provides an abnormally low resistance path for current flow.
c. Watt-hour (Wh) means a unit of energy equivalent to one watt (1 W) of work acting for one hour (1 h) of time. The watt-hour rating of a lithium-ion cell or battery is determined by multiplying the rated capacity of a cell or battery in ampere-hours, by its nominal voltage. Therefore, watt-hour (Wh) = ampere-hour (Ah) x volts (V).
349.2 Mailability
[Revise the text of item “a” to correct the first IMM reference and to add an additional reference to read as follows:]
a. International Mail. All miscellaneous hazardous materials are prohibited, except for certain magnetized materials as permitted in 349.242a and IMM 136.1g, and small consumer-type lithium batteries (installed in the equipment they operate) as permitted in 622.5 and IMM 135.6.
* * * * *
349.21 Nonmailable Class 9 Materials
The following materials are prohibited:
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[Revise 349.21e and add a new 349.21f to read as follows:]
e. All lithium batteries in international mail, unless they are within the specified limits and only when properly installed in the equipment they operate.
f. All lithium metal batteries in domestic air transportation, unless they are within the specified limits and only when properly installed in, or packed with, the equipment they are intended to operate.
349.22 Mailable Class 9 Materials
[Revise title and introductory paragraph of 349.221 to read as follows:]
349.221 Lithium Metal (Nonrechargeable) Cells and Batteries — Domestic
For domestic mailings only, small consumer-type lithium metal cells or batteries (also called primary lithium cells or batteries) like those used to power cameras and flashlights are mailable domestically under the following conditions. See 622 or IMM 136 when mailing batteries internationally or to APO/FPO/DPO destinations.
[Revise the introductory text of 349.221a to read as follows:]
a. General. The following restrictions apply to the mailability of all lithium metal (or lithium alloy) cells and batteries:
* * * * *
[Add a new 221a5, 221a6, and 221a7 to read as follows:]
5. All packaging must meet all applicable requirements specified in 49 CFR 173.185.
6. Except for mailpieces containing button cell batteries installed in equipment (including circuit boards), or no more than 4 lithium metal cells or 2 lithium metal batteries installed in the equipment they operate, mailpieces containing lithium metal batteries must bear markings that indicate that the package contains lithium metal cells or batteries; that the package is to be handled with care and that a flammable hazard exists if the package is damaged; that special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking, if necessary; and a telephone number for additional information. Mailers may use a DOT lithium battery handling label, in domestic air or surface transportation, to meet these marking requirements provided all required elements are included.
7. Except for mailpieces containing button cell batteries installed in equipment (including circuit boards), or no more than 4 lithium metal cells or 2 lithium metal batteries installed in the equipment they operate, mailpieces containing lithium metal batteries must also be accompanied by a document that indicates that the package contains lithium metal cells or batteries; an indication that the package is to be handled with care and that a flammable hazard exists if the package is damaged; an indication that special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking, if necessary; and a telephone number for additional information.
[Revise the introductory text of 349.221b to read as follows:]
b. Installed in Equipment. The following additional restrictions apply to the mailing of lithium metal cells or batteries properly installed in the equipment they operate:
* * * * *
[Revise 349.221b2 to read as follows:]
2. The equipment must be equipped with an effective means of preventing it from being inadvertently turned on or activated.
* * * * *
[Revise 349.221b4 and add a new 349.221b5 and 349.221b6 to read as follows:]
4. For lithium metal cells and batteries containing no more than 0.3 gram of lithium content, no mailpiece may exceed 2.5 kilograms (5.5 pounds). There is no maximum number of cells or batteries per mailpiece.
5. For lithium metal cells containing more than 0.3 but no more than 1.0 gram of lithium content, and batteries containing more than 0.3 gram but no more than 2.0 grams of lithium content, no mailpiece may exceed 5 kilograms (11 pounds). Each mailpiece may contain a maximum of 8 cells or 2 batteries, with no more than 1.0 gram of lithium content per cell or 2.0 grams of lithium content per battery.
