Effective September 3, 2015, the Postal Service™ is revising Handbook F-15, Travel and Relocation, to reflect the change in the delegation of approval authority.
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Handbook F-15, Travel and Relocation
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Appendix C Approving Officials
C-1 Approval Authority
[Revise the first paragraph of C-1 to read as follows:]
The Postmaster General and chief executive officer delegate authority to certain management staff positions to approve travel expense reports and travel advance requests, and to approve the requests of bargaining unit employees for non-relocation travel tickets purchased via the centrally billed account travel card. The management positions which have been delegated this authority, subject to higher level approval through eAccess, include:
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[Revise the last bullet in C-1, item b, to read as follows:]
n Postmasters Level 18 and above.
[Add an additional bullet after the last bullet in C-1, item b, to read as follows:]
n EAS 17 and above employees who supervise other employees.
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We will incorporate these revisions into the next online update of Handbook F-15, Travel and Relocation, which is available on the Postal Service PolicyNet website:
n Go to http://blue.usps.gov.
n In the left-hand column, under “Essential Links,” click PolicyNet.
n Click HBKs.
The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.
— Corporate Accounting,
Controller, 9-3-15