6. Mailpieces are not required to bear markings or labels identifying the contents as lithium batteries. Mailers may optionally use a DOT-approved lithium battery handling label, in domestic air or surface transportation.
[Revise the introductory text of 349.221c to read as follows:]
c. Mailed With Equipment. The following additional restrictions apply to the mailing of lithium metal cells or batteries shipped with (but not installed in) the device or equipment being mailed:
* * * * *
[Revise 349.221c2 to read as follows:]
2. The lithium metal cells and batteries must be packaged separately and cushioned to prevent movement or damage.
* * * * *
[Delete 349.221c4 and 349.221c5 in their entirety and add new 349.221c4, 349.221c5, and 349.221c6 to read as follows:]
4. For lithium metal cells and batteries containing no more than 0.3 gram of lithium content, no mailpiece may exceed 2.5 kilograms (5.5 pounds). There is no maximum number of cells or batteries per mailpiece.
5. For lithium metal cells containing more than 0.3 but no more than 1.0 gram of lithium content, and batteries containing more than 0.3 gram but no more than 2.0 grams of lithium content, no mailpiece may exceed 5 kilograms (11 pounds). Each mailpiece may contain a maximum of 8 cells or 2 batteries, with no more than 1.0 gram of lithium content per cell or 2.0 grams of lithium content per battery.
6. Mailpieces must be marked and be accompanied by shipping documentation as described in 349.221a6 and 349.221a7.
[Revise the introductory text of 349.221d and 349.221d1 to read as follows:]
d. Mailed Without Equipment. The following additional restrictions apply to the mailing of lithium metal cells or batteries without equipment (individual batteries):
1. The lithium metal cells and batteries must be mailed in “the originally sealed packaging.”
* * * * *
[Revise 349.221d4 and 349.221d5 to read as follows:]
4. Mailpieces must be sent by surface transportation only.
5. In addition to the marking and shipping documentation requirements described in 349.221a6 and 349.221a7, the outside of the package must be marked on the address side “Surface Mail Only, Primary Lithium Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Passenger Aircraft” or “Surface Mail Only, Lithium Metal Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Passenger Aircraft.”
* * * * *
[Revise title and introductory paragraph of 349.222 to read as follows:]
349.222 Lithium-ion (Rechargeable) Cells and Batteries — Domestic
Small consumer-type lithium-ion cells and batteries (also called secondary lithium cells or batteries) like those used to power cell phones and laptop computers are only mailable domestically under the following conditions. See 622 or IMM 135.6 when mailing batteries internationally or to and from APO/FPO/DPO destinations.
[Revise the introductory text of 349.222a, 349.222a1, and 349.222a2 to read as follows:]
a. General. The following additional restrictions apply to the mailability of all secondary lithium-ion or lithium polymer cells and batteries:
1. The watt-hour rating must not exceed 20 Wh per cell.
2. The watt-hour rating must not exceed 100 Wh per battery.
* * * * *
[Delete 349.222a4 in its entirety and renumber the current 349.222a5 as the new 349.222a4.]
* * * * *
[Add a new 349.222a5, 349.222a6, and 349.222a7 to read as follows:]
5. All packaging must meet all applicable requirements specified in 49 CFR 173.185.
6. Except for mailpieces containing button cell batteries installed in equipment (including circuit boards), or no more than 4 lithium-ion cells or 2 lithium-ion batteries installed in the equipment they operate, mailpieces containing lithium-ion batteries must bear markings that indicate that the package contains lithium-ion cells or batteries; that the package is to be handled with care and that a flammable hazard exists if the package is damaged; that special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking, if necessary; and a telephone number for additional information. Mailers may use a DOT-approved lithium battery handling label, in domestic air or surface transportation, to meet these marking requirements provided all required elements are included.
7. Except for mailpieces containing button cell batteries installed in equipment (including circuit boards), or no more than 4 lithium-ion cells or 2 lithium-ion batteries installed in the equipment they operate, mailpieces containing lithium-ion batteries must also be accompanied by a document that indicates that the package contains lithium-ion cells or batteries; an indication that the package is to be handled with care and that a flammable hazard exists if the package is damaged; an indication that special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking, if necessary; and a telephone number for additional information.
[Revise the introductory text of 349.222b to read as follows:]
b. Installed in Equipment. The following additional restrictions apply to the mailing of lithium-ion cells or batteries properly installed in equipment they operate:
* * * * *
[Revise 349.222b2 to read as follows:]
2. The equipment must be equipped with an effective means of preventing it from being inadvertently turned on or activated.
* * * * *
[Add a new 349.222b4, 349.222b5, and 349.222b6 to read as follows:]
4. For lithium-ion cells and batteries with a watt-hour rating of not more than 2.7 Wh, no mailpiece may exceed 2.5 kilograms (5.5 pounds). There is no maximum number of cells or batteries per mailpiece.
5. For lithium-ion cells with a watt-hour rating of not more than 20 Wh, and batteries with a watt-hour rating of not more than 100 Wh, each mailpiece must contain no more than 8 cells or 2 batteries. Each cell must have a watt-hour rating of no more than 20 Wh, and each battery must have a watt-hour of no more than 100 Wh.
6. Mailpieces are not required to bear markings or labels identifying the contents as lithium batteries, however an applicable DOT-approved lithium battery handling label may optionally be applied to mailpieces in either domestic air or surface transportation.
[Revise the introductory text of 349.222c, 349.222c1, 349.222c2, and 349.222c3 to read as follows:]
c. Mailed With Equipment. The following additional restrictions apply to the mailing of lithium-ion cells or batteries shipped with (but not installed in) the device or equipment being mailed:
1. For lithium-ion cells and batteries with a watt-hour rating of not more than 2.7 Wh, no mailpiece may exceed 2.5 kilograms (5.5 pounds). There is no maximum number of cells or batteries per mailpiece.
2. For lithium-ion cells with a watt-hour rating of not more than 20 Wh, and batteries with a watt-hour rating of not more than 100 Wh, each mailpiece must contain no more than 8 cells or 2 batteries. Each cell must have a watt-hour rating of no more than 20 Wh, and each battery must have a watt-hour of no more than 100 Wh.
3. The lithium-ion cells and batteries must be packaged separately and cushioned to prevent movement or damage.
* * * * *
[Delete 349.222c4 in its entirety and add a new 349.222c4 to read as follows:]
4. Mailpieces must be marked and be accompanied by shipping documentation as described in 349.222a6 and 349.222a7.
* * * * *
[Revise the introductory text of 349.222d and 349.222d1 to read as follows:]
d. Mailed Without Equipment. The following additional restrictions apply to the mailing of lithium-ion cells or batteries without equipment (individual batteries):
1. The lithium-ion cells and batteries must be mailed in “the originally sealed packaging,” and each mailpiece must contain no more than 8 cells or 2 batteries.
* * * * *
[Add a new 349.222d5 to read as follows:]
5. Mailpieces must be marked and accompanied by shipping documentation as described in 349.222a6 and 349.222a7.
* * * * *
[Revise Exhibit 349.222 and footnotes to read as follows:]
Exhibit 349.222 Domestic Lithium Battery Mailability
Surface Transportation
Air Transportation
Mailpiece Limitations1
Lithium Metal or Lithium Alloy Batteries2, 3
Small, non-rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly installed in equipment)
8 cells or 2 batteries 11lbs.
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment
8 cells or 2 batteries 11lbs.
Without the equipment they operate (individual batteries in originally sealed packaging)
5 lbs.
Lithium-ion or Lithium Polymer Batteries4, 5
Small, rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly installed in equipment)
8 cells or 2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment
8 cells or 2 batteries
Without the equipment they operate (individual batteries in originally sealed packaging)
8 cells or 2 batteries
Very Small Lithium Metal or Lithium-ion Batteries6, 7
Exception for very small consumer-type batteries in USPS air transportation
Contained in (properly installed in equipment)
No limit on cells/batteries 5.5 pounds
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment
No limit on cells/batteries 5.5 pounds
Damaged/Recalled Batteries
Prohibited, unless approved by the manager, Product Classification.
1. When a mailpiece limitation of 8 cells or 2 batteries is applicable, a mailpiece may contain either 8 cells or 2 batteries, not both.
2. Each cell must not contain more than 1g lithium content.
3. Each battery must not contain more than 2g aggregate lithium content.
4. Each cell must not exceed more than 20 Wh (watt-hour rating).
5. Each battery must not exceed 100 Wh.
6. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell or battery must not exceed 0.3 gram of lithium content.
7. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell or battery must not exceed 2.7 Wh.
* * * * *
349.4 Marking and Documentation
Parcels containing mailable Class 9 material must be marked as follows:
* * * * *
[Revise 349.4d to read as follows:]
d. The specific marking and documentation requirements for dry ice, magnetized materials, and lithium batteries are specified in Packaging Instruction 9A, Packaging Instruction 9B, and Packaging Instruction 9D in Appendix C, as applicable.
* * * * *
6 International Mail
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62 Hazardous Materials: International Mail
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622 Mailable Hazardous Materials
* * * * *
622.5 Lithium and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries — General
* * * * *
[Revise the title and introductory sentence of 622.51 to read as follows:]
622.51 Lithium Metal (Non-Rechargeable) Cells and Batteries
Small consumer-type lithium metal cells or batteries (lithium metal or lithium alloy) like those used to power cameras and flashlights are mailable in a single shipment with the following restrictions:
* * * * *
[Revise 622.51f to read as follows:]
f. The equipment must be equipped with an effective means of preventing it from being inadvertently turned on or activated.
* * * * *
[Add a new 622.51h to read as follows:]
h. Mailpieces must not bear markings or labels identifying the contents as lithium batteries.
[Revise the title of 622.52 to read as follows:]
622.52 Lithium-ion (Rechargeable) Cells and Batteries
* * * * *
[Revise 622.52c and 622.52d to read as follows:]
c. The watt-hour rating must not exceed 20 Wh per cell.
d. The watt-hour rating must not exceed 100 Wh per battery.
* * * * *
[Revise 622.52g to read as follows:]
g. The equipment must be equipped with an effective means of preventing it from being inadvertently turned on or activated.
* * * * *
[Add a new 622.52i to read as follows:]
i. Mailpieces must not bear markings or labels identifying the contents as lithium batteries.
[Insert a new section 622.53, prior to Exhibit 622.5, to read as follows:]
622.53 Very Small Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries
Each shipment containing very small lithium batteries, when installed in the equipment they operate (including circuit boards), may contain a maximum of four lithium cells or two lithium batteries. Very small cells/batteries are mailable internationally with the following conditions:
a. Each lithium metal cell and battery must contain no more than 0.3 gram of lithium content.
b. Each lithium-ion cell/battery must have a watt-hour rating of not more than 2.7 Wh.
c. Mailpieces must not bear markings or labels identifying the contents as lithium batteries.
* * * * *
Exhibit 622.5 International Lithium Battery Mailability
[Revise Exhibit 622.5 and footnotes to read as follows:]
International APO/FPO/DPO1
Mailpiece Battery Limit2
Lithium Metal or Lithium Alloy Batteries3, 4
Small, non-rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly installed in equipment)
Maximum of 4 cells or 2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment
Without the equipment they operate (individual batteries in originally sealed packaging)
Lithium-ion or Lithium Polymer Batteries5, 6
Small, rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly installed in equipment)
Maximum of 4 cells or 2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment
Without the equipment they operate (individual batteries in originally sealed packaging)
Very Small Lithium Metal or Lithium-ion Batteries7, 8
Exception for very small consumer-type batteries in international transportation
Contained in (properly installed in equipment)
Maximum of 4 cells or 2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment
Without the equipment they operate (individual batteries in originally sealed packaging)
1 Unless otherwise prohibited by the international destination country or specific APO/FPO/DPO ZIP Code location.
2 When a mailpiece limitation of 4 cells or 2 batteries is applicable, a mailpiece may contain either 4 cells or 2 batteries, not both.
3 Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell must not contain more than 1g lithium content.
4 Each lithium metal or lithium alloy battery must not contain more than 2g of aggregate lithium content.
5 Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell must not exceed more than 20 Wh (watt-hour rating).
6 Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer battery must not exceed 100 Wh.
7 Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell or battery must not exceed 0.3 gram of lithium content.
8 Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell or battery must not exceed a watt-hour rating of 2.7 Wh.
Note: Shipments containing lithium batteries are not permitted in Global Express Guaranteed mailpieces.
* * * * *
Appendix A, Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide
[Delete references to Lithium batteries, contained in equipment (UN3091), Lithium batteries packed in equipment (UN3091), and Lithium battery (UN3090) in their entirety and insert new references to read as follows:]
* * * * *
Appendix B Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number
* * * * *
[Revise references to UN3090 and UN3091 to read as follows:]
* * * * *
[Add new references to UN3480 and UN3481, immediately below the reference to UN3475 to read as follows:]
* * * * *
Appendix C USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials
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USPS Packaging Instruction 9D
[Revise the title of Packaging Instruction 9D to read as follows:]
Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries — Domestic
[Revise the introductory paragraph of Packaging Instruction 9D to read as follows:]
Lithium metal (nonrechargeable) cells and batteries and lithium-ion (rechargeable) cells and batteries are mailable in limited quantities domestically via air or surface transportation when they are installed in or packed with the equipment they are intended to operate.
n Individual lithium-ion (or lithium polymer) batteries (without equipment) are mailable in limited quantities domestically via air or surface transportation, provided the batteries are in the originally sealed packaging.
n Individual lithium metal (or lithium alloy) batteries (without equipment) are mailable in limited quantities only via surface transportation, provided the batteries are in the originally sealed packaging.
Proper Shipping Name
[Revise the text of “Proper Shipping Name” to read as follows:]
n Lithium Metal Battery.
n Lithium-ion Battery.
ID Number
[Revise the text of “ID Number” to read as follows:]
n Lithium-ion Battery, UN3480.
n Lithium Metal Battery, UN3090.
n Lithium-ion Battery contained in equipment, UN3481.
n Lithium-ion Battery packed with equipment, UN3481.
n Lithium Metal Battery contained in equipment, UN3091.
n Lithium Metal Battery packed with equipment, UN 3091.
[Revise the text of “Mailability” to read as follows:]
n Lithium metal and lithium-ion cells and batteries installed in or packed with equipment are mailable via air or surface transportation.
n Lithium metal cells and batteries not packed with or installed in equipment (individual batteries) are mailable via surface transportation only.
Required Packaging
[Revise the sub-heading for “Required Packaging” to read as follows:]
Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Batteries
* * * * *
[Revise the introductory sentence of the first bullet under “Markings” to read as follows:]
n Lithium metal batteries properly installed in the equipment they are intended to operate:
* * * * *
[Revise the second sub-bullet and add a new third sub-bullet to read as follows:]
n For mailpieces containing button cell batteries installed in equipment (including circuit boards), or no more than 4 lithium metal cells or 2 lithium metal batteries installed in the equipment, no markings are required when mailed by air or surface transportation. Mailers may optionally use a DOT-approved lithium battery handling label, in domestic air or surface transportation. Quantities must be within the limits of 349.22.
n For mailpieces exceeding 4 lithium metal cells, markings on outer packaging must indicate:
n The package contains lithium metal cells or batteries;
n The package is to be handled with care and that a flammable hazard exists if the package is damaged;
n Special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking, if necessary; and
n A telephone number for additional information.
Note: Mailers may use a DOT-approved lithium battery handling label, in domestic air or surface transportation, to meet these marking requirements provided all required elements are included.
[Revise the introductory sentence of the second bullet to read as follows:]
n Lithium metal batteries packed with the equipment they are intended to operate:
* * * * *
[Revise the sub-bullets as follows:]
n Markings on outer packaging must indicate:
n The package contains lithium metal cells or batteries;
n The package is to be handled with care and that a flammable hazard exists if the package is damaged;
n Special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking, if necessary; and
n A telephone number for additional information.
Note: Mailers may use a DOT-approved lithium battery handling label, in domestic air or surface transportation, to meet these marking requirements provided all required elements are included.
[Revise the introductory sentence of the third bullet, and sub-bullets to read as follows:]
n Lithium metal batteries not packed with or installed in equipment (individual batteries):
n Mailable domestically via surface transportation only. Prohibited internationally or to and from APO, FPO, and DPO locations.
n Markings on outer packaging must indicate:
n The package contains lithium metal cells or batteries;
n The package is to be handled with care and that a flammable hazard exists if the package is damaged;
n Special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking, if necessary; and
n A telephone number for additional information.
Note: Mailers may use a DOT-approved lithium battery handling label, in domestic air or surface transportation, to meet these marking requirements provided all required elements are included.
n In addition, the outer packaging must be marked on the address side “Surface Mail Only, Primary Lithium Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Passenger Aircraft” or “Surface Mail Only, Lithium Metal Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Passenger Aircraft.”
* * * * *
[Revise the introductory sentence of the fourth bullet to read as follows:]
n Lithium-ion batteries properly installed in the equipment they are intended to operate:
* * * * *
[Revise the second sub-bullet and add a new third sub-bullet to read as follows:]
n For mailpieces containing button cell batteries installed in equipment (including circuit boards), or no more than 4 lithium-ion cells or 2 lithium-ion batteries installed in the equipment, no markings are required. Mailers may optionally use a DOT-approved lithium battery handling label, in domestic air or surface transportation. Quantities must be within the limits of 349.22.
n For mailpieces exceeding 4 lithium-ion cells, markings on outer packaging must indicate:
n The package contains lithium-ion cells or batteries;
n The package is to be handled with care and that a flammable hazard exists if the package is damaged;
n Special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking, if necessary; and
n A telephone number for additional information.
Note: Mailers may use a DOT-approved lithium battery handling label, in domestic air or surface transportation, to meet these marking requirements provided all required elements are included.
* * * * *
[Revise the introductory sentence of the fifth bullet to read as follows:]
n Lithium-ion batteries packed with the equipment they are intended to operate:
* * * * *
[Revise the second sub-bullet to read as follows:]
n Markings on outer packaging must indicate:
n The package contains lithium-ion cells or batteries;
n The package is to be handled with care and that a flammable hazard exists if the package is damaged;
n Special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking, if necessary; and
n A telephone number for additional information.
Note: Mailers may use a DOT-approved lithium battery handling label, in domestic air or surface transportation, to meet these marking requirements provided all required elements are included.
[Revise the introductory sentence of the sixth bullet to read as follows:]
n Lithium-ion batteries not packed with or installed in equipment (individual batteries):
* * * * *
[Revise the third sub-bullet and add a new fourth sub-bullet to read as follows:]
n Markings on outer packaging must indicate:
n The package contains lithium-ion cells or batteries;
n The package is to be handled with care and that a flammable hazard exists if the package is damaged;
n Special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking, if necessary; and
n A telephone number for additional information.
Note: Mailers may use a DOT-approved lithium battery handling label, in domestic air or surface transportation, to meet these marking requirements provided all required elements are included.
n The outside of the package must be marked on the address side “Package Contains Lithium-ion Batteries (no lithium metal).” No other markings permitted when mailed by air transportation. Optionally, an applicable DOT-approved lithium battery handling label may also be used for surface transportation.
[Revise the text of the “Quantities” section to read as follows:]
Domestic — Lithium Metal Cells and Batteries:
Installed in or packed with the equipment they are intended to operate:
n Each cell must contain no more than 1.0 gram of lithium content.
n Each battery must contain no more than 2.0 grams aggregate lithium content.
n The shipment cannot contain more batteries than the number needed to operate the device.
n Each mailpiece must contain no more than 8 cells or 2 batteries.
Individual batteries mailed without equipment:
n Each cell must contain no more than 1.0 gram of lithium content.
n Each battery must contain no more than 2.0 grams aggregate lithium content.
n The mailpiece must not exceed 5 pounds.
Domestic — Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries:
Installed in equipment, packed with equipment, or mailed without equipment (individual batteries):
n The total watt-hour rating for each cell must not exceed 20 Wh.
n The total watt-hour rating for each battery must not exceed 100 Wh.
n Each mailpiece must contain no more than 8 cells or 2 batteries.
Domestic — Small Lithium Metal or Lithium-ion Batteries
Very small, consumer-type batteries, installed in equipment, or packed with equipment:
n Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell or battery must contain no more than 0.3 gram of lithium content.
n Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell or battery must not exceed a watt-hour rating of 2.7 Wh.
n No limit on the number of cells/batteries.
n Each mailpiece must not exceed 2.5 kilograms (5.5 pounds) total weight.
Domestic Lithium Battery Mailability Exhibit
[Revise the Domestic Lithium Battery Mailability Exhibit and footnotes to read as follows:]
Surface Transportation
Air Transportation
Mailpiece Limitations1
Lithium Metal or Lithium Alloy Batteries2, 3
Small, non-rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly installed in equipment)
8 cells or 2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment
8 cells or 2 batteries
Without the equipment they operate (individual batteries in originally sealed packaging)
5 lbs.
Lithium-ion or Lithium Polymer Batteries4, 5
Small, rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly installed in equipment)
8 cells or 2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment
8 cells or 2 batteries
Without the equipment they operate (individual batteries in originally sealed packaging)
8 cells or 2 batteries
Very Small Lithium Metal or Lithium-ion Batteries6, 7
Exception for very small consumer-type batteries in USPS air transportation
Contained in (properly installed in equipment)
No limit on cells/batteries
5.5 lbs.
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment
No limit on cells/batteries
5.5 lbs.
Damaged/Recalled Batteries
Prohibited, unless approved by the manager, Product Classification.
1. When a mailpiece limitation of 8 cells or 2 batteries is applicable, a mailpiece may contain either 8 cells or 2 batteries, not both.
2. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell must not contain more than 1.0 gram of lithium content.
3. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy battery must not contain more than 2.0 grams of aggregate lithium content.
4. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell must not exceed more than 20 Wh (watt-hour rating).
5. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer battery must not exceed 100 Wh.
6. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell or battery must not exceed 0.3 gram of lithium content.
7. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell or battery must not exceed a watt-hour rating of 2.7 Wh.
* * * * *
[Add a new “Documentation” section to read as follows:]
Except for mailpieces containing button cell batteries installed in equipment (including circuit boards), or no more than 4 lithium cells or 2 lithium batteries installed in the equipment they operate, mailpieces containing lithium batteries must also be accompanied by a document that indicates:
n The package contains lithium metal or lithium-ion cells or batteries, as applicable;
n An indication that the package is to be handled with care and that a flammable hazard exists if the package is damaged;
n An indication that special procedures must be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking, if necessary; and
n A telephone number for additional information.
USPS Packaging Instruction 9E
[Revise title of Packaging Instruction 9E to read as follows:]
Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries — International and APO/FPO/DPO
[Revise the first sentence of the introductory paragraph of Packaging Instruction 9E to read as follows:]
Lithium metal (non-rechargeable) cells and batteries and lithium-ion (rechargeable) cells and batteries are mailable in limited quantities internationally or to and from APO, FPO, or DPO locations only when they are properly installed in the equipment they operate.***
Proper Shipping Name
[Revise the text of “Proper Shipping Name” section to read as follows:]
n Lithium Metal Battery.
n Lithium-ion Battery.
ID Number
[Revise text of “ID Number” section to read as follows:]
n Lithium Metal Battery contained in equipment, UN3091.
n Lithium-ion Battery contained in equipment, UN3481.
[Revise the text of “Mailability” section to read as follows:]
n Lithium metal and lithium-ion cells and batteries installed in the equipment they are intended to operate (UN3091 and UN3481) are mailable.
n Lithium metal and lithium-ion cells and batteries not packed in equipment (i.e., batteries packed with equipment or individual batteries) are prohibited.
Required Packaging
[Revise the sub-heading only of the “Required Packaging” section to read as follows:]
Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Batteries
* * * * *
[Revise the introductory sentence of the first bullet to read as follows:]
n Lithium metal batteries properly installed in the equipment they are intended to operate:
* * * * *
[Revise the second sub-bullet to read as follows:]
n No lithium battery markings permitted. Quantities must be within the limits of 622.5 and as outlined below.
[Revise the introductory sentence of the second bullet to read as follows:]
n Lithium-ion batteries properly installed in the equipment they are intended to operate:
* * * * *
[Revise the second sub-bullet to read as follows:]
n No lithium battery markings permitted. Quantities must be within the limits of 622.5 and as outlined below.
[Revise the title of the first subtitle to read as follows:]
International — Lithium Metal Cells and Batteries:
* * * * *
[Revise the title and text of the second sub-title to read as follows:]
International — Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries:
Installed in equipment:
n Each shipment may contain a maximum of four lithium-ion cells or two lithium-ion batteries.
n The total watt-hour rating for each cell must not exceed 20 Wh.
n The total watt-hour rating for each battery must not exceed 100 Wh.
[Insert a new third sub-section under the “Quantities” section to read as follows:]
International — Very Small Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries:
Installed in equipment:
n Each shipment containing very small lithium cells and batteries, when installed in the equipment they operate (including circuit boards), may contain a maximum of four lithium cells or two lithium batteries.
n Lithium metal cells and batteries must contain no more than 0.3 gram of lithium content.
n Lithium-ion cells/batteries must have watt-hour rating of not more than 2.7 Wh.
[Revise the International Lithium Battery Mailability Exhibit to read as follows:]
International Lithium Battery Mailability Exhibit
International APO/FPO/DPO1
Mailpiece Battery Limit
Lithium Metal or Lithium Alloy Batteries2, 3
Small, non-rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly installed in equipment)
Maximum of 4 cells or 2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment
Without the equipment they operate (individual batteries in originally sealed packaging)
Lithium-ion or Lithium Polymer Batteries4, 5
Small, rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly installed in equipment)
Maximum of 4 cells or 2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment
Without the equipment they operate (individual batteries in originally sealed packaging)
Very Small Lithium Metal or Lithium-ion Batteries6, 7
Exception for very small consumer-type batteries in international mailings
Contained in (properly installed in equipment)
Maximum of 4 cells or 2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment
Without the equipment they operate (individual batteries in originally sealed packaging)
1. Unless otherwise prohibited by the international destination country or specific APO/FPO/DPO ZIP Code location.
2. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell must not contain more than 1.0 g lithium content.
3. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy battery must not contain more than 2.0 g aggregate lithium content.
4. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell must not exceed more than 20 Wh per cell.
5. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer battery must not exceed 100 Wh.
6. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell or battery must not exceed 0.3 g of lithium content.
7. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell or battery must not exceed a watt-hour rating of 2.7 Wh.
Note: Shipments containing lithium batteries are not permitted in Global Express Guaranteed mailpieces.
* * * * *
We will incorporate these revisions into the next online update of Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail, which is available via Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com.
— Product Classification, Pricing, 2-5-15